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False spirits invade the church - KUNDALINI WARNING


Jan 1, 2009
Marital Status
So who gave you any right to judge a person and their heart?

First, using the term 'judge' as you seem to infer, I'm not actually judging him. I am discerning him, however, and that is what the gift of discerning of spirits is all about. The capability to discern what is of God vs evil spirits vs human nature even the discerning of deception and lies.
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In Him I live and move.
Jul 23, 2011
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First, using the term 'judge' as you seem to infer, I'm not actually judging him. I am discerning him, however, and that is what the gift of discerning of spirits is all about. The capability to discern what is of God vs evil spirits vs human nature even the discerning of deception and lies.

Whatever helps you sleep. You ARE judging and is just as wrong
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Jan 1, 2009
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Whatever helps you sleep. You ARE judging and is just as wrong

You obviously don't understand that we are called to do that. Absolutely. We are to judge false teachers and not tolerate them. When Annais and Sapphira lied and died, the Apostles judged them using the gift of discerning of spirits. I realize it's a cultural fad to treat everything as judgement and say we're not supposed to do that, but it's wrong.
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A voice crying in the wilderness
Jul 26, 2004
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Jesus said, "Judge not lest ye be judged." Not much later, He said, "I have many things to say and to judge of you." Paul, in agreeing with Jesus' latter statement, wrote that a spiritual man judges "all things..." So, how is the word "judge" to be rightly divided in these passages?

One is a condemning judgment, and the other is a discerning judgment.

The lack of understanding regarding the principle of judgment within today's church has replaced discernment with tolerance. We're not at all instructed to replace sound judgment with tolerance. Instead, we are told to reprove and correct a brother or sister we see taken in a fault, in the spirit of meekness, as we seek to restore them.

We are not to condemn, which is to insist they are beyond the help of God. Condemnation is what Jesus was referring to when he said, "Judge not lest ye be judged."

The hard part is knowing when to speak, for once something is discerned, usually it's announced immediately. Keep in mind, "A fool uttereth all his mind, but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards." (Prov. 29:11) Just because we notice something is not right does not mean the time is right to speak about it. Oftentimes the situation needs to be saturated with prayer before it's approached openly.
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Nov 14, 2012
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I also have these videos posted on my Youtube channel. The true gifts of God's Holy Spirit have been replaced by demonic manifestations in many churches. I believe the reason for this is a lukewarm church that refuses to teach repentance. Sin brings about an unholy spirit in many churches. These truly are the last days and many will not endure sound doctrine.
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I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
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unfortunately, lies and deception have entered the church concerning the Holy Spirit. It has always been that way, it was that way with Azusa Street, the Welsh revival and throughout history. The devil will use the acts of the flesh and the demonic that always get mixed up with the genuine move of God to discredit, at least until ministers learn to discern and control the fleshly/demonic manifestations. Many people, fueled by a need to encounter God, will go to revival meetings and perform strangely. Demonised people, in God's presence, will act repulsively. Should we be shocked when even the elect are deceived about what is truly from God? The Bible predicts it. I have seen much, but I am convinced that God is moving, and that the lies and deception will continue because the enemy cannot stand when true revival comes. Be careful which side you choose.
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Jan 1, 2009
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Jesus was saying that when people are in prayer asking God for the Holy Spirit, the context of that Scripture, then they can trust and not fear. There are people in the revival movement, some of the leaders too, who are not seeking the Holy Spirit, they are seeking manifestations, signs and wonders. They want shaking, quaking, gold dust, angel feathers, visits to Heaven, gemstones or anything cool and seemingly supernatural none of which are among the gifts or fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes in the course of ministry and the pursuit of our relationship with the Lord, some of these kinds of experiences happen. We don't seek them or try to make them happen - they just do and we count ourselves blessed.

Paul said he could not share what happened when he visited Heaven and he rebuked people going around bragging about their experiences and encounters with angels. Today, the revival movement stopped preaching from the Word and seems only interested in letting people tell stories of their experiences and encounters with angels.

Jesus rebuked the people then as He does now, for seeking after signs instead of the Lord Himself. Some of these revival ministries and groupies have made an idol of revival and the 'anointing'. I believe the Lord has turned these over to their sins. If it's angelic encounters they seek, God is allowing them to use their mind's eye (imagination) to initiate contact with angels who appear as angels of light. Yes, there are a few ministries out there who teach this practice of spiritual experiences and encounters using new age/wiccan techniques - just examine the ministries of Bob Jones and Patricia King for examples.

I think there are now dangers in the charismatic revival movement as more and more ministers adopt these techniques and go to conferences and lay hands on people transferring an anointing acquired not from the Spirit of God, but from the angels of darkness they have been entertaining in recent years.

I used to frequent and even lead revival meetings. I now keep my family and church away from them until the Lord gives me clearance otherwise.
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Apr 11, 2012
Marital Status
Jesus was saying that when people are in prayer asking God for the Holy Spirit, the context of that Scripture, then they can trust and not fear. There are people in the revival movement, some of the leaders too, who are not seeking the Holy Spirit, they are seeking manifestations, signs and wonders. They want shaking, quaking, gold dust, angel feathers, visits to Heaven, gemstones or anything cool and seemingly supernatural none of which are among the gifts or fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes in the course of ministry and the pursuit of our relationship with the Lord, some of these kinds of experiences happen. We don't seek them or try to make them happen - they just do and we count ourselves blessed.

