Search results

  1. FutureAndAHope

    Prayer for my idea

    Hi, I work for a company during the day, and I am planning to start a Christain computer game business. When praying about it I felt to involve other people, so I am trying to get people interested. The idea is two-fold, I to raise money for the poor, through an organization I support called...
  2. FutureAndAHope

    Christain Artist - do you wish to help?

    I am looking for people who may be interested in building a computer game. I am a Christian computer programmer with 20+ years of programming experience (but not in computer games). I have recently started to investigate games programming using Roblox. Roblox has great potential to be a...
  3. FutureAndAHope

    Christian Game Project - could you help?

    I am looking for people who may be interested in building a computer game. I am a Christian computer programmer with 20+ years of programming experience (but not in computer games). I have recently started to investigate games programming using Roblox. Roblox has great potential to be a...
  4. FutureAndAHope

    Little prayer need met

    Just thought I would share a little testimony. We had to go shopping for volleyball shoes for my son. He wanted Nike shoes, and our youngest son also desired to have a pair of Nike shoes. We were unsure whether we were happy to pay for two pairs of shoes, seeing they were more a desire than a...
  5. FutureAndAHope

    Earliest Church Father's View of God

    I am starting this thread for anyone who may be interested in whether they taught free will or predestination. I am going to read every church father within the first 150 years or so, those close to the early church. Chapter by chapter. And honestly appraise what they taught regarding the free...
  6. FutureAndAHope

    Video - The need for love in our world.

    The following video talks about my thoughts on Putin, Israel, and the need for brotherly love.
  7. FutureAndAHope

    For the sake of Love

    I was praying today about some things, and the LORD showed me a few things. We often pray into our wants, or to try to prove God. But God is love. The reason He does things is to show His salvation and love. Say a person asked us to prophecy, God does not want us to prove anything, He wants to...
  8. FutureAndAHope

    The Early Church and Romans 9.

    Hope I don't waffle too much. The following video is talking about the Early Church's commentary on Romans 9, it shows a unique view of how the Apostle Paul could have been presenting the scripture.
  9. FutureAndAHope

    Writing a book on Free Will in man

    Hi all, I am currently writing a short book on Free Will in people. I am hoping for some feedback. If you have time, have a read and let me know if anything needs improvement. The book is currently in html format at: or PDF here...
  10. FutureAndAHope

    Writing a book on free will salvation

    Hi, Today I sat down and started writing a book on predestination vs free will, called The Way and Free Will. If you have time have a read and let me know if it is lacking any content you would like to see. It can be found at The Way and Free Will in its current version.
  11. FutureAndAHope


    There are many opinions on the foreknowledge of God. I will list the ones I know, if you know of others let me know. After reading this cast your vote. God does not know the future, due to free will in man, but He can control it. This idea is supported by scriptures like: Gen 6:5-7 Then the...
  12. FutureAndAHope

    God said what?

    Calvinism presents the idea that God has chosen a group of people for damnation. In the same way, He chose and elected a group for salvation. This group chosen for damnation can never be saved according to Calvanism's teaching. God created them to display His wrath. Now if this were true, fine...
  13. FutureAndAHope

    The woman caught in adultery

    The story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8:3-11 has been the subject of debate as to whether it should have been included in the scripture. Due to not appearing in all versions of the original text. I came across something quite interesting when reading the Early Church Fathers. Papias...
  14. FutureAndAHope

    Having an operation? What helped me.

    Over the past few days I have been in for a big bowel operation, where the lower half of my bowel was removed. I thought I would share this experience here, and how faith in God can greatly assist us. Many people were praying for me, and prayer is powerful it can speed up difficult procedures...
  15. FutureAndAHope

    Prophets saying, "Jesus told them about the Rapture".

    I am so shocked at the number of people who claim prophetic ability claiming Jesus gave them some form of revelation about the rapture. When the fact is the rapture is not supported in scripture. To me, this is a warning bell. The church needs to be prepared for suffering, not candy-coated...
  16. FutureAndAHope

    If you are a Christian don't be afraid to pray

    I received healing today. So I would like to encourage you to not fear praying for people who are sick. The following I posted in the praise reports: I would like to give the LORD praise for something that happened to me today. Over the last few days, I have had pain and weakness in one of my...
  17. FutureAndAHope

    Healing of weak right arm

    I would like to give the LORD praise for something that happened to me today. Over the last few days, I have had pain and weakness in one of my arms. It has happened before, and when I went to the doctor last time it occurred they told me I had a degenerative disease in my back and shoulder...
  18. FutureAndAHope

    Three interconnected dreams, do you have any insight that could help me?

    I have posted about these dreams before. I had them around 5-7 years ago, and some of the content of them has come to pass (like the war with Russia). I would like to put them up, to see if you have any insight into what the "hard parts" of the dreams mean. I had some dreams some 5-7 years ago...
  19. FutureAndAHope

    What direction would you take?

    I have a fairly strong belief that we are entering the time before Jesus returns. I am not putting a date on it, but just a general extra urgency of the shortness of time. I say this due to dreams I had around 7 years ago, in the dreams, which were filled with light, and very vivid, I was told...
  20. FutureAndAHope

    Outreach Direction

    I feel there is a general need in our communities for outreach. I have done some in the past, mainly letterbox drops, and some door-to-door. But I desire to be effective. Could you pray with me that the LORD would give me direction as to how to effectively witness to those around me. Also that...