Feb 2, 2024
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Generally it’s been taught that the antichrist is going to declare himself to be God in some rebuilt Jewish temple, but I’m wondering how a rebuilt Jewish temple would even be legit?

I have a theory: our bodies are the temple of God. Old Testament things foreshadow future events. What if Antiochus Epiphanes’ defilement of the Jewish temple foreshadows the antichrist defiling our bodies with some idolatrous mark/implant.

This would also make sense because Satan has his counterfeit trinity, and it would be in the same spirit to try and counterfeit the Holy Spirit.
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Feb 2, 2024
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Generally it’s been taught that the antichrist is going to declare himself to be God in some rebuilt Jewish temple, but I’m wondering how a rebuilt Jewish temple would even be legit?

I have a theory: our bodies are the temple of God. Old Testament things foreshadow future events. What if Antiochus Epiphanes’ defilement of the Jewish temple foreshadows the antichrist defiling our bodies with some idolatrous mark/implant.

This would also make sense because Satan has his counterfeit trinity, and it would be in the same spirit to try and counterfeit the Holy Spirit.
Not to mention blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. Isn’t taking the mark also? Would make sense if they are conflated.
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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Actually it is: the king of the north/man of sin/beast from the sea (all the same person) that sets themselves up in the tribulation temple, proclaiming to be God.

The false prophet/antichrist/beast from the land brings worship to the the king of the north/man of sin/beast from the sea.
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Oct 18, 2023
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Generally it’s been taught that the antichrist is going to declare himself to be God in some rebuilt Jewish temple, but I’m wondering how a rebuilt Jewish temple would even be legit?

I have a theory: our bodies are the temple of God. Old Testament things foreshadow future events. What if Antiochus Epiphanes’ defilement of the Jewish temple foreshadows the antichrist defiling our bodies with some idolatrous mark/implant.

This would also make sense because Satan has his counterfeit trinity, and it would be in the same spirit to try and counterfeit the Holy Spirit.
For starters, most people get all this wrong, the listen to Paul, who was not the Prophecy guy per se, John was. I think Paul deduced that it would be the A,C. but it can not be him. It is the False Prophet a Jewish High Priest gone rogue. How did I figure that out? Via my Exegesis of Dan. 11 & 12. You see in vs. 22 I saw a pious high priest named Onias II being killed via my studies (Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and Antiochus are all in there.......as is this man Onias III)

Dan. 11:22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. ( Onias III was killed when his brother Jason (real name Yeshua) bribed Antiochus to be named the High Priest, having Onias III killed and he then welcomed Antiochus into the temple to sacrifice a pig unto Zeus, AND he also "Mandated that all Jews become Hellenized" or take on the Greek culture and Greek ways. This led to the Maccabean Revolt. )

So, we had the Archetype Anti-Christ and his Archetype False Prophet both living at the same time over 2100 years ago. So, when everything goes down, if one understand these three numbers, the 1335, 1290 and 1260, they can see everything play out and understand what all will happen.

The 1290 can not be the Anti-Christ because that happens 1290 days before the 2nd coming. The 1260 is when the DOTL (Asteroid/God's Wrath) hits, this is when the A.C. is allowed to go forth conquering, this only happens 1260 days before the 2nd coming, so the A.C. has nothing to do with the 1290 events, except from afar, he CAUSES.........................how so? Well, the Covenant or AGREEMENT in Dan. 9:27 is this, Israel will join the E.U. and that kicks everything off, the Rapture and the 70th week. So, Israel is politically tied to the E.U. and thus just like Hawaii or Florida, or Utah would have to have a GIVE & TAKE with the Federal Gov. on anything that is seen as important, or the President would hold much political sway with any Gov. likewise, this E.U. President will find it easy to sway this "Jewish High Priest" no doubt he hates the fact that 1/3 of the Jews repent and come to Jesus just before the DOTL arrives (see Zech. 13:8-9 we see 1/3 repent, then one verse later in Zech. 14:1 the DOTL arrives, no kidding). So, the 1335 is the Two-witnesses Blessing and that comes 1335 days before the 2nd coming, the Two-witnesses show up to turn Israel back unto God, see Malachi 4:5-6 it says so, Elijah is sent back BEFORE the DOTL.

Now the 1290 being the False Prophet makes sense, how could Israel get a SIGN to Flee Judea unto safety if they were already conquered by the A.C.? Makes no sense right? But if the A.C. conquers them 30 days after the 1290, that makes perfect sense. The False Prophet, a Jewish High Priest, one who hates to see Jews worshiping Jesus will put forth an edict that reads as such, no one will be allowed to enter the Temple to Worship Jesus Christ (He TAKES AWAY.......The real Sacrifice or FORBIDS Jesus Worship) and then he cheekily places an IMAGE of the E.U. President up in the temple.

