
Well-Known Member
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Jul 22, 2017
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I am extremely depressed. I am trying to fight my depression. I lost my family due to having problems with them. I was angry at them because they said some pretty mean things about Mom. And then I did something that really upset them. I won't go into details of what I did. It wasn't illegal but it's still upset them. I did it out of anger. I did this to myself I know this. But I didn't think this one through. I lost all my friends. I just couldn't handle having friends. And of course I can't just simply ask forgiveness. I did ask my family to forgive me, but they were too angry. I don't blame them. I stopped talking to them myself. I even changed my phone number.

I just need tools to help fight my depression. I will be seeking professional help. I don't think my depression will go away but I just need tools to help fight it. I'm not going to reach out to people or even go to church. I just don't understand why God created us to be in relation with other people it kind of makes me mad. And so I'm fighting the desire to have relationships. But it makes me depressed that I don't have relationships. I did all of this to myself. So those who may tell me that, I don't disagree with you. I just need tools to fight this depression. If anyone has any advice that does not involve me going to church or reaching out to people, please help
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Well, first, find yourself and know yourself first of all, and then after that, find things that you love that you can always have or get long lasting fulfillment/satisfaction/purpose in or out of, apart from always having to have someone else involved with always, or whatever, etc, and then stay or keep yourself busy or occupied with these things.

Lastly, consider getting or having a pet or two, either dogs, or a dog, or a couple of cats maybe, etc, and always give them all the love you have always, etc.

Either way though, without ever having anyone else at all, period, it's not ever going to be easy always doing or finding, or always staying or keeping busy or occupied with, these kinds of things always, etc.

God Bless.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Dec 24, 2005
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I just need tools to fight this depression.

One of the best books I've ever read on actually dealing with depression is this one:
"Getting It Done When You're Depressed" (50 Strategies for Keeping Your Life on Track) by Julie Fast and Dr. John Preston.

The book is broken down into 50 small chapters, each sharing 'action' steps one can take to feel better (and even get things done!).
Lots of simple, practical ideas ...

Note: If you go to the above Amazon link, you can "Read Sample" this book, before deciding to purchase it.
At the beginning of the sample is a listing of the book's Contents.
(The Contents read like a 'listing' of the 50 helpful tips!)

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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
United States
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I am extremely depressed. I am trying to fight my depression. I lost my family due to having problems with them. I was angry at them because they said some pretty mean things about Mom. And then I did something that really upset them. I won't go into details of what I did. It wasn't illegal but it's still upset them. I did it out of anger. I did this to myself I know this. But I didn't think this one through. I lost all my friends. I just couldn't handle having friends. And of course I can't just simply ask forgiveness. I did ask my family to forgive me, but they were too angry. I don't blame them. I stopped talking to them myself. I even changed my phone number.

I just need tools to help fight my depression. I will be seeking professional help. I don't think my depression will go away but I just need tools to help fight it. I'm not going to reach out to people or even go to church. I just don't understand why God created us to be in relation with other people it kind of makes me mad. And so I'm fighting the desire to have relationships. But it makes me depressed that I don't have relationships. I did all of this to myself. So those who may tell me that, I don't disagree with you. I just need tools to fight this depression. If anyone has any advice that does not involve me going to church or reaching out to people, please help
To the nut-cut. I see you stated in 2022 that you had surrendered to Jesus but didn't feel saved. You were given godly advice on how to ensure your salvation - and how to walk with the Lord. Have you done so?

Because until you are secure in your identity in Christ as your first love, and submitting your life to His will daily, you will find no relief for what ails you. Trust me!

If you are resisting His fellowship, He'll let you continue to stew in anger, bitterness, indifference towards others, hatred of self, fear, anxiety, the whole enchilada.

He'll let you have your way - for a season - anything to get your attention. And no amount of psychotherapy or medication or distractions will give you relief.

