Christian conversion of a North Korean official - prayers work!


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Aug 11, 2023
United States
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Man, this is another heavy one. My prayers for this man who defected from N. Korea to become a Christian leader. For those who have not watched the video, there is an article version of the video for those who prefer to read. :)

Here is the article version: Atheist from North Korea escapes brutal regime, finds Christ

And here is the summary:

The article tells the inspiring and profound story of Dongwon, a North Korean defector who found faith and hope through the message of Jesus Christ while hiding in China. Born into a privileged family with a respected government position, Dongwon's life took a drastic turn during his teenage years as he began to question the regime and witness its failures during the famine in North Korea.

Dissatisfied with the circumstances of his birth and filled with despair, Dongwon planned to escape North Korea through China and eventually reach South Korea. However, during this tumultuous period, he reached his darkest hour, contemplating suicide with no hope for the future.

In his moment of deep despair, Dongwon encountered a local pastor who shared the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. Initially skeptical and fearful that the pastor might be a secret agent, Dongwon was overcome with emotion as he listened to the gospel. In that moment, he surrendered his life to Jesus and experienced an inexplicable feeling of grace and peace.

Despite the constant fear of discovery by North Korean or Chinese authorities, Dongwon clung to his newfound faith and was eventually arrested while attempting to reach the South Korean embassy. Filled with anxiety but relying on God's presence, he passed through a year of detention and uncertainty.

Today, Dongwon lives freely in South Korea and secretly helps the underground church in North Korea. His dream is to open physical churches in his hometown and reconnect with classmates who now hold senior government positions. Dongwon's faith has provided him the freedom from fear, and he offers encouragement to believers worldwide to keep their hope in God, recognizing that they are united beyond borders.

The article highlights the perseverance and resilience of Dongwon's faith despite the odds, as well as the incredible power of the gospel to bring hope and transformation in even the most challenging circumstances.
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