By the way, both the Beast and the Two-witnesses have 1260 day ordained by God offices on earth right? So, how can the Two-witnesses DIE at the 2nd Woe, whilst the Beast DIES at the 7th Vial (which come later) unless the Two-witnesses show up first? That's the only way the math works.

So, your hunch is correct about Antiochus, but no one ever thinks this through, if we get a SHADOW it has to be TWO PEOPLE, not just the Beast. The 1290 is the Shadow of the False Prophet, but it could not be given until John in 94ish AD, because if the Jews had been told a False Prophet betrayer would one day help the enemy, then from Daniels time all the way to Jesus and 70 AD the Jews would have been killing every other High Priest out of fer, just like King Herod killed all the babies trying to kill Baby Jesus. That is why we only get the NUMBER 1290.
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CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
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Generally it’s been taught that the antichrist is going to declare himself to be God in some rebuilt Jewish temple, but I’m wondering how a rebuilt Jewish temple would even be legit?

I have a theory: our bodies are the temple of God. Old Testament things foreshadow future events. What if Antiochus Epiphanes’ defilement of the Jewish temple foreshadows the antichrist defiling our bodies with some idolatrous mark/implant.

This would also make sense because Satan has his counterfeit trinity, and it would be in the same spirit to try and counterfeit the Holy Spirit.
The mark would probably be technology, such as cryptocurrency, implanted using advanced chips that we do not yet have in 2024. Something along the lines of Musk's Neuralink.
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Jun 12, 2020
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The mark of the beast is about worship.

Revelation 13:4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Rev 13: 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Rev 13:15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has [g]the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The mark which will be either in their right hand or forehead does not represent a literal mark. It's symbolic as to who we worship. The mark on the right hand represents our actions and the forehead our decisions. The mark will be received in two ways. In the forehead- those who knows what they are doing and does it anyway (like Adam) and by the hand- doesn't know they are being deceived but is (like Eve).

It brings us to this.

Deut 6:5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

Jesus taught us what false worship is and that is keeping our rules over the commandments of God and He quotes directly from the Ten Commandments saying when we keep our rules over obeying God's commandments- one worships in vain i.e. false worship Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:7-13

We see this play out in end times...

False worship:

Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Next verse, the antidote- True Worship

Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
The commandments of God here are God's version, not what was changed by man that we were warned about Dan 7:25 that God said He would not alter Psa 89:34

A beast is a kingdom (government) as we see in Dan 7:23 and the mark is something this beast will enforce that is contrary to God's commandments. The mark is something the beast (government) will enforce though some sort of decree, much like Daniel when the gold image was made and they were told to bow to it, breaking one of the Ten Commandments. The mark represents who we worship. Is our allegiance to the Authority of God and what He commands or by contrast the authority of the beast that is contrary to God's law found in Exodus 20 that God personally spoke and personally wrote. Exo 32:16 Exo 31:18 Who we obey is the image we take on. God's character which is found through His law or the power that wants to exalt himself above God. Isa 14:14 this power works though the beast on earth. The whole world will wonder after the beast Revelation 13:3 (so it means most are deceived) - it will be a religious and political power that exalts himself like Christ that all nations will follow and listen to over the Authority of God. The way to avoid the mark of the beast is to have God's seal Isa 8:16 which is found in one of God's commandments- the only commandment that reveals the Author of His law and Creator of everything, its the commandment this beast thought to change on their authority Dan 7:25 which they claim is above God's Authority..

No wonder God is calling us out of our false teachings Rev 18:4

Just like Adam and Eve were tested over a tree and many people think, what does a tree matter, while it was never really about the tree, it is about who we yield ourselves servants to obey- God on His authority or by default the other spirit we were warned about

That said, I do believe the beast will enforce his mark through buying and selling which could be used by a chip or something similar, the chip itself is not the mark of the beast but can be used as a way to force people to take on the mark as it controls buying and selling.
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Jan 19, 2024
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The mark of the beast is about worship.

Revelation 13:4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Rev 13: 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Rev 13:15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has [g]the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The mark which will be either in their right hand or forehead does not represent a literal mark. It's symbolic as to who we worship. The mark on the right hand represents our actions and the forehead our decisions. The mark will be received in two ways. In the forehead- those who knows what they are doing and does it anyway (like Adam) and by the hand- doesn't know they are being deceived but is (like Eve).

It brings us to this.

