Top Ten Civil War Generals


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Mar 5, 2004
Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
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Who would you rate as the ten best generals--Blue or Gray--of the American Civil War and why? Please rank with one being your top choice.

Here is my list:

1) Ulysses S. Grant (North)--Saw the need for a total war of annihilation to defeat the South, not afraid to use his forces accordingly. Generous in victory, he allowed the Southern troops to keep their horses so they could work their farms and sup[plied food to feed Lee's army.

2) William T Sherman (North)--Like Grant saw the need for waging total war against the South. Not afraid to take chances with his army, including leaving his supply like and living off the land.

3) Robert E. Lee (South)--Kept the South in the war against overwhelming odds; without Lee the war would have ended much sooner. Unfortunately for the South drawing out the war ended any possibility of the South being restored to the union with slavery still legal. Lee fought his worst battle at Gettysburg, the fight that could have changed the outcome of the war.

4) Stonewall Jackson (South)--Jackson defeated northern forces in every battle he fought. Of course he fought against several incompetent Northern general--Pope, Hooker, Burnside among them. He never faced a general of the caliber of Meade, Thomas or Sherman in battle. Nevertheless he had a great military mind. Had his advice been taken the South may have won the war.

5) George Thomas (North)--One of the most underrated generals of the war, Thomas saved the Union army at Chickamanga in 1863 and crushed Hood's forces at Nashville in 1864.

6) Nathan Bedford Forrest (South)--A tactical genius, he knew how to use the terrain and he used blitzkrieg tactics long before Rommel and the Germans did in World War II.

7) George Meade (North)--Another underrated general, Meade defeated Lee at Gettysburg, the most important battle of the war. Perhaps the best defensive mind of the war. Those who criticize Meade for not pursuing Lee after the battle forget that his army had also suffered serious losses, and that Meade was still new to command.

8) Phil Sheridan (North)--Perhaps the best cavalry commander of the war, Sheridan scorched earth tactics won the war for the North in the Shenandoah Valley.

9) James Longstreet (South)--Longstreet wanted to entrench at Gettysburg and not charge the Union lines. Lee might have won if he had listened. Performed well at Fredericksburg, Bull Run, Chickamauga and the Wilderness.

10) Patrick Cleburne (South)--Repeatedly withstood vastly superior forces and became known as the "Stonewall Jackson of the West."
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Tolkien R.R.J

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2018
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Who would you rate as the ten best generals--Blue or Gray--of the American Civil War and why? Please rank with one being your top choice.

Here is my list:

1) Ulysses S. Grant (North)--Saw the need for a total war of annihilation to defeat the South, not afraid to use his forces accordingly. Generous in victory, he allowed the Southern troops to keep their horses so they could work their farms and sup[plied food to feed Lee's army.

2) William T Sherman (North)--Like Grant saw the need for waging total war against the South. Not afraid to take chances with his army, including leaving his supply like and living off the land.

3) Robert E. Lee (South)--Kept the South in the war against overwhelming odds; without Lee the war would have ended much sooner. Unfortunately for the South drawing out the war ended any possibility of the South being restored to the union with slavery still legal. Lee fought his worst battle at Gettysburg, the fight that could have changed the outcome of the war.

4) Stonewall Jackson (South)--Jackson defeated northern forces in every battle he fought. Of course he fought against several incompetent Northern general--Pope, Hooker, Burnside among them. He never faced a general of the caliber of Meade, Thomas or Sherman in battle. Nevertheless he had a great military mind. Had his advice been taken the South may have won the war.

5) George Thomas (North)--One of the most underrated generals of the war, Thomas saved the Union army at Chickamanga in 1863 and crushed Hood's forces at Nashville in 1864.

6) Nathan Bedford Forrest (South)--A tactical genius, he knew how to use the terrain and he used blitzkrieg tactics long before Rommel and the Germans did in World War II.

7) George Meade (North)--Another underrated general, Meade defeated Lee at Gettysburg, the most important battle of the war. Perhaps the best defensive mind of the war. Those who criticize Meade for not pursuing Lee after the battle forget that his army had also suffered serious losses, and that Meade was still new to command.

8) Phil Sheridan (North)--Perhaps the best cavalry commander of the war, Sheridan scorched earth tactics won the war for the North in the Shenandoah Valley.

9) James Longstreet (South)--Longstreet wanted to entrench at Gettysburg and not charge the Union lines. Lee might have won if he had listened. Performed well at Fredericksburg, Bull Run, Chickamauga and the Wilderness.

