Psychiatric injustice and corruption


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Jun 17, 2017
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I believe there is a spiritual underpinning behind severe mental disorders. Known as alternate states of conscience to shamans. There is an interesting documentary about this and the spiritual perspective called “crazywise” it includes interviews by some professionals within the critical psychiatry network. I was once given a heavy duty label they are sticky. It was in no way diagnostic and the psychotropic drugs not effective in anyway. It is reported they can be effective short term for (some people). There is a group called the shamanic view of mental illness it has around 65k members.

I’m not aware of any Christian mental health workers or groups questioning or challenging the status quo of the chemical imbalance theory let alone the oppresion of psych patients by mental hospitals. Many of these people are victims of severe trauma or sexual abuse. They can have intrusive thoughts or persecutory voices as have in the the past but no longer do.

Christians and the church seem totally disinterested. They seem to either to just accept the western biological hypothesis or the demonic approach. In which there is a lot of blaming on the individual. And that does not help. Meanwhile the costs and epidemic of mental health in the western world is ever increasing.

Here is a case where I live in Melbourne where there is no justice in the psychiatric system. Professor John Read discusses the serious problems. It’s worth a watch.



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Apr 27, 2017
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Our consciouness is just a tiny portion of ourselves. Our consciouness is like the bottom of the ⌛ hourglass. And all that we can perceive sits at the top. Each of us also has a "narrowing" portion that thins down the stream of information to our consciouness. Sometimes this narrowing portion is formed differently, to disastrous and beautiful results.
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Dec 31, 2017
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This video is so true and very scary.

I went through the mental health system with my younger sister in Victoria.Australia about 18 years ago. It was a nightmare, she got sectioned, family had no say whatsoever and she was given a course of ECT on two occasions. My parents and I were with her all the way, fighting to be part of her life and treatment.
Once in the mental health system and hospitalised you have no say over anything and for people with no family or those who don't support them, I am so very sorry for them.
For a long time we just prayed the God would keep her alive. He did.
Symptoms were treated but that's about all they cared about.
My parents have since died, and I am still praying for her to come to Jesus.
I will never give up.

This world is such a mess, only God can help us.
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Jun 17, 2017
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Yes, there is evil in the world. But Christians should be beacons of light to those most oppressed or suffering. Where I live in Melbourne there are few Christian psychiatrists as there are around the world psychologists and counselors. They appear to be firmly committed to biological psychiatry they also charge a heap of money. I was shocked when I attempted to make an hour appointment with a “Christian psychiatrist” $470 being the out of pocket fee with the rest covered by Medicare. I didn’t go ahead with it and couldn’t afford it. So they are not interested in working at the coal face where it is needed.

There is an online blog called “mad in America which consists of mental health professionals and survivors critical of the status quo. I’m not aware of any Christians on this blog. But there are some who hold shamanic beliefs. (The spiritual view).

Here is part of an article by a psychiatrist here in Australia who actually works at the rough end of the scale and fully bulk bills everyone regardless of their socio economic circumstances. He is outspoken and not afraid to tell the truth about the profession.

“Essentially, biological psychiatrists deal with all criticism with a resounding blast of “We’ve got the science. Our view is supported by a wealth of scientific detail. Due to rapid advances in modern technology, we are on the verge of major breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder. We know what we’re talking about so don’t listen to anybody else, just line up and take your tablets.”

Psychiatric drugs are held to be effective, safe, cost-effective and non-addictive. As a matter of empirical fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

So let’s go back to the claim that modern mainstream psychiatry is a valid scientific field. I deny this. I have argued at great length that orthodox psychiatry breaches all standards of what constitutes a science. In particular, it fails the essential test of not having a model of its field of study. That is correct. In an extensive survey of eleven years of the 13 major English-language psychiatric journals, I looked at something like 18,000 original papers, reviews, editorials and the like, covering some 175,000 pages. Believe me, it wasn’t fun. But it showed that no psychiatrist in the world has ever referred to or provided a justification of the claim that mental disorder is a biological disorder of the brain. Nothing. It doesn’t exist. In this case, absence of proof definitely amounts to proof of absence, because if they had it, they would flaunt it — they would shove it down your throats, maybe even put it on posters in public toilets. Modern psychiatry is not a science of mental disorder, it is an ideology of mental disorder.

When I see medical students or registrars in training (residents), I ask them the following question. “On your first day in psychiatry, your first lecture, when the professor came in and began his lecture, what was the name of the model of mental disorder he said he would be addressing?” Invariably, the answer is something like “He didn’t. He just came in and started talking about genes and neurotransmitters.” That, ladies and gentlemen, is not an education in mental disorder, it is an indoctrination in an ideology of mental disorder.

