Christ the Conqueror: Satan`s Schemes.

Satan`s Schemes.

When God created man, Satan was right there to interfere and try to control man. He tempted Adam and Eve to act apart from God – to be self-seeking. Once they did Satan continued to influence humanity. Over time the wickedness of man came to a head and God judged them with the flood.

After the flood God told Noah that man was responsible for their deeds and if blood was shed then God would require the same from those who committed the crime. This included all lesser crimes. Man, therefore, was given responsibility to govern others.

As families became tribes and then nations, we see Satan continuing to influence them. The prophet Daniel records how there were `princes` behind the major nations of the time – Persia and Greece. (Dan. 10: 20)

Following them was the great Empire of Rome. It was powerful, cruel, and reaching far and wide across the known world. Into this area came Jesus to be born as a baby in Bethlehem. The angels heralded His birth and told the shepherds who were guarding their flocks, that `a Saviour who is Christ the Lord` was born in a manger. (Luke 2: 8 – 15)

Later, wise men also came to see this baby. They went first to Jerusalem asking `Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?` (Matt. 2: 1 & 2) King Herod appointed by Rome was troubled and wanted to know where the young child was. The wise men were warned however and did not return to Jerusalem. Herod was then exceedingly angry and sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years and under.` (Matt. 2: 16)

Now, Satan would have also seen and heard the angels and wise men. He understood that this baby was a special one who would be King of the Jews. Israel was God`s own nation who were to teach the other nations of God, but they had rebelled and thus were under Gentile rule. However, their King had come, and thus they would be able to rise as a nation under God again. Satan realised this and so began his schemes to get rid of Jesus.

But an angel warned Joseph, Jesus` father to flee to Egypt and so Satan`s plan was thwarted for a time. Jesus grew up and became a man. Then, one day when John the Baptist was baptising people, Jesus came and was baptised also. When Jesus arose out of the water behold the heavens opened and a voice came from heaven, `This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.` (Matt. 3: 16 & 17)

Satan then realised that this man was the very Son of God. Thus, Satan sets about to tempt Jesus when He was in the wilderness. `If you are the Son of God.` (Matt. 4:3 & 6)



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Marilyn C
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