Deut 6:5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

Jesus taught us what false worship is and that is keeping our rules over the commandments of God and He quotes directly from the Ten Commandments saying when we keep our rules over obeying God's commandments- one worships in vain i.e. false worship Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:7-13

We see this play out in end times...

False worship:

Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Next verse, the antidote- True Worship

Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
The commandments of God here are God's version, not what was changed by man that we were warned about Dan 7:25 that God said He would not alter Psa 89:34

A beast is a kingdom (government) as we see in Dan 7:23 and the mark is something this beast will enforce that is contrary to God's commandments. The mark is something the beast (government) will enforce though some sort of decree, much like Daniel when the gold image was made and they were told to bow to it, breaking one of the Ten Commandments. The mark represents who we worship. Is our allegiance to the Authority of God and what He commands or by contrast the authority of the beast that is contrary to God's law found in Exodus 20 that God personally spoke and personally wrote. Exo 32:16 Exo 31:18 Who we obey is the image we take on. God's character which is found through His law or the power that wants to exalt himself above God. Isa 14:14 this power works though the beast on earth. The whole world will wonder after the beast Revelation 13:3 (so it means most are deceived) - it will be a religious and political power that exalts himself like Christ that all nations will follow and listen to over the Authority of God. The way to avoid the mark of the beast is to have God's seal Isa 8:16 which is found in one of God's commandments- the only commandment that reveals the Author of His law and Creator of everything, its the commandment this beast thought to change on their authority Dan 7:25 which they claim is above God's Authority..

No wonder God is calling us out of our false teachings Rev 18:4

Just like Adam and Eve were tested over a tree and many people think, what does a tree matter, while it was never really about the tree, it is about who we yield ourselves servants to obey- God on His authority or by default the other spirit we were warned about

That said, I do think the beast will enforce his mark through buying and selling which could be used by a chip or something similar, the chip itself is not the mark of the beast but can be used as a way to force people to take on the mark as it controls buying and selling.
Most certainly worshipping the beast is part of it and i agree with that but how about the verses that say those without the mark could not buy or sell? I think a physical mark would be necessary.
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Most certainly worshipping the beast is part of it and i agree with that but how about the verses that say those without the mark could not buy or sell? I think a physical mark would be necessary.
I agree, it will probably be something physical to enforce the mark- but the mark itself is about worship and who yields ourselves servants to obey Rom 6:16 Jesus would know who has His seal or who has the beasts mark, so it won't be a literal mark in the hand or literal mark in the forehead.

Think of it like the Passover during Egypt, those who had the blood of the lamb on their doors God knew them as His people, those who didn't were "marked" for death. The beast enforces the mark- God knows who has the mark and who is sealed for Him Isaiah 8:16 those who keep the commandments of God and faith of Jesus Rev 14:12 His version.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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Generally it’s been taught that the antichrist is going to declare himself to be God in some rebuilt Jewish temple, but I’m wondering how a rebuilt Jewish temple would even be legit?

I have a theory: our bodies are the temple of God. Old Testament things foreshadow future events. What if Antiochus Epiphanes’ defilement of the Jewish temple foreshadows the antichrist defiling our bodies with some idolatrous mark/implant.

This would also make sense because Satan has his counterfeit trinity, and it would be in the same spirit to try and counterfeit the Holy Spirit.
There are also views that do not teach a third temple scenario. As far as those who do teach this theological view, the whole point behind this teaching is to deceive 1/3 of Israel into thinking it has a legitimate temple. Somehow there is a tie-in to His second comming. This is the ugly truth about Dispensational Futurism which is why I do not believe it is in God's will, deception.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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The little horn person in Daniel 8 commits the transgression of desolation act of Daniel 8:12-13. It will be the temple that will be made desolate of worship and praise of the One True God.

So there will be a physical temple built on the temple mount. Also part of the desolation act, the daily sacrifice (two lambs, one in the morning, on in the evening) will be stopped, which requires the presence of a temple.

As far as the mark of the beast's name - I don't think anyone has that figured out yet, imo.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Feb 2, 2024
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For starters, most people get all this wrong, the listen to Paul, who was not the Prophecy guy per se, John was. I think Paul deduced that it would be the A,C. but it can not be him. It is the False Prophet a Jewish High Priest gone rogue. How did I figure that out? Via my Exegesis of Dan. 11 & 12. You see in vs. 22 I saw a pious high priest named Onias II being killed via my studies (Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and Antiochus are all in there.......as is this man Onias III)

Dan. 11:22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. ( Onias III was killed when his brother Jason (real name Yeshua) bribed Antiochus to be named the High Priest, having Onias III killed and he then welcomed Antiochus into the temple to sacrifice a pig unto Zeus, AND he also "Mandated that all Jews become Hellenized" or take on the Greek culture and Greek ways. This led to the Maccabean Revolt. )

So, we had the Archetype Anti-Christ and his Archetype False Prophet both living at the same time over 2100 years ago. So, when everything goes down, if one understand these three numbers, the 1335, 1290 and 1260, they can see everything play out and understand what all will happen.