The psychiatric publishing industry is a story of its own. One of the most important features of any field claiming to be scientific is that criticism of the status quo, of the mainstream theories and ideas, is mandatory. There is no choice in this — if you don’t criticise your field, you have a political party, or a religion, or a football club, anything but a science. Yet orthodox psychiatry is violently allergic to criticism. Some years ago, I surveyed ten years of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Of 1184 papers, reviews, editorials and commentaries, only seven could be deemed critical. Four of these were trivial. Of the remaining three, two were by overseas authors and only one by a member of the College. That was my paper, which showed that the widely-revered biopsychosocial model didn’t exist. It was never written. So that amounts to somewhat less than one critical word per member per year, which is hardly in keeping with the spirit of the injunction to criticise your professors. That’s lucky for the professors, because they react very, very badly to criticism.

While we’re on the spurious biopsychosocial model, I should point out that mainstream psychiatry has assiduously ignored my paper showing that it is a fantasy. These days, there are about 150 papers published each year on something that doesn’t exist, which must be some sort of record for self-deception. How the editors manage to excuse themselves we don’t know because they are immune to criticism.

The DSM is based on the idea that all mental disorders can be mapped to specific “chemical imbalances in the brain.” You will hear this trope all the time but there is no evidence to support it. The only “chemical imbalance” in the brains of mentally-troubled people are caused by the drugs they take because that’s what psychiatric drugs do, that’s their role, that’s their function. Any chemical that doesn’t affect neurotransmission at some level doesn’t have an effect. However, we don’t know what those changes mean except for one thing: those changes cause the addiction. If there are no brain changes, there’s no addiction.

Finally, psychiatrists are now deskilled. Modern psychiatrists have practically no training or practice in taking proper history or in psychotherapy. This is why they have to resort to drugs for everything, because they don’t know what else to do. Anybody who uses ECT is only saying he has reached the limit of his skill set, mostly because he hasn’t taken a proper history. As a living, breathing, functioning human being, the distressed patient is a closed book.

My conclusion is that the widely-trumpeted claim that orthodox psychiatry is justified by science is false.

If you say to a person, “You have a mental disorder,” without yourself having a model of mental disorder, that is not science.

If you say to a person, “You must take these drugs,” knowing they are dangerous and will shorten his life, that is not science.

If you say, “It is essential you have ECT,” knowing full well that other psychiatrists manage identical patients without using it, that is not science.

If you lock people up on the basis of an alleged “chemical imbalance of the brain,” for which there is zero evidence, and then give them drugs that produce unknown chemical imbalances and addiction, that is not science.

If you don’t criticise what you are doing and you actively suppress criticism, that is not science.

If you indoctrinate your students and trainees, and don’t educate them to criticise the status quo, that is a disgrace.

I will no doubt get lots of criticism from other psychiatrists for daring to air these matters in public. I have been told by a president of the RANZCP that it is inappropriate to discuss them in public, that they should only be seen in the College journals. However, he was on safe ground there as he knew his close friend, the editor, never publishes anything critical. But they’ll have to wear the criticism because modern psychiatry is now beyond the point where normal courtesies apply. In plain language, if you have mental problems these days, you live in dangerous times.

So we can go back to my original question, of how much credibility we should give modern, orthodox psychiatry. The question of whether psychiatry has a rational basis is now settled. It doesn’t. But don’t wait for psychiatrists to suddenly develop a conscience and start a process of critical self-examination. After waiting 43 years for the day, I can tell you it won’t happen.”

Mainstream Western Psychiatry: Science or Non-science? - Mad In America
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Jun 17, 2017
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I am not aware of any Christian Professionals in the critical psychiatry network. All the Christian Facebook groups regarding “mental health” are just pushing the current mainstream psychiatric agenda. No questioning allowed on them. There are “spiritual warfare” Facebook groups with many members but they are not interested in helping others in distress with spiritual healing. They are modern day Pharisees..
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Jun 26, 2016
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Not many people can understand mental illness unless they have it. We are judged and stigmatized which only causes more trauma, more harm. They are strong but we are weak, they have a sound mind but we dont, they have great faith but not us. At least thats how some people think anyway.
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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Christ can change mental health but not Christians. Only Jesus. But in my experience most schizophrenics don’t want him. Meds are the frontline of defense in the world. If you don’t submit to that you don’t get nothin but possibly homelessness or jail. There is no easy answer healing takes years and if the parents can’t have patience and unconditional love then who will? Very few will commit to that. But we can write our congressman and become active to advocate. There doesn’t seem to be enough money to go around. Faith activates Jesus.
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Aug 26, 2007
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I was caught in the trap of modern day American psychiatric system as a child. In third grade I went to a public school for the first time. There was a culture shock, the strict Christian fundamentalist protestant private school was very different. Things were really different, the kids behaved terribly and got away with it. I was nervous. I behaved strangely, I guess I was different from all the other kids, because I was a Christian, and I behaved better than the other kids. I was sent to the school psychiatrist. The things I had been taught at the Christian private school really messed me up at the public school. THe school psychiatrist asked me questions and did tests on me.

