Old Blog Software

3 min read
Old Blog Software
Rightly dividing, properly interepreted, means "to handle correctly". Literally, the phrase means literally cutting something in a straight way. Figuratively, teaching or expounding correctly. Unfortunately, Scofield's wooden literalism of the phrase led to the movement that cuts up or divides...
2 min read
Old Blog Software
Not a day passes that some enthusiastic anti-Calvinist lays the charge that we Reformed are followers of the words of men, especially John Calvin. It is quite simple for me. As do all Reformed, I hold Scripture to be the norming norm in all that I do, think, or say. Scripture is my sole rule of...
1 min read
Old Blog Software
Elect infants, dying in infancy, are regenerated, and saved by Christ, through the Spirit, (Luke 18:15-16, Acts 2:38-39, John 3:3, 5, 1 John 5:12, Rom. 8:9) who worketh when, and where, and how He pleases: (John 3:8) so also are all other elect persons who are uncapable of being outwardly called...
2 min read
Old Blog Software
I was recently asked What is your individual policy on engaging in internet debate? My response follows.... One must be a good steward of the time God grants them (Ephesians 5:15; Ecclesiastes 11:9; Mark 12:30). The time granted should be spent bringing glory to God in word, deed, or thought...
3 min read
Old Blog Software
While not incorrect, per se, the use of "entities" often leads to confusion as it usually implies, to the modern ear, mutually independent "beings", as in the Godhead comprises three separate and mutually independent beings. This is untrue. The three personal subsistences are each comprised of...
1 min read
Old Blog Software
The reasons are why predestination should be embraced is because Our Lord and the apostles frequently taught it, since it appears from in the Gospels, e.g., Matthew 11:20, 25; 13:11; 25:34; Luke 10:20; 12:32; John 8:47; 15:16 and in other places. Predestination is also is taught from the...
4 min read
Old Blog Software
Capacity and ability are not the same. The capacity to seek the good comes from the original creation of man in an upright state in the image of God. In his fallen state man's capacity is wholly debilitated by the corruption of the fall, hence inability. Original man was created with the...
3 min read
Old Blog Software
Indeed, I was, as are all before their re-birth (Eph. 2:1-5). I do know where you are headed here, and it would be more effective to just lay out your entire agenda than just resorting to playing twenty questions, as it were. The elect are under the same condemnation until the application of...
4 min read
Old Blog Software
When we approach holy Scripture we must make a choice—we either stand to be judged by the Word of God, or we sit in judgment upon it. When I am confronted with conflicting versions of Scripture translations, I am compelled to make a choice, for I believe the holy scriptures are to be read with...
4 min read
Old Blog Software
Some serious hermeneutical hopscotch is needed to deny the literal meaning of the six days. 1. The ordinance of the Sabbath is now doubtful if six days is not literal (Ex. 20:11). 2. If the First Adam is allegorical, then the Second Adam is as well. 3. A literal Adam is required in Romans. 4...
3 min read
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Old Blog Software
What follows is an example of the typical anti-Calvinist's view of predestination. The typical anti-Calvinist will argue: Anti-Calvinist's such as the above have their very own version of predestination. These folks may deny predestination as we Reformed understand it to be, but in their...
2 min read
Old Blog Software
Despite the claims of others, there is but one Gospel. In a fast food society that likes just snippets it is wrong to assume that but the concise summary of the Gospel in 1 Cor 15 is the only time that Paul calls something "the Gospel". For example, the entire letter of Romans is repeatedly...
2 min read
Old Blog Software
The term Romanist is not normally used as a pejorative, despite the claims of the Roman Catholic. Indeed, you should not. Romanist is but a normative term for Roman Catholics, just as Calvinist is a loose synonym for the Reformed that espouse a particular view of the doctrines of grace...
4 min read
Old Blog Software
Appeals to the usual "all men" verses by the anti-Calvinist are easily met with reasoned interpretative skills. For example, The word “all” does not refer to all men who have existed, do exist, and will exist, but rather to all those who are under discussion in each individual text. You want...
3 min read
Old Blog Software
Following a discussion of repentance following regeneration the not unexpected rejoinder was offered up: Luke 13:3 is no more false than is Acts 11:18: "When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, 'Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto...
The Empowered Christian There is the saying there is nothing new under the sun, of course, this is not really true as man through technology and science are discovering many previously hidden treasures on and in the world both under the seas and in the earth. In Heaven, there is nothing new for...
The Empowered Christian This day! Is the day to awake to what has been given unto you, for a child has been born for you. Having no choice in His path but out of obedience to the eternal Father, He came to be born placed in innocence in the cradle of sin. His birth the beginning of sacrifice for...
The Empowered Christian The bible speaks very little about the mother of Jesus other than she was a virgin and was willing to be ridiculed, endure shame for the purposes of God saying, "I am the Lord's servant" - Lk. 1:38. Mary has had her share of controversy among the Faithful and the church...
As a kid, I didn't know how to set goals because I didn't have any specific goals in mind as a kid because my only goal was to beat games not set goals for them. Then, as 24 I had specific goals. For example, in Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2, I decided it was my two goals to get max...
In some platform games like Super Mario, it is simple to increase your score just by defeating some enemies, gaining power-ups, reaching the exits, etc. As a kid, I mainly focus on beating some games instead of trying to get a max score. Then, at 24 I tried to get a max score. The benefits of...