I am struggling a lot with my mental and physical health and need prayers

Ave Maria

Ave Maria Gratia Plena
May 31, 2004
Diocese of Evansville, IN
United States
Marital Status
Hi everyone. I really need your prayers. For a month and a half, almost two months now, I've been struggling with a pretty serious knee injury as well as some pretty bad struggles with my mental health. I've received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick due to this as well as some other health issues, such as my asthma, that I've been dealing with a couple of times in the past month or so. I have good days and bad days but every single day is at least somewhat of a struggle. My depression has been pretty severe at times but not to the point of needing hospitalization thanks be to God. I should also mention that I lost my SSI and Medicaid so I am unable to get to the doctor. I'm waiting to get my Medicaid approved again but it's taking a long time.

Part of the reason why I've been depressed is loneliness because my husband is working two jobs to pay our bills. I've also been overwhelmed with trying to keep up on taking care of my son and our apartment practically by myself which normally isn't much of an issue but it definitely is when my physical and mental health isn't the greatest. I've managed but just barely. Another issue is that our son is having some behavioral issues. We're getting him in with mental health professionals but his appointment isn't for a couple of months for the psychologist because of a wait list. He also has to get an autism screening but the waiting list for that is an entire year or more and they haven't yet scheduled us. I'm also experiencing a lot of scrupulosity which is something I've struggled with for a long time.

Anyway, if you would please keep me in your prayers, I'd greatly appreciate it. I could use the extra support.


The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
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Oct 19, 2004
United States
Marital Status
Praying for you to receive any help that you need! :crosseo: I've been in your shoes. Multiple health issues and a husband who is always at work. If there is any way you could get out of the house, it would help (I go out for coffee once a day).
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Ave Maria

Ave Maria Gratia Plena
May 31, 2004
Diocese of Evansville, IN
United States
Marital Status
Thank you everyone. I greatly appreciate your help. I'm still going through a rough time but I think things might be getting slightly better. I'm really not sure. I do know that I am also dealing with a stomach virus now. I had to go to the emergency room last night because I was in excruciating pain and my husband, I were worried that it was something serious. Thankfully, it wasn't. The only problem is that my Medicaid has not yet been fully approved. They might go back and cover this visit to the emergency room since I have already applied and gotten the initial approval but it's possible, we'll have to pay for it out of pocket too. Please pray for us.
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