Fade In/Fade Out - Nothing More

Lyrically a song I really relate to concerning my father. Thankfully we had him for 94 years, though this song still reminds me of him. Saw Nothing More live last weekend, which brought the song back to the front of my mind. They do a great job musically of pulling through the tangles of emotions we can feel with our parents as well.

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Just the other day I looked at my father
It was the first time I saw he'd grown old
Canyons through his skin and the rivers that made them
Carve the stories I was told
He said,
"Son, I have watched you fade in
You will watch me fade out
When the grip leaves my hand
I know you won't let me down
Go and find your way
Leave me in your wake
Always push through the pain
And don't run away from change
Never settle
Make your Mark
Hold your head up
Follow your heart"

Just the other day I stared at the ocean
With every new wave another must go
One day you'll remember us laughing
One day you'll remember my passion
One day you'll have one of your own
I say,
"Son, I have watched you fade in
You will watch me fade out
When the grip leaves my hand
I know you won't let me down
Go and find your way
Leave me in your wake
Always push through the pain
And don't run away from change
Never settle
Make your Mark
Hold your head up
Follow your heart

We all get lost sometimes trying to find what we're
Looking for

I have watched you fade in
You will watch me fade out
When the grip leaves my hand
I know you won't let me down
Go and find your way
Leave me in your wake
Always push through the pain
And don't run away from change
Never settle
Make your Mark
Hold your head up
Follow your heart

When the morning comes and takes me
I promise I have taught you everything that you need
In the night you'll dream of so many things
But find the ones that bring you life and you'll find
That's where you'll find me

Songwriters: Scott Christopher Stevens, Daniel Oliver, Will Hoffman, Mark Vollelunga, Ben Anderson, Johnny Hawkins. For non-commercial use only.

Report alleges Biden family has 150 Suspicious Activity Reports from Banks

Has the standing committee set the chair for the House Oversight and Reform Committee?
Comer was the ranking committee person, odds are he’ll get the chair if doled out by seniority as per usual.
Now that he (supposedly) has subpoena power things should loosen up a bit over to Treasury?

Yes Comer is the chair, and yes Treasury has loosened up.

The Treasury Department also has granted Comer’s panel access to so-called suspicious activity reports related to Hunter Biden and associates. But the committee has yet to release any new findings from those activity reports, which are records submitted by banks that don’t necessarily indicate wrongdoing.
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The movie Ruby Bridges removed by Pinellas County school board

After review, Ruby Bridges will be allowed to enter the elementary school.

Review board allows Ruby Bridges movie to be shown at elementary school after parent complaint

Before the vote, the eight-person committee of teachers, parents, community members and a library media technology specialist watched the film and reviewed the objection form as well as the school district policy, the district said in a statement.

The parent who filed the complaint was invited to speak to the committee but did not attend Monday’s meeting, the school district said.
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How Do Yall Spread the Gospel

I do agree with what you said CryptoLutheran. We are witnessing by the way we act and by the things we do. By doing this, we show that what we believe in, we do truly believe. If we acted badly, then we would be a bad witness. For instance, if I said I was a believer and then someone heard me at a moment where I was angry and swearing, they would then think that I was a hypocrite. My actions where not that of a Christian. So, your actions substantiate your faith. But your faith is not known until you speak it. I could do good deeds and be happy all the time and be the best friend of someone, but I could be from some other religion. So, we need to speak out what our faith is where possible. I understand that we cannot always speak our faith in some places, be it work or some other place, but we need to be always looking for the opportunities. Maybe invite your workmates to your house for a coffee where you can then talk to them there. Or ask them if they want to go fishing with you. Make an opportunity for the Gospel to be spoken.
If you truly love your workmate, how could you not speak to them about the condemnation that they are under. You should love them enough to look for those opportunities. It would be unloving not to do so.
So, speak out the reason for your hope when possible. Being a witness for your faith by your acts does not tell the reason for your hope. That is only known once you have spoken it.
One other thing that I might mention is that, when you do get the opportunity to share the reason for your hope, don't just say that you are a Christian. That often does not mean much to people. See if you can tell them that you have sinned and that when you are judged, you do not want to be found guilty. This will then hopefully lead to a conversation about Jesus taking our punishment.
Last thing is that, if we are to be imitators of Christ, what did he do? Yes, he went about doing good and being kind, but he also spoke about the things of the Kingdom.
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Discussion New Apostolic Reformation, Infights and Hunts, Sorting True from False?

