
Well-Known Member
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Jun 25, 2018
United States
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Since this testimony is coming out of my personal faith as well as a testimony of that I thought I would put this here, in Semper Reformative forum as well as the testimony forum - my brothers in the faith might appreciate reading this in particular.

This is not my testimony of how I came to Christ. Everyone on this forum knows the basics of that - plus I've never known how to write that down cohesively, nor do I yet know.

But this - this thread is because what God does for each of us, He does to bring Glory and Honor and Praise to His Name - and God did something wonderful for me this Christmas season, to bring Glory to His Name.

I have known since the first days that I was saved that I am now in the New Covenant spoken of in Jeremiah. I know that with every fiber of my being even if some of the logistics leave me scratching my head just a little from time to time.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 Please open your Bible and read if you haven't read these passages and know them by heart already.

I doubt there's any Christian who doesn't know this is a prophecy that is already fulfilled - because this is talking about The New Covenant in Christ's Blood - OUR Covenant.

But other aspects of prophecy seem much less clear, even if we know they pertain somehow to the here and now we are less clear on what that means, and how that means. For me it's specifically Isaiah 65:24

Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.

This one I think leaves many of us with the head scratching. It might be supposed to pertain to us yet we've no earthly idea as to how. At least it has been or seemed this way to me.

God has blessed me greatly this fall - I'm talking beyond the pale. It's been like heaven just dumped a whole bucket of blessings on my head for the last two months straight - and allowed me to use some of that blessing to give back from my heart to those who helped me the most in recent years, and might have themselves needed a spark of joy in their lives this Christmas in particular.

I have been praising God for this daily - because never in all the days of my life have I been blessed like this.

Needs - actual needs - began to be met, one after the other. My prayers answered.

Of course - this certainly doesn't seem to fulfill Isaiah, these are things I've known for some time I needed - I just had no idea how I was going to swing it all and have been, for awhile, praying for God to make the way for us.

He made that way. Praise God. Amen.

Everyone, I think, on the forum here knows I'm disabled and beyond broke - but if you didn't know before well - now you do.

So I woke up tonight after midnight in a SCREAMING level of pain. Not terribly uncommon for me - it's literally become my life.

I was trying to get to the kitchen for some water without collapsing so I could take some medicine for the pain. Everyone in the house was already asleep so there wasn't anyone I could ask for help without bothering them.

I hate feeling like a bother - it's just my nature.

So I'm there struggling, silently praying God help me, as I'm walking through the living room to get to the kitchen and there, pretty as a picture, was one of those blessings God gave me, all working and put together by my husband's hand.

And suddenly - like a ton of bricks raining down on my head it suddenly hit me - in the midst of all these blessings there's a whole picture here I missed.

God has just given me something I DESPERATELY needed - and I had neither known I needed it nor did I ask for it. But though I didn't know - GOD knew, and He answered that need in spades without me even needing to ask.

In that moment it really and truly hit me, that God is doing this for me EVERY DAY, even when I don't know He's doing this - He's giving me EXACTLY what I need. Even when I think something is bad - it's actually what I needed to grow, to be, to learn - to become more and more into HIS workmanship - and not my own. And believe me when I say HIS workmanship is SO much better than anything I could devise.

Folks this is it - we are well and truly living daily inside of prophecy fulfilled!

I have this difficult time recognizing it because I get so wrapped up in what I want, my vision. My flesh.

Well guess what? My flesh just came off. I've spent the last hours balling my eyes out (due to an abundance of joy - literally a heart so overflowing with joy breaking down crying for hours and praising His Name was the only possible outlet for the overflow) and praising His Name.

Of course breaking down crying woke up the household, and while balling my eyes out I tried to explain this to my husband but he said he couldn't even translate what I was saying - hahaha. He said I was not just speaking a foreign language, but I was speaking but a completely alien one.

Haha haha.

So I'm putting this in writing to share, firstly so I can be understood (because I don't know if I'm still speaking alien or not - lol) and secondly because I know this testimony will be understood by anyone God wants to understand.

We rest in His capable Hands, in all things!

All Glory, Honor, and Praise belongs to God alone. He is creating something beautiful in every single one of His people to HIS precious GLORY - answering needs and prayer even before they can be spoken!

Rest safe now, Merry Christmas - and know God has this one! May God bless you all.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for answering our most desperate needs before we can speak them. We thank you Father for taking us, shaping us and recreating us into your image through Christ. I pray Father my most desperate prayer - that your work in me, your work in all of your people continue. Take us Father, shape us and mold us into a Temple to bring Glory to Your Holy Name. Continue Father - never stopping eternally for the Praise Of Your Glory.

In Jesus Name I pray this most desperate of prayers, Amen and Amen.