The 1290 can not be the Anti-Christ because that happens 1290 days before the 2nd coming. The 1260 is when the DOTL (Asteroid/God's Wrath) hits, this is when the A.C. is allowed to go forth conquering, this only happens 1260 days before the 2nd coming, so the A.C. has nothing to do with the 1290 events, except from afar, he CAUSES.........................how so? Well, the Covenant or AGREEMENT in Dan. 9:27 is this, Israel will join the E.U. and that kicks everything off, the Rapture and the 70th week. So, Israel is politically tied to the E.U. and thus just like Hawaii or Florida, or Utah would have to have a GIVE & TAKE with the Federal Gov. on anything that is seen as important, or the President would hold much political sway with any Gov. likewise, this E.U. President will find it easy to sway this "Jewish High Priest" no doubt he hates the fact that 1/3 of the Jews repent and come to Jesus just before the DOTL arrives (see Zech. 13:8-9 we see 1/3 repent, then one verse later in Zech. 14:1 the DOTL arrives, no kidding). So, the 1335 is the Two-witnesses Blessing and that comes 1335 days before the 2nd coming, the Two-witnesses show up to turn Israel back unto God, see Malachi 4:5-6 it says so, Elijah is sent back BEFORE the DOTL.

Now the 1290 being the False Prophet makes sense, how could Israel get a SIGN to Flee Judea unto safety if they were already conquered by the A.C.? Makes no sense right? But if the A.C. conquers them 30 days after the 1290, that makes perfect sense. The False Prophet, a Jewish High Priest, one who hates to see Jews worshiping Jesus will put forth an edict that reads as such, no one will be allowed to enter the Temple to Worship Jesus Christ (He TAKES AWAY.......The real Sacrifice or FORBIDS Jesus Worship) and then he cheekily places an IMAGE of the E.U. President up in the temple.

By the way, both the Beast and the Two-witnesses have 1260 day ordained by God offices on earth right? So, how can the Two-witnesses DIE at the 2nd Woe, whilst the Beast DIES at the 7th Vial (which come later) unless the Two-witnesses show up first? That's the only way the math works.

So, your hunch is correct about Antiochus, but no one ever thinks this through, if we get a SHADOW it has to be TWO PEOPLE, not just the Beast. The 1290 is the Shadow of the False Prophet, but it could not be given until John in 94ish AD, because if the Jews had been told a False Prophet betrayer would one day help the enemy, then from Daniels time all the way to Jesus and 70 AD the Jews would have been killing every other High Priest out of fer, just like King Herod killed all the babies trying to kill Baby Jesus. That is why we only get the NUMBER 1290.
Paul’s writings are Scripture
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Mar 6, 2024
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Generally it’s been taught that the antichrist is going to declare himself to be God in some rebuilt Jewish temple, but I’m wondering how a rebuilt Jewish temple would even be legit?

The so called 'Third Temple' is one of many theories I do not believe is necessary to fulfill Prophecy.

I have a theory: our bodies are the temple of God.

You got it. :)

Old Testament things foreshadow future events. What if Antiochus Epiphanes’ defilement of the Jewish temple foreshadows the antichrist defiling our bodies with some idolatrous mark/implant.

Sounds logical to me. :)

This would also make sense because Satan has his counterfeit trinity, and it would be in the same spirit to try and counterfeit the Holy Spirit.

Exactly. :)

I will add my opinion:

The Mark of the Beast is Transhumanism. It is the ultimate blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. The Kingdom of God is the Word of God blueprints in the Soul.

Anyone who tampers with their original blueprints that God gave them are in danger of losing their Salvation. Never add or take away from God's Book...

Revelation 22:18-19
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

  • Our right hands identify us through fingerprints and palmprints.
  • Our foreheads identify us through facial recognition features.
Any significant alteration to one's Genome will give them a new set of fingerprints and facial recognition features. In other words, a Mark and a NEW IDENTITY.

It is all about identification at the DNA level. If someone changes their identity enough, how will God recognize them?

Matthew 7:23
"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Get it?
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Oct 18, 2023
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Paul’s writings are Scripture
They were LETTERS unto Churches. So Paul never intended them to be thus saith the Lord. The RCC made them scriptures. Not saying we can't learn from them, but it is not like a Prophets "Thus Saith the Lord" books, like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel. I bet we could find letters they wrote bible that would not be "Thus saith the Lord" material.