I checked Bill Johnson's Ministry the other day. They gave me a quick reply. Bethel are not in any way NAR adherents and don't know much about it.
Randy Clark is not in the theological movement either, and Daniel Kolenda explained he isn't, with these latter two examples explanations on video.

Years ago an Englishman wanted me to join in with him and others in picking on young upper middle class stylish Englishmen. There was a picture of one, in fine clothes and with a gold necklace. Named Chavs. In the USA there is name calling Nerds... but in England if they want someone to hate they have the Chavs and cry at them, Chav scum. I think it a significant problem that wikipedia claims that NAR is a real movement and that Bill Johnson and Randy are in it. And that some media like Eternity News, acknowledge it exists and in one article checked Hillsong for signs of NAR. And they draw back from praying for what turn out to be the seven mountains.

I think praying for people in and going into government, the arts, educations and ministry... is a good idea. And rejecting such a push for us, to be authorities and influencers, is counter productive.
People of the same philosophy as John MacArthur always have to have heretics outside of themselves to burn at the stake, in order to not have time to look at how heretical their own theology is, so they keep making these straw heretic boogeymen, who, ironically are all far more biblical than their own belief system. One of the straw, boogeyman, heretics du jour is the NAR.
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What is the root of sin, or sin behind all other sins?

I was thinking about this and whether it is pride or unbelief, and I was thinking it might be pride, that pride is what is behind unbelief when a person doesn't want to trust in Christ for righteousness?

Any thoughts?
Desire that refuses to submit to God's will.

James 1:14&15
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
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Judas Iscariot and Spy Wednesday: How Do I Not Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways...

In his general audience catechesis on the Twelve Apostles in 2006, the late Pope Benedict XVI said God used Judas’ betrayal as part of his plan for salvation.

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China Breaks Secret Vatican Agreement, Unilaterally Installs Communist Lackey Shen Bin as Bishop of Shanghai; Auxiliary Bishop Ma Daqin Remains….

…Under House Arrest

The investiture comes with a letter from the Council of Chinese Bishops, a body not recognised by the Holy See and linked to the Communist Party. The dismay of the faithful. The new pastor promises to continue with the "sinicisation" of Catholicism in China. Analysts: The Holy See wanted the return of Msgr Joseph Xing Wenzhi.

Rome (AsiaNews) - Msgr.Shen Bin is the new bishop of Shanghai. As revealed yesterday by AsiaNews, the installation ceremony took place today. The letter of appointment is from the Council of Chinese Bishops, of which Mgr Shen is the head. The body is not recognised by the Holy See and is strictly subject to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The origin of the installation would indicate that the (official) Chinese Church did not agree on the choice with the Vatican.

Vatican sources have told AsiaNews that the appointment is "unilateral", without papal approval. Indirect confirmation also comes from the Catholic faithful in China, who have expressed sadness at the installation, which they say came without the pope's mandate: a source of great upset for the Catholic community in Shanghai.

According to the Sino-Vatican agreement of 2018, later renewed in October 2020 and 2022, the choice of the new Chinese bishops should be shared by the Holy See and the Beijing authorities.

In November, the Vatican had denounced the violation of the agreement by the Chinese authorities with the appointment of Bishop John Peng Weizhao as auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Jiangxi. Now the issue of the diocese of Haimen (Jiangsu), of which Msgr. Shen was the pastor - an ordination that came with papal recognition in 2010 - is also open.

Continued below.
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Why is the 3rd death called the 2nd death ?

