Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.


May 28, 2014
Marital Status
I believe when we walk with Jesus, we come to a point where we start to separate scriptural truth, and things the Lord makes plain to us, from man made doctrines, and denominational beliefs.

The scriptures are full of verses that do not make free will, the king / big dog on the block, but instead talk about Gods Sovereignty. Let me just give one example, Paul says the following in

Romans CH 9
"16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.

19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” 20 But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?"

Notice the underlined, I hope you concentrate on "Not of Him who wills" and "Why does He still find fault" (Note they are NOT disagreeing with Paul), then lastly "Who are you to reply against God (Notice Paul is strengthening their argument, he is not saying, no, no, you misunderstood my point, I meant, you know, if you are willing, then God does X,Y, or Z).

Here let me give the same verse from The Message Bible:

The same point was made when God said to Pharaoh, “I picked you as a bit player in this drama of my salvation power.” All we’re saying is that God has the first word, initiating the action in which we play our part for better or worse.

19 Are you going to object, “So how can God blame us for anything since he’s in charge of everything? If the big decisions are already made, what say do we have in it?”

20-33 Who in the world do you think you are to second-guess God? Do you for one moment suppose any of us knows enough to call God into question? Clay doesn’t talk back to the fingers that mold it, saying, “Why did you shape me like this?” Isn’t it obvious that a potter has a perfect right to shape one lump of clay into a vase for holding flowers and another into a pot for cooking beans? If God needs one style of pottery especially designed to show his angry displeasure and another style carefully crafted to show his glorious goodness, isn’t that all right? Either

Now let's talk about what we call the Godhead or trinity (I think we make this hard to understand)... We have one God, but we have 3 that are separate, yet one. You might say that sounds impossible. No, it's not. Let me share how I see it OK?

Let's start in Genesis, this is where we first see "The Word" in action. God (who is Spirit), says "Light Be" and Light became.

Now John Ch 1 says that Word (Lite be), created everything we see, and everything invisible.

John also says, that Word "BECAME" flesh and dwelt among us. Further John says that "One" (Jesus) was full of the Spirit without measure. For God is Spirit, and God filled the Lamb (Jesus), that sinless one, not like the first Adam, who sinned, full of His Spirit.

The scriptures also declare God and Jesus are "ONE"... How so?

Has God ever been flesh? Nope!

Has Jesus ever been totally flesh, absent of Spirit? Nope!

So they are one in Spirit, that is their common denominator.

So we have God, who is Spirit, Jesus who was born in the flesh, via a virgin, without sin, full of Gods Spirit, without measure, they are 2 and yet in Spirit they are one.

Then Jesus says, when I leave I will send this same Spirit to indwell you (of course this is not without measure). So we have 3, yet all have the same single common denominator, which is Spirit

Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
United States
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I believe when we walk with Jesus, we come to a point where we start to separate scriptural truth, and things the Lord makes plain to us, from man made doctrines, and denominational beliefs.

The scriptures are full of verses that do not make free will, the king / big dog on the block, but instead talk about Gods Sovereignty. Let me just give one example, Paul says the following in

Romans CH 9
"16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.

19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” 20 But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?"

Notice the underlined, I hope you concentrate on "Not of Him who wills" and "Why does He still find fault" (Note they are NOT disagreeing with Paul), then lastly "Who are you to reply against God (Notice Paul is strengthening their argument, he is not saying, no, no, you misunderstood my point, I meant, you know, if you are willing, then God does X,Y, or Z).

Here let me give the same verse from The Message Bible:

The same point was made when God said to Pharaoh, “I picked you as a bit player in this drama of my salvation power.” All we’re saying is that God has the first word, initiating the action in which we play our part for better or worse.

19 Are you going to object, “So how can God blame us for anything since he’s in charge of everything? If the big decisions are already made, what say do we have in it?”

20-33 Who in the world do you think you are to second-guess God? Do you for one moment suppose any of us knows enough to call God into question? Clay doesn’t talk back to the fingers that mold it, saying, “Why did you shape me like this?” Isn’t it obvious that a potter has a perfect right to shape one lump of clay into a vase for holding flowers and another into a pot for cooking beans? If God needs one style of pottery especially designed to show his angry displeasure and another style carefully crafted to show his glorious goodness, isn’t that all right? Either

Now let's talk about what we call the Godhead or trinity (I think we make this hard to understand)... We have one God, but we have 3 that are separate, yet one. You might say that sounds impossible. No, it's not. Let me share how I see it OK?

Let's start in Genesis, this is where we first see "The Word" in action. God (who is Spirit), says "Light Be" and Light became.

