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Ukrainian assault boats ‘destroyed’ & Moscow threatens to target ‘Western weapons’

John G.

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Feb 2, 2024
N. Ireland
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NordStream2 was not finished when the invasion started. "Shutting it down" or "stopping it" meant not finishing it.

It was finished in 2021 ready to replace Nordstream1.
Biden's bombastic threats came in February 2022.
Nordstream2 was blown up seven months later.
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Hans Blaster

E pluribus unum
Mar 11, 2017
United States
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It was finished in 2021 ready to replace Nordstream1.
Biden's bombastic threats came in February 2022.
Nordstream2 was blown up seven months later.

It was not in use:

It was completed in September 2021, but has not yet entered service.

The potential use was suspended in Feb 2022. (Gee, I wonder why...)
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Jan 1, 2024
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Lies? What lies? An example or two, perhaps, preferably not Russian 'fairy tales'?

We see the devastation of Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian apartments every day. Russian troops are on Ukrainian soil. There is convincing evidence or Russian atrocities wherever their troops have been driven back.

Russia has no legitimate business in Ukraine. What we are witnessing is naked aggression against a sovereign state.

Ukraine official accuses Zelensky of lying about the war (A WESTERN News source of Kiev's mayor, a Ukrainian, calling Zekensky a liar)

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko has accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of lying about how Ukraine is faring in its ongoing war with Russia.
Klitschko said during a recent interview with Swiss newspaper 20 Minuten that he agreed with the assessment of General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the Ukrainian military's commander-in-chief, who said during an interview with The Economist last month that the conflict had gone "into a stalemate."

Zelensky rejected Zaluzhnyi's assessment days after his remarks were published, saying during a press conference on November 4 that the war was anything but "a stalemate" and accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of treating his troops "like meat" and allowing them to be slaughtered.

Klitschko, a former world heavyweight boxing champion before entering politics, said during his 20 Minuten interview that Zelensky had been "euphorically" lying about Ukraine's standing in the war while praising Zaluzhnyi for telling "the truth."

"[Zaluzhnyi] told the truth," Klitschko said. "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth...Of course, we can euphorically lie to our people and our partners. But you can't do that forever. Some of our politicians have criticized Zaluzhnyi for the clear words—wrongly. I stand behind him."

The Kyiv mayor went on to say that Zelensky's popularity had recently been declining as payback for "mistakes he made" during the war, arguing that "people see who is effective and who is not."

(Now this was last fall, after Ukraines failed offensive, and Russia making headway, albeit small at the time. If I recall it did seem almost like a stalemate when these statements were made. Since then, Russia has been taking more and more territory and driving the Ukrainian armies back, especially in recent weeks.)
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Dec 8, 2018
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Ukraine official accuses Zelensky of lying about the war (A WESTERN News source of Kiev's mayor, a Ukrainian, calling Zekensky a liar)

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko has accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of lying about how Ukraine is faring in its ongoing war with Russia.
Klitschko said during a recent interview with Swiss newspaper 20 Minuten that he agreed with the assessment of General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the Ukrainian military's commander-in-chief, who said during an interview with The Economist last month that the conflict had gone "into a stalemate."

Zelensky rejected Zaluzhnyi's assessment days after his remarks were published, saying during a press conference on November 4 that the war was anything but "a stalemate" and accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of treating his troops "like meat" and allowing them to be slaughtered.

Klitschko, a former world heavyweight boxing champion before entering politics, said during his 20 Minuten interview that Zelensky had been "euphorically" lying about Ukraine's standing in the war while praising Zaluzhnyi for telling "the truth."

"[Zaluzhnyi] told the truth," Klitschko said. "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth...Of course, we can euphorically lie to our people and our partners. But you can't do that forever. Some of our politicians have criticized Zaluzhnyi for the clear words—wrongly. I stand behind him."

The Kyiv mayor went on to say that Zelensky's popularity had recently been declining as payback for "mistakes he made" during the war, arguing that "people see who is effective and who is not."

(Now this was last fall, after Ukraines failed offensive, and Russia making headway, albeit small at the time. If I recall it did seem almost like a stalemate when these statements were made. Since then, Russia has been taking more and more territory and driving the Ukrainian armies back, especially in recent weeks.)
None of this is relevant.

Russia has invaded Ukraine, a sovereign state, on the fictional pretext of denazification. Putin has deceived the Russian nation - or done his best to - and sent thousands of its citizens to their deaths. Many more thousands have fled the country to avoid national military service.

Many Ukrainian civilians have been killed and many more made homeless in the Russian aerial attacks against residential areas. Great swathes of Ukrainian industry has been crippled in other bombardments. Invading Russian troops have committed atrocities against the civilian population - war crimes.

In the face of these momentous facts it does not matter what the Mayor of Kiiv has to say about a 'stalemate'. Nobody really disputes this anyway. We all know that for most of the war the forces in Eastern Ukraine have been fighting over much of the same ground.
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John G.

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Feb 2, 2024
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These "momentous facts" are only half the truth.
In 2014, Ukraine - with the encouragement of the West and the biscuits of Victoria Nuland - violated the Minsk Accords and overthrew the democratically-elected Yanukovych in a bloody coup. They proceeded to attack Donbas and Lugansk, murdering thousands of civilians.
They would've gotten away with it too but, in 2022, decided it was their right to join NATO "as a sovereign state" which would have violated the agreement between NATO and Russia. All they had to do was agree to neutrality and renounce such a "right" but no: THEY chose war.

It's a legitimate case of national security for Russia unlike Iraq, Serbia, Syria, Libya, etc. where there cannot be made a case for national security for the Americans and their vassal states.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2018
United Kingdom
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These "momentous facts" are only half the truth.
In 2014, Ukraine - with the encouragement of the West and the biscuits of Victoria Nuland - violated the Minsk Accords and overthrew the democratically-elected Yanukovych in a bloody coup. They proceeded to attack Donbas and Lugansk, murdering thousands of civilians.
They would've gotten away with it too but, in 2022, decided it was their right to join NATO "as a sovereign state" which would have violated the agreement between NATO and Russia. All they had to do was agree to neutrality and renounce such a "right" but no: THEY chose war.

It's a legitimate case of national security for Russia unlike Iraq, Serbia, Syria, Libya, etc. where there cannot be made a case for national security for the Americans and their vassal states.
Do you suppose your post here is offering the other half? It is a pack of lies. They may not be your lies, in which case you are a gullible dupe of Russian propaganda. Or you are lying yourself in Russia's service?
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Hans Blaster

E pluribus unum
Mar 11, 2017
United States
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In 2014, Ukraine - with the encouragement of the West and the biscuits of Victoria Nuland - violated the Minsk Accords and overthrew the democratically-elected Yanukovych in a bloody coup.
This time I'm not going to attack the coup claim, but instead focus on the pair of words at the end.

If this was a "bloody coup" who on the (toppled) government's side was killed?
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Venture life, Burn your Dread
Jul 8, 2006
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They would've gotten away with it too but, in 2022, decided it was their right to join NATO "as a sovereign state" which would have violated the agreement between NATO and Russia.
And this is a lie. NATO and Russia have a signed agreement from 1997 where both sides agreed that third party nations were free to join either NATO or Russia in military alliances if they thought that this was the best for their own national security.
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