After third grade in public fourth grade I was put in special classes, special ed for slower students. The 4th grade teacher also taught 5th grade, she was a really good teacher and helped me out a lot. She was the one who got me started with writing stories. Now I write fiction short stories.

Anyway, the school psychiatrist suggested to my parents that I see a child psychiatrist. My parents were worries, and reluctant. When I was 10 or 11 they did send me to some psychiatrists. THat was where I heard about the 'chemical imbalance in the brain' and believed it too. That's when psychiatrist ordered me to take medicine for my 'mental illness' My mom gave me the pills, before bedtime or first thing in the morning. I was reluctant to take the pills, because my parents had firmly implanted in in my mind not to use drugs, that drugs, alcohol and tobacco cigarettes are extremely dangerous and I should NEVER use them. Since I trusted my mom, I took the medicine. The medicine had side effects. I was more sensitive to the sun, I got tired more often, my mouth ran dry and I had to drink more water. It made me bolder than I normally was, or that could have been part of growing up.

One of the bad things as I grew older, went to middle school and high school, is the stigma. People, students, teachers, made fun of me, they thought I was a bad person, there was something wrong with me, I lot of my peers teased and mocked me. I had a lot of pain, I became depressed, almost suicidal. THe medicine helped a bit, but the side effects hindered me a lot. I had trouble paying attention and getting my homework done.

After high school I got on SSDI, social security for the mentally handicapped. It was my mom's idea. Now I had money for nice clothes and shoes, good food, books, art supplies and some computer supplies.

I felt guilty and I want to be a useful productive member of society. I am into art and I really like to draw. I the past I drew dragons, unicorns and fairies. Now I draw angels, Bible subjects, holiday subjects

I think sometimes God punishes me when I do bad things by making me loose my mnd.

Other times the docters give me the wrong medicine. I went crazy and was put in the local csu. I've had a few fits of madness and imagination. I like sword and sorcery fantasy, but not any more since I have dedicated myself to the Lord. I mostly like romantic fairy tale stuff, the bible is my favorite book.

I've dealt with jerk shrinks a lot. They tend to be very arrogant. Thanks for the info.
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Wake me when it's soup.
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Christ can change mental health but not Christians. Only Jesus. But in my experience most schizophrenics don’t want him. Meds are the frontline of defense in the world. If you don’t submit to that you don’t get nothin but possibly homelessness or jail. There is no easy answer healing takes years and if the parents can’t have patience and unconditional love then who will? Very few will commit to that. But we can write our congressman and become active to advocate. There doesn’t seem to be enough money to go around. Faith activates Jesus.

Many with mental illness can't be healed, thus meds. Jesus also said that if the blind lead the blind both will wind up in the ditch.
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Dec 21, 2021
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Psychiatric system is the most evil oppressive system on the face of the earth, abusing those who have already been abused, in the worst possible ways.
And the fact that the church and western world turns a blind eye to this is horrific
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Mar 9, 2020
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We live in an evil world as the Bible says it. The weak are literally consumed.

I disagree with this. If someone has mentalhealth problems, people want to convince him of being weak, unable etc. Truth is much more like the opposite.

No weak person would ever be able to face things which mentalhealth problems bring for those people. They have to be very strong people. They have to take the mental suffering, pain and torture and still able to live that life every day.

But ”normal” person has the easy way in life, he doesn’t suffer like that he doesn’t need to be strong.

As long as you are fighting with mentalhealth, you are the absolutely superhero. If you can keep yourself alive, you are absolute winner in life.

Im so tired of hearing this ”Oh you are so weak, you are so sensitive” really? You have no idea what I personally have been gone through for the past 20 years.
You don’t know me.

I don’t see any of those people as weak who are struggling with depression, anxiety, ocd any mental struggles.. you are stronger than any other ”normal” people.