Now John Ch 1 says that Word (Lite be), created everything we see, and everything invisible.

John also says, that Word "BECAME" flesh and dwelt among us. Further John says that "One" (Jesus) was full of the Spirit without measure. For God is Spirit, and God filled the Lamb (Jesus), that sinless one, not like the first Adam, who sinned, full of His Spirit.

The scriptures also declare God and Jesus are "ONE"... How so?

Has God ever been flesh? Nope!

Has Jesus ever been totally flesh, absent of Spirit? Nope!

So they are one in Spirit, that is their common denominator.

So we have God, who is Spirit, Jesus who was born in the flesh, via a virgin, without sin, full of Gods Spirit, without measure, they are 2 and yet in Spirit they are one.

Then Jesus says, when I leave I will send this same Spirit to indwell you (of course this is not without measure). So we have 3, yet all have the same single common denominator, which is Spirit
First , it has been universally understood that the Message Bible is a borderline dangerous translation so you may consider setting it aside.

As far as Romans 9, one must read in full context what Paul is saying. God had a purpose and He clearly states it in Exodus 33..

"For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

This is not to be twisted into thinking that we are blameless for our sin. This is not our Father nor His Gospel of His Kingdom. This is a corruption invented by false teachers.

Additionally, the Trinity is difficult for many to understand however to say
"Has God ever been flesh? Nope!" is not the Christian world view. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is God in the flesh. We can not deny what was foretold by the Prophet Isaiah ....

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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I believe when we walk with Jesus, we come to a point where we start to separate scriptural truth, and things the Lord makes plain to us, from man made doctrines, and denominational beliefs.

The scriptures are full of verses that do not make free will, the king / big dog on the block, but instead talk about Gods Sovereignty. Let me just give one example, Paul says the following in

Romans CH 9
"16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.

19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” 20 But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?"

Notice the underlined, I hope you concentrate on "Not of Him who wills" and "Why does He still find fault" (Note they are NOT disagreeing with Paul), then lastly "Who are you to reply against God (Notice Paul is strengthening their argument, he is not saying, no, no, you misunderstood my point, I meant, you know, if you are willing, then God does X,Y, or Z).

Here let me give the same verse from The Message Bible:

The same point was made when God said to Pharaoh, “I picked you as a bit player in this drama of my salvation power.” All we’re saying is that God has the first word, initiating the action in which we play our part for better or worse.

19 Are you going to object, “So how can God blame us for anything since he’s in charge of everything? If the big decisions are already made, what say do we have in it?”

20-33 Who in the world do you think you are to second-guess God? Do you for one moment suppose any of us knows enough to call God into question? Clay doesn’t talk back to the fingers that mold it, saying, “Why did you shape me like this?” Isn’t it obvious that a potter has a perfect right to shape one lump of clay into a vase for holding flowers and another into a pot for cooking beans? If God needs one style of pottery especially designed to show his angry displeasure and another style carefully crafted to show his glorious goodness, isn’t that all right? Either

Now let's talk about what we call the Godhead or trinity (I think we make this hard to understand)... We have one God, but we have 3 that are separate, yet one. You might say that sounds impossible. No, it's not. Let me share how I see it OK?

Let's start in Genesis, this is where we first see "The Word" in action. God (who is Spirit), says "Light Be" and Light became.

Now John Ch 1 says that Word (Lite be), created everything we see, and everything invisible.

John also says, that Word "BECAME" flesh and dwelt among us. Further John says that "One" (Jesus) was full of the Spirit without measure. For God is Spirit, and God filled the Lamb (Jesus), that sinless one, not like the first Adam, who sinned, full of His Spirit.

The scriptures also declare God and Jesus are "ONE"... How so?

Has God ever been flesh? Nope!

Has Jesus ever been totally flesh, absent of Spirit? Nope!

So they are one in Spirit, that is their common denominator.

So we have God, who is Spirit, Jesus who was born in the flesh, via a virgin, without sin, full of Gods Spirit, without measure, they are 2 and yet in Spirit they are one.

Then Jesus says, when I leave I will send this same Spirit to indwell you (of course this is not without measure). So we have 3, yet all have the same single common denominator, which is Spirit
One of the reasons God (Jesus) came via a human being (flesh) is because nobody can see God and live until they are changed and that don't happen until Jesus returns.

Exodus 33

19“I will cause all My goodness to pass before you,” the LORD replied, “and I will proclaim My name—the LORD—in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”

20But He added, “You cannot see My face, for no one can see Me and live.”

