Critical Analysis

Richard T
3 min read
This blog describes fake colleges, colleges that are unaccredited and to a lesser extent the misuse of the doctorate title. This article warns of scams being done in the names of closed colleges. Zombie colleges? These universities are living another life online, and no one can say why It...
Richard T
5 min read
Christian Forums Personal Blogs
Few of us expect the news to be fair as most journalists are left leaning and even Fox sometimes is guilty of titillating its readers with conservative views that are off base. Such errors and omissions in political stories are not what I am talking about here. Instead, a historical focus on how...
Richard T
4 min read
Christian Forums
This entry looks at some potential dominoes that could be nearing for the world. I recently saw a prophecy from Elijah's list ( that suggested dominoes will be falling while another from their archives (Sept 2023) also suggested to "batten down the hatches." It is not just these...
Richard T
6 min read
Christian Forums
America is at a crossroads and there are three paths that it can take from here. These include: (1) End time events where God’s providence takes over. (2) Success by the Democratic Party, (3) Judgment and the rebuilding of America. In this post I concentrate on number three. In doing so, I...
If you have not heard of Dana Coverstone, he is a Kentucky pastor who has been getting prophetic dreams. He dreamed of COVID months before it arrived and has since had a number of dreams that he has been sharing. What is interesting in this post is his Oct 20th Dream. (A transcript can be found...
Richard T
4 min read
Christian Forums
It is now quite common for media to omit pertinent facts, mislead, or even deceive in order to further their agenda. I see it all the time, poor assumptions, bad data, or simply media bias. Even the alleged "fact finders" make wrong or premature conclusions at times. Today, I want to look at...
Richard T
6 min read
Christian Forums
Today it was announced that the deficit for the month in the United States was 864 billion. This more than doubles the May number of 400 billion and for the year the total is expected to be 3.7 trillion. Since most government estimates are too rosy, I would guess the deficits will surpass the...
Richard T
2 min read
Christian Forums
The 1980s service at this Tulsa gospel mission was in full swing. An organ with a Leslie speaker roared with the cadence of the preaching. It sounded like one was at a hockey game. Countless down and outers were present, after all, this house of worship served mostly homeless. It offered meals...
Richard T
4 min read
Christian Forums
This week, I thought I would share three experiences that helped me see the heart of God. All of these came from a Youth with a Mission trip to Zimbabwe in the 1980s. Our group was ministering in a village. I call it a village but it really was a white farmer's plantation, where the workers had...
Richard T
7 min read
Christian Forums
What should be the use of the term remnant for believers in the New Testament church? There has been renewed interest by some ministries in suggesting that God is calling and using a remnant. Thus, the topic this week is to analyze the term remnant and describe how it should be applied to the...
Richard T
9 min read
This week, I borrow from the late Dr. Frederick Price, one of the early word of faith Pastors and teachers and share what is meant by faith, foolishness and presumption. (Dr. Price's book is of the same title). Psalm 91:9-10 (KJV) 9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the...
Richard T
5 min read
Reaction score
Christian Forums
Last week, I addressed why flattening the curve was a flawed construct. I questioned the assumption of the symmetrical curve that most were still showing for COVID-19. Since then, more evidence has confirmed this. It seems the decline will be far more gradual for the right side of the curve...
Richard T
4 min read
The continuum of responses to the COVID-19 range from isolating as much as possible, to continuing our normal lives as much as possible. Within this continuum, one response is the idea that to shelter in place will flatten the curve of infection, so that rate of infection will be a lesser...

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Richard T
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