You think you are depressed now? Take it from a guy who spent 10 years in utter isolation for similar reasons as you. I cut everyone off, including God. No prayer, no Bible study, no fellowship with other believers. Nobody can hurt me if I just live for myself...

The result?

You know what the closest thing to Hell is? Spending 24 hours a day inside your own head, replaying your sins over and over again - current and past. Drowning in the pain of the world's rejection.

I got so distressed that I begged God to just let me have 30 minutes without THINKING. Still no answer.

Finally I gave in to what He had been drawing me to do all along - exactly what you say you don't want to hear...

I made a commitment to spending each morning in prayer and Bible study. That was my part - He did the rest. Over time, I relearned Who He is, was re-assured of my salvation (goodbye fear of Hell!), learned how to submit daily to dying to Self and living for Him. It was only then that He cleaned up my life of coveted idols, got me back in a Bible-believing church, and is leading me to fellowship with other believers. Through His power, I can love again - first Him, then others, then myself - in THAT order. There's your cure for depression.

I now wake up each morning eager for what God is going to do. I can laugh again. I have empathy for others. I can bless my brothers and sisters with encouragement, and bless the seeker with hope. THAT is my purpose in life now. It was all along. Every seed He plants through me gives me joy. I'm alive!

That's what He wants for you. It all starts with a simple axiom:

It's not about you, it's about Him.

Matthew 7:7-8 NIV

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

God bless!
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Jan 19, 2024
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I am extremely depressed. I am trying to fight my depression. I lost my family due to having problems with them. I was angry at them because they said some pretty mean things about Mom. And then I did something that really upset them. I won't go into details of what I did. It wasn't illegal but it's still upset them. I did it out of anger. I did this to myself I know this. But I didn't think this one through. I lost all my friends. I just couldn't handle having friends. And of course I can't just simply ask forgiveness. I did ask my family to forgive me, but they were too angry. I don't blame them. I stopped talking to them myself. I even changed my phone number.

I just need tools to help fight my depression. I will be seeking professional help. I don't think my depression will go away but I just need tools to help fight it. I'm not going to reach out to people or even go to church. I just don't understand why God created us to be in relation with other people it kind of makes me mad. And so I'm fighting the desire to have relationships. But it makes me depressed that I don't have relationships. I did all of this to myself. So those who may tell me that, I don't disagree with you. I just need tools to fight this depression. If anyone has any advice that does not involve me going to church or reaching out to people, please help
You are fighting the things you need, Family friends and a relationship. depression have different causes, In your case it is probably from the lack of human contact, it is difficult for me to give you proper advice but on the physical side you need: regular outdoor exercise, Sunlight, a supplement of vitamin D3 can greatly help, a healthy sleep routine is also a very good way. Also proper nutrition, less fat, less meat more fruits, lots more veggies.

I have done research on depression for many years with many published research papers in scientific journals, what I have given you is from current research.

Know that medication can help but ONLY in severe depression, the professionals will give you questionnaires, fill them out truthfully no exaggeration of lessening. if your score is very high for depression some medication may help if the score is average it probably wont do any good, these medications do not work for low or med score depression ratings.

what I see for you is;

-forgive and get forgiveness from your family members and friends , the biggest stressors in one's life is the loss of family and friends, you do not want this stress ever, fix it!

- do get professional help, at this point it is important for you to get some right now. ( tell your family you are getting professional help)

- Important, always exercise, get natural light, healthy eating habits and good 8H sleeping habits( regulat timing every day, no TV or computer time 1 hour prior going to bed)

a supplement of magnesium can help, also talk to your professional for magnesium and vitamin D3 supplementation, get these levels checked, have a full blood panel done.

Depression is a complex thing, your mood affects your body negatively, your body works then less efficiently, produces stress hormones, and affect your mood basically everything is out of sync, if one part is not optimal it will affect the other, what I have given you can help restore a good balance.

Hope it helps, but do seek professional help.