So in the incarnation of Jesus ... God in the flesh was able to be seen.
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May 28, 2014
Marital Status
First , it has been universally understood that the Message Bible is a borderline dangerous translation so you may consider setting it aside.

As far as Romans 9, one must read in full context what Paul is saying. God had a purpose and He clearly states it in Exodus 33..

"For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

This is not to be twisted into thinking that we are blameless for our sin. This is not our Father nor His Gospel of His Kingdom. This is a corruption invented by false teachers.

Additionally, the Trinity is difficult for many to understand however to say
"Has God ever been flesh? Nope!" is not the Christian world view. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is God in the flesh. We can not deny what was foretold by the Prophet Isaiah ....

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

You might have missed this part:
The scriptures also declare God and Jesus are "ONE"... How so?

Has God ever been flesh? Nope!

Has Jesus ever been totally flesh, absent of Spirit? Nope!

So they are one in Spirit, that is their common denominator.

So we have God, who is Spirit, Jesus who was born in the flesh, via a virgin, without sin, full of Gods Spirit, without measure, they are 2 and yet in Spirit they are one.
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May 28, 2014
Marital Status
First , it has been universally understood that the Message Bible is a borderline dangerous translation so you may consider setting it aside.

As far as Romans 9, one must read in full context what Paul is saying. God had a purpose and He clearly states it in Exodus 33..

"For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

This is not to be twisted into thinking that we are blameless for our sin. This is not our Father nor His Gospel of His Kingdom. This is a corruption invented by false teachers.

Additionally, the Trinity is difficult for many to understand however to say
"Has God ever been flesh? Nope!" is not the Christian world view. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is God in the flesh. We can not deny what was foretold by the Prophet Isaiah ....

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

YOU SAID: This is not to be twisted into thinking that we are blameless for our sin.

I hope you don't think I was communicating it's ok to sin,
I don't think I wrote that it was OK. In fact I'm positive I did not.
Maybe we are having 2 different conversations and not tracking with one another.
Seems like you are having a totally different conversation, in your post than myself.
Or maybe I am misunderstanding you in some way. My post is a reiteration of what the scriptures say. God is Spirit, he is NOT flesh, Jesus was born from a virgin and is flesh, yet filled with God's Spirit without measure. The way they are one, is in Spirit.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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YOU SAID: This is not to be twisted into thinking that we are blameless for our sin.

I hope you don't think I was communicating it's ok to sin,
I don't think I wrote that it was OK. In fact I'm positive I did not.
Maybe we are having 2 different conversations and not tracking with one another.
Seems like you are having a totally different conversation, in your post than myself.
Or maybe I am misunderstanding you in some way. My post is a reiteration of what the scriptures say. God is Spirit, he is NOT flesh, Jesus was born from a virgin and is flesh, yet filled with God's Spirit without measure. The way they are one, is in Spirit.
When one claims God has control over everything, that includes the darkness of sin. This is why Calviniism, when logically concluded, is in great error.
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May 28, 2014
Marital Status
When one claims God has control over everything, that includes the darkness of sin. This is why Calviniism, when logically concluded, is in great error.
I think you need to take this up with God, not me: SEE this verse.... I am the LORD, and there is none else. [7] I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Aug 10, 2010
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First , it has been universally understood that the Message Bible is a borderline dangerous translation so you may consider setting it aside.

As far as Romans 9, one must read in full context what Paul is saying. God had a purpose and He clearly states it in Exodus 33..

"For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

This is not to be twisted into thinking that we are blameless for our sin. This is not our Father nor His Gospel of His Kingdom. This is a corruption invented by false teachers.

Additionally, the Trinity is difficult for many to understand however to say
"Has God ever been flesh? Nope!" is not the Christian world view. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is God in the flesh. We can not deny what was foretold by the Prophet Isaiah ....

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


When one claims God has control over everything, that includes the darkness of sin. This is why Calviniism, when logically concluded, is in great error.

Calvinism is in great error, but when God himself says something and people continue to contradict him, that's worse.
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May 28, 2014
Marital Status
Calvinism is in great error, but when God himself says something and people continue to contradict him, that's worse.

That is very true. I'm not even so sure Calvin was in error. Says who?

I mean IF Calvin stated, what the scriptures plainly say, would Calvin be in error, just because you say so, or your church says so, or your denomination says so, or because your doctrines say so ?

Strange how the universal church in the book of Acts had no doctrines other than Christ, and what the 12 spoke to them, and in some cases the 12 weren't even needed as God was speaking to the individual members of the body.