10) Patrick Cleburne (South)--Repeatedly withstood vastly superior forces and became known as the "Stonewall Jackson of the West."

Its a good list of generals but I must disagree. But i also dont have a figured out list either. I posted in the history section but it really should be over here and from now on I will.

William T Sherman- The Most Overrated General of the Civil war?

I will be doing more threads on Lee, Jackson, Grant, McClellan and Thomas. These lists are fun but mine has changed multiple times and i am sure will again. SO I will comment on yours.

Grant- I will post a thread eventually critically looking at Grant as a general. I would not put him as number 1 for the reasons I will give. I would likely put him anywhere from 2-4.

William T Sherman- As my thread argues I think him the most overrated. I would put him somewhere around maybe 7-8.

Robert E. Lee - I will also make a thread that looks critically at Lee. Yet I think him somewhere between 2-4.

Stonewall Jackson- I will make a thread that argues him as the best commander of the war.

George Thomas I will make a thread on him arguing he is the best general most have never heard of [ Cleburne for the south] I place him anywhere from 3-5.

Nathan Bedford Forrest Very hard to rank as he had military genius but did not do well with larger commands. I would say 5-6 sounds good since for me Sherman is below him.

George Meade He was good for sure. But outside Gettysburg it was more "good" or average even. I am not sure he is in my top 10. Not sure he is not either.

Phil Sheridan He reminds me of Grant but not as good, lots of success. I have a book that takes a critical look at him but have not read yet

I do believe his ability as a Calvary general is extremely overrated. I am not sure he is in my top ten either. As Calvary generals i would put Forrest and Stuart above him easy.

James Longstreet a great corps commander under Lee, only when Lee was there. He failed miserably at independent command. He might be in my top 10. I am going to have to think some on this.

Patrick Cleburne The best infantry commander in the army in the west for the CSA. He is top ten.

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Senior Veteran
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Mar 5, 2004
Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
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Its a good list of generals but I must disagree. But i also dont have a figured out list either. I posted in the history section but it really should be over here and from now on I will.

William T Sherman- The Most Overrated General of the Civil war?

I will be doing more threads on Lee, Jackson, Grant, McClellan and Thomas. These lists are fun but mine has changed multiple times and i am sure will again. SO I will comment on yours.

Grant- I will post a thread eventually critically looking at Grant as a general. I would not put him as number 1 for the reasons I will give. I would likely put him anywhere from 2-4.

William T Sherman- As my thread argues I think him the most overrated. I would put him somewhere around maybe 7-8.

Robert E. Lee - I will also make a thread that looks critically at Lee. Yet I think him somewhere between 2-4.

Stonewall Jackson- I will make a thread that argues him as the best commander of the war.

George Thomas I will make a thread on him arguing he is the best general most have never heard of [ Cleburne for the south] I place him anywhere from 3-5.

Nathan Bedford Forrest Very hard to rank as he had military genius but did not do well with larger commands. I would say 5-6 sounds good since for me Sherman is below him.

George Meade He was good for sure. But outside Gettysburg it was more "good" or average even. I am not sure he is in my top 10. Not sure he is not either.

Phil Sheridan He reminds me of Grant but not as good, lots of success. I have a book that takes a critical look at him but have not read yet

I do believe his ability as a Calvary general is extremely overrated. I am not sure he is in my top ten either. As Calvary generals i would put Forrest and Stuart above him easy.

James Longstreet a great corps commander under Lee, only when Lee was there. He failed miserably at independent command. He might be in my top 10. I am going to have to think some on this.

Patrick Cleburne The best infantry commander in the army in the west for the CSA. He is top ten.

I will be eager to see your top 10 list when it is completed. I would disagree with Jackson as being number one as he never faced a competent Union general. I would urge you to re-examine Meade who was the only union general to perform well at Fredericksburg and who kept his army running under Grant’s overall command. The press gave Meade no credit for union success during the last year of the war.
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Tolkien R.R.J

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2018
United States
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I will be eager to see your top 10 list when it is completed. I would disagree with Jackson as being number one as he never faced a competent Union general. I would urge you to re-examine Meade who was the only union general to perform well at Fredericksburg and who kept his army running under Grant’s overall command. The press gave Meade no credit for union success during the last year of the war.

Yes i have never focused in on Meade so I am not the best judgment. He did break the lines at Fredericksburg but he also did not face Longstreet's section and the wall. But still, good stuff.

As i understand it grant really controlled things himself. I saw Meade as more an adviser.
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