Peace and do not forget Jesus is always with you;
Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.
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Oct 30, 2006
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a spiritual tool is ramping up our praises to God (Isa 61:3). What's some of your favorite Scriptures and religious music?

a natural tool is eating a high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, - whole foods depending on your health considerations. You could check out rexources such as Harvard Health, Medical News Today,, Healthline.
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I am extremely depressed. I am trying to fight my depression. I lost my family due to having problems with them. I was angry at them because they said some pretty mean things about Mom. And then I did something that really upset them. I won't go into details of what I did. It wasn't illegal but it's still upset them. I did it out of anger. I did this to myself I know this. But I didn't think this one through. I lost all my friends. I just couldn't handle having friends. And of course I can't just simply ask forgiveness. I did ask my family to forgive me, but they were too angry. I don't blame them. I stopped talking to them myself. I even changed my phone number.

I just need tools to help fight my depression. I will be seeking professional help. I don't think my depression will go away but I just need tools to help fight it. I'm not going to reach out to people or even go to church. I just don't understand why God created us to be in relation with other people it kind of makes me mad. And so I'm fighting the desire to have relationships. But it makes me depressed that I don't have relationships. I did all of this to myself. So those who may tell me that, I don't disagree with you. I just need tools to fight this depression. If anyone has any advice that does not involve me going to church or reaching out to people, please help
Firstly know that God loves you. That isn't dependent on what you do; it's because He is love - it's His nature. I'm assuming that you've accepted Jesus as your Saviour. If not that's your second step. God loves you and me, and everyone else, so much that He gave His Son to die for us. If you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour you are a child of God, and He is the best Father anyone can ever have.

Thirdly He knows you through and through. He knows why you are depressed; He knows what is causing it and He knows the way out of it. So please trust Him.

You asked for tools so here are some suggestions:

Keep lines of communication with God open. Read your Bible, pray and have some sort of service on Sunday at home if you can't get to Church.

You've already done my second suggestion by posting on here, which is to have Christian fellowship online if you can't get to Church.

I found certain parts of the Bible particularly helpful when depressed. One thing I did was to read Genesis Chapter 1 slowly and pausing each time when it said "And God saw that it was good". That is our God; He created good things for us. We know that it didn't stay that way because of sin, but just for a little while I found it helpful to dwell on what the Lord wanted for us. Also Psalms 23, 34, 46, 91, 103, 139 and 145 are particularly helpful.

Also it may help to listen to some Christian music particularly that which concentrates on God's love. I love the Gaither Vocal Band and the Martins but you may prefer a different genre.

You said that you did something. Have you asked God to forgive you? If you have then you are forgiven. You said that you asked your family for forgiveness. Their response is not your responsibility. You've done the right thing asking for forgiveness.

It may help to ask God to reveal the cause of your depression. Also to give you some scriptures to hang on to.

I think professional counselling may help. I like the type which gets to the root of the problem rather than that which changes surface behaviour, but please pray about it first: that you have the type of counselling and counsellor which the Lord wants you to have.

I think that you need to be surrounded by gentle people. Maybe you've not had that. Not everyone understands depression and that can be hard to deal with.

Finally please, please remember that it will not always be like this. Psychologists often say that a frequent mistake depressed people make is assuming that it will always be this way. If the world says that it won't always be bad then how much more can a child of God know that there is hope.
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Jesus, send us your Holy Spirit.
Feb 1, 2020
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If you struggle if God really exists go on youtube: miracle of damascus part 10. Look from minute 3:45 and part 11 and 12. Each video has 10 minutes to show. Ths is an actual christian miracle.
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Jul 22, 2017
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Lastly, consider getting or having a pet or two, either dogs, or a dog, or a couple of cats maybe, etc, and always give them all the love you have always, etc.
That sounds like a good idea. I think I will get a cat.
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Jul 22, 2017
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One of the best books I've ever read on actually dealing with depression is this one:
"Getting It Done When You're Depressed" (50 Strategies for Keeping Your Life on Track) by Julie Fast and Dr. John Preston.