Also don't forget the Bible (Which I love) is a new phenomenon.

It wasn't until the 1400's that we had the printing press. So did God's word fail all those believers in the dark ages, before the 1400's, did God leave them as if they were orphans?

Possibly "OUR" current definition of "THE WORD" is wrong. Just something to ponder.
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Oct 27, 2022
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As far as Romans 9, one must read in full context what Paul is saying.

I'm curious, as you did this within my thread as well. Let me explain:

Let's say you have a 5-year-old daughter whom you desperately love. Someone comes along and has the Power to change the way your daughter thinks against her will. What does context have to do with that? There is no context needed. It doesn't matter if this happens at the bottom of the ocean, in the air, on dry land, or if it was done accidentally or with intention. It doesn't matter. If a person's sense of free will is violated, that's the bottom line. The details do not matter. If your daughter's sense of free will is violated, are you really going to start talking about context? I can see it . . . your saying, "Nah, because of the context, my daughter's free will was not violated."
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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I'm curious, as you did this within my thread as well. Let me explain:

Let's say you have a 5-year-old daughter whom you desperately love. Someone comes along and has the Power to change the way your daughter thinks against her will. What does context have to do with that? There is no context needed. It doesn't matter if this happens at the bottom of the ocean, in the air, on dry land, or if it was done accidentally or with intention. It doesn't matter. If a person's sense of free will is violated, that's the bottom line. The details do not matter. If your daughter's sense of free will is violated, are you really going to start talking about context? I can see it . . . your saying, "Nah, because of the context, my daughter's free will was not violated."
My apologies, I have no idea how your example has anything to do with biblical hermeneutics. Thanks for engaging.
Be blessed.
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Oct 27, 2022
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My apologies, I have no idea how your example has anything to do with biblical hermeneutics. Thanks for engaging.
Be blessed.
LOL - Absolutely classic. You too, have a good day.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Aug 10, 2010
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That is very true. I'm not even so sure Calvin was in error. Says who?

I mean IF Calvin stated, what the scriptures plainly say, would Calvin be in error, just because you say so, or your church says so, or your denomination says so, or because your doctrines say so ?

Strange how the universal church in the book of Acts had no doctrines other than Christ, and what the 12 spoke to them, and in some cases the 12 weren't even needed as God was speaking to the individual members of the body.

Also don't forget the Bible (Which I love) is a new phenomenon.

It wasn't until the 1400's that we had the printing press. So did God's word fail all those believers in the dark ages, before the 1400's, did God leave them as if they were orphans?

Possibly "OUR" current definition of "THE WORD" is wrong. Just something to ponder.

Any belief that has billions of people being tortured for all of eternity is in great error.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2022
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Any belief that has billions of people being tortured for all of eternity is in great error.
The only "people" to be eternally tortured seems to be those who don't belong to God. They would be the abominations He, the Lord, called to wipe out . . . man, woman, child, even the animals. They were the offspring of the fallen Angels. They were of the Devil, and these are the ones who will Eternally burn, that place where the maggots never die. This place is reserved for Satan and his minions.

None of God's Children are going to suffer in that way.
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Feb 22, 2024
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I think the following analogy whilst imperfect is sufficient enough and necessary to understand our Triune God enough to begin discussing Him in greater depth. Water, a single substance, exists in three different states of itself at the same time: liquid (the Father), solid (the Son), and vapor (the Holy Spirit). For example, there's liquid water in my cup, frozen water in my freezer, and vapor rising from a pot on my stove, all existing at the same time in different ways, yet at the same time in the same ways: as water.
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Feb 22, 2024
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Free will is abouslutely not a thing.

If mankind doesn't have a free will, then God wouldn't have given us commandments to follow, nor have spoken about the importance of forgiveness and repentance, etc., but He did because He gave His creature man a free will. There's no merit in coercion.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Aug 10, 2010
Marital Status
The only "people" to be eternally tortured seems to be those who don't belong to God. They would be the abominations He, the Lord, called to wipe out . . . man, woman, child, even the animals. They were the offspring of the fallen Angels. They were of the Devil, and these are the ones who will Eternally burn, that place where the maggots never die. This place is reserved for Satan and his minions.

None of God's Children are going to suffer in that way.

Torturing your enemies forever is not what God considers being perfect.

If mankind doesn't have a free will, then God wouldn't have given us commandments to follow, nor have spoken about the importance of forgiveness and repentance, etc., but He did because He gave His creature man a free will. There's no merit in coercion.

There are umpteen verses in the bible that go against the concept of "Free will"
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