Sharing About Heaven . . .

Well, we are indeed not here in order to be pleased, ourselves. We are here so we can become pleasing to our Father, like how Jesus is so pleasing to our Heavenly Father.

So, in case anyone thinks he or she is the central reason for Heaven, yes he or she is indeed fooled. And in case one supposes Heaven is mainly for making us happy . . . we are fooled.

However > if we become like Jesus, more and more . . .

"gentle and lowly in heart" (in Matthew 11:28-30) >

we will be pleasing to our Father like Jesus is, because we are like Him gentle and humble.

But Jesus guarantees how this will be good for us, too > "you will find rest for your souls." (same scripture > Matthew 11:28-30)

Because God is very kind and tender in all-loving love. So, if we are like Jesus we become like this, and this kind and tender love in us is good for us, too, not only making us so pleasing to our Father who adopted us out of this world's selfish ways of loving.

Worldly love is selfish, and also weak. Ones in selfish love pick and choose whom they want to use to get the pleasures they prefer; they are so weak and foolish for pleasure, seeking to make themselves feel something nicer than their own selfish nature's mess. And their weakness for the pleasures keeps them weak to also suffer in frustration and hurts and unforgiveness about not having their own selfish pleasure heavens they want on this earth.

But Jesus is humble > not conceited; so Jesus left His Heaven in order to come here to rescue us and share His very own with us. Jesus suffered like He did and died for our sins so we don't miss out on real love, and so we don't go to Hell. So, Jesus is not the one with the conceit problem. But there are people who actually think they are too smart and too good for Jesus.

So, Jesus is the One so pleasing to our Father, since He is so unselfish and even on the cross Jesus was so sweetly pleasing to our Father > "a sweet-smelling aroma" (in Ephesians 5:2). And so God wants a bunch of children who also are not conceitedly picking and choosing who is good enough for them to love, but we love any and all, and we keep in ourselves how Jesus so gave Himself for us, even leaving Heaven, though we have been so undeserving of Him.

God wants children who are sweetly pleasing to Him, like how Jesus continued to be, on the cross. This is a point about Heaven, by the way. The love we will live in in Heaven is able to keep us sweetly pleasant even while we are being hated and tortured and murdered for the name of Jesus. The character of God's love makes us immune, then, to how Satanic things would mess with us. We more and more have this character now >

"Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." (1 John 4:17-18)

So, we have this almighty immunity in God's almighty power of His love, while also we have His quality of Heavenly pleasant "rest for your souls" which no evil can mess with >

"And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?" (1 Peter 3:13)

So, from this we can see, even experiencing this now in His almighty love, how in Heaven we will be safe from giving in to selfish stuff and safe from being corrupted by negative and nasty nonsense of Satan's cruelly stupid emotions and drives and feelings. Satan was thrown out of Heaven, "like lightning" (Luke 10:18), and Jesus used the "finger of God" to cast out demons from people > God's little pinky was enough!! (Luke 11:20) :) And in this love, we have this safety from however Satan in this world would corrupt us >

"rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God" (1 Peter 3:4)

In God's gentle and quiet love, then, is such almighty power against lusts and unforgiveness and depression and frustration and fear and anxiety which can corrupt people who are living in their selfishness-infected nature. Plus, this gentle and quiet spirit of God's love is so preciously pleasing to Him. So, we are safe and satisfied plus perfectly pleasing to our Father, in His own love, making us like Jesus who is so. And this is a main ingredient, then, of Heaven > how our character is cured to be like Christ > so we are so pleasing to our Father while also so safe > sharing with God, like this.

People can be happy, but not safe from what could happen to them.

People can feel so happy about going to Heaven, but not be pleasing to our Father like Jesus in us has us growing to become, more and more > so we can please Him and love the way He loves >

"And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma." (Ephesians 5:2)

So, yes God's love in us now has us succeeding in obeying this. We are being corrected and cured into the nature of Jesus now so that "as He is, so are we in this world." (in 1 John 4:17)

So, this needs to be where our attention is. And while we go through hard things, we need to be submitting to God for how He makes us sweetly pleasing to Him, sensitively sharing with Him, therefore like how Jesus on the cross was "a sweet-smelling aroma" loving any and all of us, having hope for any evil person, at all > love "hopes all things" (in 1 Corinthians 13:7). This does not mean hoping for your next pleasure, hoping to use someone or fool someone so you can get what you want > this is why so many don't even believe in Heaven, because they are hoping for how they can use and control things and people for themselves > they are anti-Heaven, then. God's love does not only have us trying to use anyone.

Therefore, Heaven is not only an intellectual subject or an imagination game. Our attention, then, needs to be to how we can become in our nature, thanks to how God is able, so we are the way Heaven is in love. This is so we fulfill our destiny in Jesus >

"For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren." (Romans 8:29)

So, yes Heaven is first about how pleased our Father is with His own Son. And so God wants to have many more who are pleasing to Him like Jesus is. So, if we first love God, we first seek His kingdom of how Jesus is so pleasing to Him, and how our Father is able to now change us to be like Jesus, more and more growing in this, partly thanks to how He is able to truly correct us > Hebrews 12:4-11.

And if you will now consider the Sermon on the Mount, what is the first thing Jesus talks about . . . where He could have started with any thing?

How to be >

poor in spirit



pure in heart.

But, of course, this is good for us, too. We living and loving in God's grace now can enjoy how Jesus is, in us, no matter what He has us going through. Nothing nice or horrible could change Jesus from how He is so pleasing and caring and sharing in God's family love; and Jesus growing in us now makes us more and more immune like this while also having compassion and His creativity to do what is loving about any evil >

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)

So, this is another thing, by the way, about Heaven > God's love is Family caring and sharing love; so in Heaven we are His own family, this personal and intimate with Him and one another. And the Bible has scriptures which clearly tell us to now live in this love and grow in this love . . . so we are ready for this when Jesus returns. Among other scriptures >

"Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;" (Colossians 3:12)

We are "holy" by being like Jesus so pleasing to our Father.

But also we are "beloved" > His own Family!!!

We are also intimate with one another, the way Jesus in us has us sharing by being in His "tender mercies, humility, meekness, longsuffering" which make us able to be stable in love, not in unstable worldly love which can give in to the dictatorship of pleasure drives and then the frustration and pain of losing and not getting self-seeking security and pleasures.

So, be ready for Heaven, trusting God to change us and grow us in this love which makes us like Jesus.

Heaven is not something, then, to procrastinate, but now is our time to prepare in our character and how we are relating in love.

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