The book is broken down into 50 small chapters, each sharing 'action' steps one can take to feel better (and even get things done!).
Lots of simple, practical ideas ...

Note: If you go to the above Amazon link, you can "Read Sample" this book, before deciding to purchase it.
At the beginning of the sample is a listing of the book's Contents.
(The Contents read like a 'listing' of the 50 helpful tips!)

I can try reading it. I do find it hard to read. But thank you very much. I will look at it..
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Jul 22, 2017
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To the nut-cut. I see you stated in 2022 that you had surrendered to Jesus but didn't feel saved. You were given godly advice on how to ensure your salvation - and how to walk with the Lord. Have you done so?
Yeah, I didn't really trust in God.

Because until you are secure in your identity in Christ as your first love, and submitting your life to His will daily, you will find no relief for what ails you. Trust me!

If you are resisting His fellowship, He'll let you continue to stew in anger, bitterness, indifference towards others, hatred of self, fear, anxiety, the whole enchilada.
I understand

He'll let you have your way - for a season - anything to get your attention. And no amount of psychotherapy or medication or distractions will give you relief.
That is a bit scary

You think you are depressed now? Take it from a guy who spent 10 years in utter isolation for similar reasons as you. I cut everyone off, including God. No prayer, no Bible study, no fellowship with other believers. Nobody can hurt me if I just live for myself...
Thank you very much for sharing. I am in utter isolation right now.
You know what the closest thing to Hell is? Spending 24 hours a day inside your own head, replaying your sins over and over again - current and past. Drowning in the pain of the world's rejection.

I got so distressed that I begged God to just let me have 30 minutes without THINKING. Still no answer.

Finally I gave in to what He had been drawing me to do all along - exactly what you say you don't want to hear...
Yes, this is true.
Depression is a complex thing, your mood affects your body negatively, your body works then less efficiently, produces stress hormones, and affect your mood basically everything is out of sync, if one part is not optimal it will affect the other, what I have given you can help restore a good balance.

Hope it helps, but do seek professional help.

Peace and do not forget Jesus is always with you;
Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write that. I really appreciate it. I am a bit bitter. But I do appreciate you taking the time to write that down.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
United States
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Yeah, I didn't really trust in God.

I understand

That is a bit scary

Thank you very much for sharing. I am in utter isolation right now.

Yes, this is true.

Thank you very much for taking the time to write that. I really appreciate it. I am a bit bitter. But I do appreciate you taking the time to write that down.
Praying for both of us, friend. Keep fighting, He hears you!

Psalm 25:16-19 NIV

"Turn to me and be gracious to me,
for I am lonely and afflicted.
Relieve the troubles of my heart
and free me from my anguish.
Look on my affliction and my distress
and take away all my sins.
See how numerous are my enemies
and how fiercely they hate me"

Psalm 40:1-3 NIV
"I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in him."
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Jul 22, 2017
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You are fighting the things you need, Family friends and a relationship. depression have different causes, In your case it is probably from the lack of human contact, it is difficult for me to give you proper advice but on the physical side you need: regular outdoor exercise, Sunlight, a supplement of vitamin D3 can greatly help, a healthy sleep routine is also a very good way. Also proper nutrition, less fat, less meat more fruits, lots more veggies.

I have done research on depression for many years with many published research papers in scientific journals, what I have given you is from current research.
You are probably right about me fighting the things that I need. But I hate the fact that I need other people. Part of me wants to rebel against it. Actually, I am rebelling against it and it's making me miserable.

Also, you're probably right about eating the fruits and vegetables. I do eat a lot of junk food to be perfectly honest. I will work on eating more healthy foods. I don't know why but I get so hungry between meals that I have to snack on cookies and chips. I always have them available.