The Apocalypse isn't considering spiritual death as some "sequence", but is only having in mind bodily death as the first death. So our mortal, bodily death is a first death; but there is a second death. I think given the apocalyptic nature of the book the point being made is that the conclusion is something that can really only be called a second death, it's as though they are dying a second time; in the same way that the lake of fire is itself figurative and apocalyptic language. There isn't, obviously, some lake somewhere that is literally sulfur and fire. But the imagery is potent, and the mention of sulfur is itself probably significant not only because of its relationship to geothermal activity (e.g. volcanoes), but also because sulfur was perceived in the ancient world as having spiritual/religious significance. The Greek word for sulfur can literally translate to "divinity" or "divine stuff", sulfur was often used by ancient people in ritual purification rites. So sulfur and fire points to a kind of consummation of divine judgment, but what exactly it all means is unknown.

The Bible itself never calls this second death/lake of fire "hell" (which is the English word often used to translate both Gehenna and Hades), but we often apply this term to it anyway. Gehenna which is "in" Hades would seemingly itself be cast into the lake, as we see Hades itself thrown into the lake along with even death itself. How does something like Gehenna which Jesus describes as consisting of "age-lasting" or "everlasting" fire itself get cast into the lake of fire?

I don't have an answer to that, I just think it noteworthy to mention. I simply don't think we have the answers to some of these questions; in the case of the ultimate fate of the wicked the Bible uses both incredibly serious and sobering language, but it is also rather vague, with seemingly more questions to be raised than answers given. But that it is serious is obvious, St. John wouldn't call it "the second death" unless it were serious.

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fruit and truth devotions


13 For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.


That's a question millions of people are asking these days, many think we came from monkey's, many think we evolved but still many more have no idea of their earthly parents.

They don't know who their parents were, they might know one of their parents, but not the other.

You weren't there at the moment of your conception, but God was.

All that time, you were in your mother's womb, he was intricately weaving you into his image. You are fearfully and wonderfully made; you weren't and aren't a mistake.

These are very comforting words for everyone who feels unloved, who feels unwanted. Some of you maybe came from very unfortunate circumstances, maybe you came from the results of rape or were told, like me that one or more parents didn't want them, well let me tell you this;


You are wanted, you are treasured and you were made gloriously as a unique human being. God saw all your days, he created you for a purpose and that purpose was for you to know HIM

God knew you even before you were born, to me that is amazing, it thrills my soul and gives me so much joy and hope.

God bless you

诗篇 139

13 我的肺腑是你所造的。我在母腹中,你已覆庇我。











Can I ask for advice? Basically: how do I glorify God in everything I do? Do I need to glorify God in everything I do?

I do have Scrupulousity, by the way. I don't know if that's relevant, but I should probably tell you just in case.

Also, this may be potentially triggering to someone else with OCD.

How do I do everything for God? And if I don't do something with the explicit purpose of "doing it for God", is it a sin? I've got it in my head that it is (I'm not 100% sure how much Scripture backs that) and it's causing me anxiety. I'm nervous to commit myself to anything if I can't find a religious motive behind it.

I'm worrying about my motives involving everything. Is getting my Driver's License a sin if I'm doing it for practicality's sake? Is taking care of my appearance and hygiene a sin 'cause I'm doing it to feel clean and better about myself? I recently started trying to wake up early with the hopes of getting my life together... Is that wrong because I'm not really doing it for God?

Does this make sense?

I kinda wanna ask my pastor and/or my mom, but I'm worried they'll think I'm ridiculous. Either everyone else is wayyy more moral than I am, and does everything for God's sake... Or they don't worry about this? Maybe I'm being ridiculous after all.

What are your thoughts? I kinda feel like I'm in a hypothetical limbo rn.
Jesus is our rest. Our true rest. I will pray that you can find what a wonderful rest Jesus is.
Here is a sermon that is a blessing to me. I hope it is a light and breath of fresh air to you.
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Judas Explains It All

Judas: – Because men are weak
Because they are cursed with envy and cowardice
Because they can dream of truth, but cannot live with it, they doubt
They doubt, the fools
Why must men betray themselves with doubts?
– Tell them, the others, find them and tell them not to doubt
Even now not to doubt
Tell them to keep their faith
They must keep faith
Demetrius: – Wait, tell who?
Who are you?
Judas: – My name is Judas

Screenplay The Robe (1953)


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