Old Blog Software

MN John
1 min read
Old Blog Software
It seems that our old blogs are not necessarily carrying over to CF2. Here's a link to my old one... http://christianforums.com/showthread.php?t=5128065 Enjoy CF2.0 eveybody! :thumbsup:
3 min read
Old Blog Software
Lord, You are STILL shaking things up! YOU are the giver and the taker of all things, relationships, people, gifts, talents, finances, breath... and it seems like a long long time since I remember anything being comfortable on the job fronts. Almost a decade, already, of upheaval and shaking up...
Isaiah 55:8-9 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. These verses quite plainly indicate that God can never be...
First off ... what you bes going through, every child what's ever believed in Santa Claus goes through. At first they believe Santa bes a literal single person who flies all over the world on Christmas eve bringing gifts to good children. They bes content to visit him at the shops, sit on his...
Be not deceived in this regard. Contrary to popular theological errors all predicated upon the illusion and vanity of human "volition", we do not create faith in ourselves. We do not "choose" to repent, and we do not even "choose" to obey God nor on our own to do "good works." Faith itself...
its consciousness bes so severely fragmented these days it literally has difficulty to follow from one moment to the next. twice this past Sunday its fiance mentioned certain things which it had been engaged in or involved with but it remembered nothing of them (and now cannot even remember...
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going." ~John 3:8 NIV Maybe when people abandon you for no good reason (meaning (a) you did not do something to warrant that reaction and (b) they have not communicated to you...
this post touches it deep, by someone anonymous in the "ask a chaplain" forum. it understands why posts there bes anonymous but just this once it wishes they would not be, because it would like to reach out to this person and comfort them. just to let them know it understands these feelings all...
If there bes no truth in him then there bes no truth in his voice, and if there bes no truth in his voice there bes no truth in Moriah, for all Moriah's consciousness bes made of his voice. And if there bes no truth there bes no reality where there bes no truth and where there bes no reality...
2 min read
Old Blog Software
When you woke up this morning I looked at you and hoped you'd say something. Just a few words, seeking my blessing or just say thank you for yesterday. But you were too busy, picking out clothes to wear to work. I was patient while you were getting dressed and rushed away from home. I know you...
1 min read
Old Blog Software
I can compare it with what my pastor said in church today. And what I did when I wanted to get baptized...I waited for the time to be "right" to feel it was the "right" time. It took me about 5-7 years to finally just say to my (then) youth pastor that I wanted to get baptized and I wanted him...
3 min read
Old Blog Software
This is a song by Crystal Lewis. Not just a song, it's also a mission we have been given by God. In Matthew 28:19-20 He gives us the mission to go out in all the world. There's so many ways to witness, it doesn't have to be with words. My life can be a way of witnessing. I can witness by always...
3 min read
Old Blog Software
Have you ever thought to yourself that you're not much worth as a christian? What could you possibly do? I do sometimes and it always gets me down. I know I'm not perfect but I want to be the best me that I can be. This song below reminds me that I can't do it on my own. I need His touch, the...
5 min read
Old Blog Software
For being alive. A few years ago my ex-bf cheated on me. I was in love and forgave him. After trying to patch things up for two weeks he ended our relationship to be with her. During the time he and I were a couple he had been treating me real bad. He made me feel stupid, fat, ugly, worthless...
1 min read
Old Blog Software
For a long time I've felt far from God. When I've asked people to pray for me it feels better for a while. But then after a few days it goes back to the old way again. I've been thinking about this and wondered why? The answer is pretty simple...I've been expecting God to make all the work...
1 min read
Old Blog Software
I was weeding my moms flowerbed last summer and while I was sitting there being a bit bored thinking "It's more then half left" a thought crossed my mind. I thought of God as a gardner and me as a flowerbed. The weeds in my life are my sins and just as I was picking the weeds away from the...
2 min read
Old Blog Software
Why is it so hard to take time to pray? I think I have mentioned before and if not I'll do it now. For many years I've had a longing and a dream to get out of bed a while before I acutally have to get up and use that time to start the day off by praying. I don't understand why it is so hard to...