And as for sunlight, I can try to get some sunlight but I live in an area where it is constantly cloudy, especially in the winter. It snows a lot here. But I can definitely work on getting more sunlight.
Know that medication can help but ONLY in severe depression, the professionals will give you questionnaires, fill them out truthfully no exaggeration of lessening. if your score is very high for depression some medication may help if the score is average it probably wont do any good, these medications do not work for low or med score depression ratings.
I know that you are right about that. But I wish there was some kind of pill that I can take to make me happy. LOL
forgive and get forgiveness from your family members and friends , the biggest stressors in one's life is the loss of family and friends, you do not want this stress ever, fix it!
Yeah, I don't know if my family wants to talk to me. I can seek forgiveness from them but I have no idea if they will accept it.
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Praying for both of us, friend. Keep fighting, He hears you!

Psalm 25:16-19 NIV

"Turn to me and be gracious to me,
for I am lonely and afflicted.
Relieve the troubles of my heart
and free me from my anguish.
Look on my affliction and my distress
and take away all my sins.
See how numerous are my enemies
and how fiercely they hate me"

Psalm 40:1-3 NIV
"I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in him."
Thank you very much
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Jan 19, 2024
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You are probably right about me fighting the things that I need. But I hate the fact that I need other people. Part of me wants to rebel against it. Actually, I am rebelling against it and it's making me miserable.
Love is the basis of all things, it is why God created us, through Love, God made us in his image, we can be part of his family if we want to.( see john 17) without love for one another and for GOD there is no light, no love only darkness.
Also, you're probably right about eating the fruits and vegetables. I do eat a lot of junk food to be perfectly honest. I will work on eating more healthy foods. I don't know why but I get so hungry between meals that I have to snack on cookies and chips.
Phase out from your diet the junk food replacing it by quality unprocessed whole food items. snacking light between meals only one small portion try not to buy the snacks food and replace with fruits, apple, oranges...a small piece of cheese.
And as for sunlight, I can try to get some sunlight but I live in an area where it is constantly cloudy, especially in the winter. It snows a lot here. But I can definitely work on getting more sunlight.
In the winter take vit D3 (3000 -5000 units) units a day ( 3 -5 drops of 1000 units per drop) talk to your doctor about it but they recommend only a low dose normally of 1000 units ( not enough to make a real difference) , however some medical conditions or taking calcium supplements can be a problem, it is best to talk with to your doctor about dosage but get a blood test first.
I know that you are right about that. But I wish there was some kind of pill that I can take to make me happy. LOL
In the coming Kingdom of Heaven no pills will be necessary, God Has a place for you in His Kingdom and will be there with us;

Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Rev 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Rev 22:3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
Rev 22:4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
Rev 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

I focus on this on bad days!
Yeah, I don't know if my family wants to talk to me. I can seek forgiveness from them but I have no idea if they will accept it.
Healing wounds takes time on both side however you can for example sent them birthday and Christmas cards with a nice text? or a nice email to give some news about yourself, but always keep it friendly, when the time to see them comes you will know. Also pray to God for reconciliation and for God to bless your family.

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May 22, 2013
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You are probably right about me fighting the things that I need. But I hate the fact that I need other people. Part of me wants to rebel against it. Actually, I am rebelling against it and it's making me miserable.
You need to get wise to whatever made you able to do that to your family. Or else, it could happen again . . . with them or with somebody else.

We have things which have power over us, because we are not being satisfied with loving. And so, we are very dependent on our treasure pleasure things and control things. It is much more fun and enjoyable and adventurous to find out how to love.

And we need to be with others so we can learn how to love. Jesus does this with us. So we need, then, to trust and depend on Jesus to guide us and arrange things . . . and to correct us.

I can be right in the middle of an argument with my lady friend, and right then it can come, "Stop right now and be her example and encourage her to do what is good." And do not raise my voice, but be gentle and humble.
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Jul 22, 2017
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How are you doing, Introverted? Let us know if you feel inclined. Still in our prayers, God bless!
I'm doing very well. Thank you very much for asking. Thank you for praying for me.
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