• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist


Nov 27, 2023
United States
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Sometimes I just feel like I want to scream, but I don't think I have the energy to do that. I think something's wrong, I just don't know what. I know faith isn't based off of feelings, but gosh, I haven't been feeling on fire for God in months. I'm trying to read the bible and pray, but everything I do in that area of my life feels unenthusiastic. I don't even know if I'm really trying my hardest, because I just feel so out of love with living a faithful life, and disconnected from God and myself. I'm trying to get more involved in my church by helping out in the youth worship band, and that's the best part of my week, but I worry it's not for the right reasons. Maybe I just like it because its fun, and not because it's for the glory of God. I don't even know if I pray, or if I'm just worrying and calling it prayer. I know it's by no fault of God, but by my own fault. I just can't help but feel so burnt out. I think things that I know are bad, and I apologize to God for it, but its just overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. Just kinda needed to vent, idk. But is there anything I can do to get out of this rut, and fall in love with God again?
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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Sometimes I just feel like I want to scream, but I don't think I have the energy to do that. I think something's wrong, I just don't know what. I know faith isn't based off of feelings, but gosh, I haven't been feeling on fire for God in months. I'm trying to read the bible and pray, but everything I do in that area of my life feels unenthusiastic. I don't even know if I'm really trying my hardest, because I just feel so out of love with living a faithful life, and disconnected from God and myself. I'm trying to get more involved in my church by helping out in the youth worship band, and that's the best part of my week, but I worry it's not for the right reasons. Maybe I just like it because its fun, and not because it's for the glory of God. I don't even know if I pray, or if I'm just worrying and calling it prayer. I know it's by no fault of God, but by my own fault. I just can't help but feel so burnt out. I think things that I know are bad, and I apologize to God for it, but its just overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. Just kinda needed to vent, idk. But is there anything I can do to get out of this rut, and fall in love with God again?
Welcome to CF. Our relationship with Jesus Christ of Nazareth is not sustainable if it involves being " on fire" at all times. Nothing in scripture tells us " fire" is the catalyst for knowing Him. It is contrary to " living waters", which is what He said He is. These feelings of despair, no enthusiasm, no love, disconnected, disingenuous, overwhelmed and often worried comes from a foundation of immaturity. So God is possibly showing you a better way by starting over with simply loving Him. And to love Him one must repent from seeking Him where He is not.
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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Sometimes I just feel like I want to scream, but I don't think I have the energy to do that. I think something's wrong, I just don't know what. I know faith isn't based off of feelings, but gosh, I haven't been feeling on fire for God in months. I'm trying to read the bible and pray, but everything I do in that area of my life feels unenthusiastic. I don't even know if I'm really trying my hardest, because I just feel so out of love with living a faithful life, and disconnected from God and myself. I'm trying to get more involved in my church by helping out in the youth worship band, and that's the best part of my week, but I worry it's not for the right reasons. Maybe I just like it because its fun, and not because it's for the glory of God. I don't even know if I pray, or if I'm just worrying and calling it prayer. I know it's by no fault of God, but by my own fault. I just can't help but feel so burnt out. I think things that I know are bad, and I apologize to God for it, but its just overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. Just kinda needed to vent, idk. But is there anything I can do to get out of this rut, and fall in love with God again?
Not to criticize, but you seem to assume that there is some level of feeling or a spiritual plain you should be on that feels more 'holy' or 'close to God' that is not what you have now. What you feel now feels too much like being a non-believer, or something. But, your status with God has nothing to do with "spiritual doldrums".

Fact is, that all of life, whether self-consumed or otherwise, whether a believer or not a believer, is not governed by self, but by God. That is to say, there are not 'two kinds of life'. There is only one. There may be two or more descriptions for how a life operates, or two different points-of-view about life, but there is only one kind of life. For the non-believer, it is blindness and 'death'. For the believer, it is life in Christ.

If you are a believer, you are already 'in Christ', no matter what you feel like or how you see that status of things. You may not understand this, but even if you were hearing God's voice as many of the Old Testament people did, you could still feel the way you do. You would not necessarily feel 'on fire' for God.

What you want, and what all true believers want, is God himself with us --the unity with God for which we are built.

You are here on earth for now, by God's doing, and for God's purposes. Whether you are obedient or not, and whether you feel something or don't, and whether you are on some 'plain of consciousness' or not, your duty is the same, and your life is the same. Stop feeling guilty about how you feel, and start learning about Christ, and pursue him with all your being. 'On fire' or 'not on fire' is an irrelevant question on which you are wasting what little energy you have.

Talk to God. Tell him you miss him.