The A.C. is not the one spoken about at the 1290 AoD. He only comes on the scene 30 days later. So, whilst he may eventually "stand in the temple" I do not think Jesus says that whilst reading Matt. 24:15-16, he says this instead.

Matt. 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

Sounds more like a Graven Image, not a PERSON right? And guess what Rev, 13 agrees with me on both accounts, its a IMAGE and it is placed there by the FALSE PROPHET. (Not the A.C./Beast)

Rev. 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth;(Jewish High Priest False Prophet) and he had two horns like a lamb(Religious figure), and he spake as a dragon(Throws in with Satan's A.C.).

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

The 2nd Beast PLACES the AoD, I think that should be very, very clesr by now, and this IMAGE of the Beast (Not the Beast himself) SPEAKS...........It is some sort of Graven Image made by A.I. that Speaks.

It is not the Anti-Christ Himself.
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Dec 19, 2022
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Paul’s writings are Scripture
Jesus taught Paul.
And the other messengers of God.
Whoever rejects God's Word, rejects Paul and the other messengers of God,
and whoever rejects God's Word, rejects Jesus!
Bad bad bad.....
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Dec 19, 2022
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Here a mark, there a mark, every where a mark mark.......

Is it strange there are so many wrong beliefs ?

1 John 2:18 - Beware of Antichrists - Bible Hub

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming,

even now many antichrists have come.
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Active Member
Oct 18, 2023
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Jesus taught Paul.
And the other messengers of God.
Whoever rejects God's Word, rejects Paul and the other messengers of God,
and whoever rejects God's Word, rejects Jesus!
Bad bad bad.....
They were still Letters to the Churches, not meant to be Holy Writ. You not understanding FACTS is on you my friend. You want to argue that Paul's letters to the churches were not letters to the churches? Here is the difference, Paul writing to Churches would have the info they wrote unto him, thus in 2 Thesss. 2 where we see Paul tells them remember when I was with you I told you these things, we do not know what he told them, wo we have to read between the lines and many on here cant do that properly, because the "FALLING AWAY" was the DEPARTURE in the first 7 English translations and Dessicio (Departure) in the Latin Vulgate, so Paul was not speaking about the Church falling away from the faith, but instead the Church Departing from this earth, as vs. 1 says, the "Gathering together unto Christ Jesus"

In true "THUS SAITH THE LORD" Holy Writ this would need to be made 100% clear. Instead we get letters between two party's and we do not get the full scope of the conversations. Paul did not understand who the 1290 AoD was........or should I say not what it was. Its NOT a man, its an IMAGE. Of course if he had been around when John wrote the book of Revelation he may have understood it.
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Oct 10, 2020
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They were LETTERS unto Churches. So Paul never intended them to be thus saith the Lord. The RCC made them scriptures. Not saying we can't learn from them, but it is not like a Prophets "Thus Saith the Lord" books, like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel. I bet we could find letters they wrote bible that would not be "Thus saith the Lord" material.

The A.C. is not the one spoken about at the 1290 AoD. He only comes on the scene 30 days later. So, whilst he may eventually "stand in the temple" I do not think Jesus says that whilst reading Matt. 24:15-16, he says this instead.

Matt. 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

Sounds more like a Graven Image, not a PERSON right? And guess what Rev, 13 agrees with me on both accounts, its a IMAGE and it is placed there by the FALSE PROPHET. (Not the A.C./Beast)

Rev. 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth;(Jewish High Priest False Prophet) and he had two horns like a lamb(Religious figure), and he spake as a dragon(Throws in with Satan's A.C.).

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

The 2nd Beast PLACES the AoD, I think that should be very, very clesr by now, and this IMAGE of the Beast (Not the Beast himself) SPEAKS...........It is some sort of Graven Image made by A.I. that Speaks.

It is not the Anti-Christ Himself.
Indeed, it seems evident that a number of the writers of the New Testament had no idea that their letters to specific audiences would one day become part of Holy Scripture. The Catholic Church has to decide among many beautiful texts about God as to which were God-breathed and which were not.
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Dec 19, 2022
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Indeed, it seems evident that a number of the writers of the New Testament had no idea that their letters to specific audiences would one day become part of Holy Scripture.
They might have known, if God revealed to them.
And thankfully it was simply obedient followers immersed in Jesus' Name who God used long before the catholic regime was around, to put together the Scripture by God's Direction. The errors of the Catholic regime and of constantine have been well known/exposed and are still available for those who seek the truth, although censorship is so rampant now, and for a century or more, that it might soon be a very tight secret to find.
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