Keep going. Don’t let them say you are weak. Because that is a lie.

Satan is weaker than God, that’s why he always attacks those who already lay on the ground gasping for air. Don’t give satan the power he doesn’t have.
Let God’s power work in you so satan is left squeeking like a dogs toy.
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Northern Star

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Nov 19, 2016
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I know some people have had bad experiences with psychiatry and therapy (I've had some bad experiences myself), but right now I'm receiving help from a psychiatrist and am taking meds and they have made a good change in my life. I think many people benefit from taking meds. Some people have a poor experience with psychiatry, but that doesn't erase the good it's been for many people.
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Mar 26, 2021
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In the UK, the mental health service is under great strain. Years of austerity has gutted the NHS. Austerity is 'officially' over, but the combined impact of Brexit and the current crisis is taking its toll. There is still scant support for the mentally ill. Much of it has been outsourced to private entities.
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Deus Vult!
Oct 25, 2021
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Psychiatric system is the most evil oppressive system on the face of the earth, abusing those who have already been abused, in the worst possible ways.
And the fact that the church and western world turns a blind eye to this is horrific
The church is a money making institution. Christians have convinced themselves that money is a blessing from God so they are being good Christians by seeking money. Virtually all big churches have expansion plans, branding, building funds, etc. Churches in modern society don't preach Christianity, they sell it. It has been that way since the 70s when evangelists got on television and had to raise funds for their show and simultaneously the worth of a church began to be judged on how many converts it could get. Small worship and bible study groups meeting in homes was the intended organization of the church in Biblical times but it quickly became a political and financial institution as much as a religious one.
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May 22, 2019
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As a lowly psychology student and person who has struggled with mental health issues for some time now, I can say that psychology and psychiatry are absolutely fields of science. Our work is based on observable phenomena and is able to be replicated by other researchers under the same conditions.

Speaking to some of your other points, my local church offers free counseling, so maybe you should look there (your local church) if you can't afford the services of those that charge. I would be careful about calling into question someone's relationship with God just because they charge for a service. Remember, as you judge others, you will be judged by those same standards.

You seem to believe you, or someone you know, is afflicted by some type of spiritual oppression, in which case I would say, you are looking in the wrong place for help. I don't know anyone who has a credible way of observing demons, so no field of science is going to be able to help you in this area. You should be speaking with a pastor and searching for someone with the gift of deliverance if you feel demonic activity is the culprit.
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Therapy and psychiatry aren't the same thing, and don't operate off the same assumptions, necessarily. Some therapies are extreme effective for mental health challenges people face.

The core tenets of psychiatric orthodoxy preached to the public in America, that mental illness is caused by deficiency in neurochemicals, has been shown to be untrue, or at best, a gross simplification. Consequently, we are one of the most heavily drugged societies in the world.

People that live lives with integrity, who are honest with themselves and others, who treat other people the way they want to be treated, have fewer mental health problems. But we live in such an abusive society, where basic morality is often seldom evidenced, where people focus only on their own material advantages over others, than many people are in need of remediation and help, because they've never had any healthy relationships modeled for themselves. But it's ultimately something that will require changes in the wider society, because people don't live in isolation from one another. At best, we can try to pick up the pieces in our own lives.
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Aug 26, 2007
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I grew up in the southern baptist church. My parents taught me love and kindness, morals and ethics, manners, compassion, how to behave in society. They encouraged, taught, helped, disciplined and punished me when I needed it. I am not at all perfect and have no right to judge others, as a matter of fact sometimes I have a stuck-up prissy attitude and I think I am better than other people because I do not indulge in worldly vices. When I hear on the news of 'mentally ill' mass murderers or mass public shooters or bombers, terrorists, I think they are not mentally ill but just plain evil. My parents taught me that actions have consequences. I have had some very nice and kind psychiatrists, mostly therapists, counselors have been very helpful when I talk and tell them how I feel. I like art lessons at the local visual art center, the other ladies in the class are older than me but they are very nice and polite, I am like the baby of the class. Children these days need to learn morality, how to be kind and love each other, basic manners and compassion, how to be peaceful and speak politely, to be nice and not to strike anyone, to handle their emotions, like anger or sadness, in a positive way.

I really hate all the dishonesty swindling, lies, greed corruption in so many businesses today, they are just so corrupt, so greedy and lying and evil, so mean. I think their might be a problem with young people being so sensitive. I am sensitive and I need to do better.

My relationship with the Lord is what really helps me handle my mental problems.
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