Life hurts for a reason --even when you have deadened the pain and the joy. Learn to enjoy watching God work, because THAT is what's really going on here. The non-believer doesn't know it. You do.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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Sometimes I just feel like I want to scream, but I don't think I have the energy to do that. I think something's wrong, I just don't know what. I know faith isn't based off of feelings, but gosh, I haven't been feeling on fire for God in months. I'm trying to read the bible and pray, but everything I do in that area of my life feels unenthusiastic. I don't even know if I'm really trying my hardest, because I just feel so out of love with living a faithful life, and disconnected from God and myself. I'm trying to get more involved in my church by helping out in the youth worship band, and that's the best part of my week, but I worry it's not for the right reasons. Maybe I just like it because its fun, and not because it's for the glory of God. I don't even know if I pray, or if I'm just worrying and calling it prayer. I know it's by no fault of God, but by my own fault. I just can't help but feel so burnt out. I think things that I know are bad, and I apologize to God for it, but its just overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. Just kinda needed to vent, idk. But is there anything I can do to get out of this rut, and fall in love with God again?

Psalm 46:10
New International Version​

10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

If your involvement in church activities is overwhelming then you need to cut some of them down/out. The Lord wants a cheerful giver.

Every day is a struggle with sin for all of us and will be until the Lord returns ... and He knows this. We are in a spiritual battle. He helps us while we are going through our struggles not prevent us from having them.

Bad thoughts ... we all have them from time to time.

Jesus died for you ... and that's how much He loves you ... never forget that.

May the Lord bring peace to your mind and heart. In Jesus name .... Amen.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2023
United States
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Sometimes I just feel like I want to scream, but I don't think I have the energy to do that. I think something's wrong, I just don't know what. I know faith isn't based off of feelings, but gosh, I haven't been feeling on fire for God in months. I'm trying to read the bible and pray, but everything I do in that area of my life feels unenthusiastic. I don't even know if I'm really trying my hardest, because I just feel so out of love with living a faithful life, and disconnected from God and myself. I'm trying to get more involved in my church by helping out in the youth worship band, and that's the best part of my week, but I worry it's not for the right reasons. Maybe I just like it because its fun, and not because it's for the glory of God. I don't even know if I pray, or if I'm just worrying and calling it prayer. I know it's by no fault of God, but by my own fault. I just can't help but feel so burnt out. I think things that I know are bad, and I apologize to God for it, but its just overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. Just kinda needed to vent, idk. But is there anything I can do to get out of this rut, and fall in love with God again?
Hello, my friend.
There are so many possible Root causes for why you are feeling this way.

Sin and mental health should be two major areas of concern.
Diet (junk food, too many carbs, fast food, diet foods and drinks, highly processed foods, diet sweeteners) and exercise (walking is great) are also major contributors.

Jesus knows where you are at. One thing to do is start every prayer asking for forgiveness for your sins. We all sin. Daily. And God wants us to ask Him for Forgiveness so that He can be good and Forgive us. Many people just jump into prayer. We need to ask for forgiveness first.

Repentance, or changing your thoughts about something you are doing that is sinful and acknowledging the sin is also a big part. E.g. one can pray and ask for forgiveness for all sorts of sin. That is great. But say nothing about their constant sin of lying and omit that. It all needs to be brought forth to and forgiven by Jesus.

Additionally, some receive help from prescriptions.

Psychiatrists work with Rx's. But don't typically provide therapy nor are they well-trained for therapy. They are trying to ascertain your medical needs. And they are the ones to go to for that.
Psychologists perform testing. If you need to be tested for something like ADHD or constant Migraines related to emotional trauma, they are the ones to go to, to start.

Social Workers are highly trained therapists. They are the ones typically highly trained in cognitive functions, and therapy, and perform 1000's of hours of internship work in therapeutical settings. But they vary. SW's from California and maybe some others are the Gold standard for the most highly trained Master level therapists you will ever find. Some other smaller states allow Batchelor level therapists. With fewer hours.

SW'ers are also highly trained in Ethics and dual relationships. Ethics means they contact the police when illegalities are occurring against you. Because they know they are mandated reporters. It is drilled into them. Dual relations ships, they are forbidden from. This means they can not be your friend, go to church with you, even if you go to another service, and have no relationship with you outside of Therapy. This is a must!

Counselors Counselors can be of use for small concerns. But not private sophisticated deeper challenges and concerns. Counselors do not have therapeutic training, often do not know the legal consequences of challenges and concerns, or hide from their mandate responsibilities, do not spend hours let alone 1000's of hours interning and learning before they are released into the public, get accredited often by paying a fee and finding people to write a letter to a board for them, and are a great cause for concern and damage amongst all people. Be they Christian counselors, or not.

E.g. Bob Jones University, Bill Gotterd, and others.

It could take trying different Rx's if it comes down to it. Don't quit just because 1 or 2 did not work.
It may take 3 to 5 sessions with a Therapist to know if they are the one for you. Not all are. And that is OK. It is a learning process. Do not be afraid to end it with a therapist...for a good reason. Not liking what they say may not always be a good reason.

Finding a Christian therapist who can mix scripture and therapy is a potential real bonus.
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