Paul said he could not share what happened when he visited Heaven and he rebuked people going around bragging about their experiences and encounters with angels. Today, the revival movement stopped preaching from the Word and seems only interested in letting people tell stories of their experiences and encounters with angels.

Jesus rebuked the people then as He does now, for seeking after signs instead of the Lord Himself. Some of these revival ministries and groupies have made an idol of revival and the 'anointing'. I believe the Lord has turned these over to their sins. If it's angelic encounters they seek, God is allowing them to use their mind's eye (imagination) to initiate contact with angels who appear as angels of light. Yes, there are a few ministries out there who teach this practice of spiritual experiences and encounters using new age/wiccan techniques - just examine the ministries of Bob Jones and Patricia King for examples.

I think there are now dangers in the charismatic revival movement as more and more ministers adopt these techniques and go to conferences and lay hands on people transferring an anointing acquired not from the Spirit of God, but from the angels of darkness they have been entertaining in recent years.

I used to frequent and even lead revival meetings. I now keep my family and church away from them until the Lord gives me clearance otherwise.
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Relationship over Religion
Jan 8, 2004
Marital Status
Jesus was saying that when people are in prayer asking God for the Holy Spirit, the context of that Scripture, then they can trust and not fear. There are people in the revival movement, some of the leaders too, who are not seeking the Holy Spirit, they are seeking manifestations, signs and wonders. They want shaking, quaking, gold dust, angel feathers, visits to Heaven, gemstones or anything cool and seemingly supernatural none of which are among the gifts or fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes in the course of ministry and the pursuit of our relationship with the Lord, some of these kinds of experiences happen. We don't seek them or try to make them happen - they just do and we count ourselves blessed.

This is actually a good post, Jamadan. I agree! :thumbsup:

Sin is a choice.

Let me repeat that: Sin is a choice. So many people are living in fear of situations where the choice to sin is taken away from us by deceiving spirits, or through possession etc. However, our freedom in Christ prevents the Devil from taking our choice to sin away!

My spiritual experiences could lead me either of two directions. I CAN talk to spirits, regardless of who they are. But it takes a choice on my part to "tune in" (like adjusting a radio dial) to whichever type of spirits I wish to communicate with. I could talk to dead people, angels, demons, or nature spirits here on Earth. Using my prophet skills, I could even speak on behalf of the dead; but that is a line I have never wanted to cross because that would make me into a medium. [shudder]

What I would rather do is use my talents for the furtherance of the Kingdom. :clap:

Spiritual experience (even the secular type) is real, and there is help to be had from some of these things. Things can be resolved between folks and their dead relatives, which does "good" in helping them move on in life. Connecting with pagan gods, I have also seen "good" things come from them!

Yet nothing compares to what God has to offer!

The Spirit of God is so much sweeter, and so much more gentler when it comes to healing our inner wounds, and providing for our needs. He takes care of our needs as a Father, rather than whatever other situation we can arrange with other spirits and other gods.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good."

I think that the popularity of secular spiritual experience comes because there are no Christian experiences to be had. Church after church has run in fear from the mistakes that have been made, leaving everything spiritual in the hands of alternative spirituality. But essentially, we have God. And we can either hide Him behind a wall of rejection for all spiritual experience, or we can reject those who have had them and make them feel like they have to seek out other gods and other religions if they want answers to what they've gone through.

Or, we can roll up our sleeves and get to work. Seeking God for answers on what is of Him and what is not; teaching people how to live a life of godliness even with spiritual experiences happening in their lives. :)
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I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
Marital Status
Jesus was saying that when people are in prayer asking God for the Holy Spirit, the context of that Scripture, then they can trust and not fear. There are people in the revival movement, some of the leaders too, who are not seeking the Holy Spirit, they are seeking manifestations, signs and wonders. They want shaking, quaking, gold dust, angel feathers, visits to Heaven, gemstones or anything cool and seemingly supernatural none of which are among the gifts or fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes in the course of ministry and the pursuit of our relationship with the Lord, some of these kinds of experiences happen. We don't seek them or try to make them happen - they just do and we count ourselves blessed.

Paul said he could not share what happened when he visited Heaven and he rebuked people going around bragging about their experiences and encounters with angels. Today, the revival movement stopped preaching from the Word and seems only interested in letting people tell stories of their experiences and encounters with angels.

Jesus rebuked the people then as He does now, for seeking after signs instead of the Lord Himself. Some of these revival ministries and groupies have made an idol of revival and the 'anointing'. I believe the Lord has turned these over to their sins. If it's angelic encounters they seek, God is allowing them to use their mind's eye (imagination) to initiate contact with angels who appear as angels of light. Yes, there are a few ministries out there who teach this practice of spiritual experiences and encounters using new age/wiccan techniques - just examine the ministries of Bob Jones and Patricia King for examples.

I think there are now dangers in the charismatic revival movement as more and more ministers adopt these techniques and go to conferences and lay hands on people transferring an anointing acquired not from the Spirit of God, but from the angels of darkness they have been entertaining in recent years.

I used to frequent and even lead revival meetings. I now keep my family and church away from them until the Lord gives me clearance otherwise.

Leaving aside the conferences, the famous preachers, the gold dust etc. Its just a sincere believer in his bedroom and the Holy Spirit. You're saying that *noone* in the Charismatic movement, showing some manifestations, have done it genuinely? And some are committing the unforgivable sin by attributing it to Satan.
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Jan 1, 2009
Marital Status
Leaving aside the conferences, the famous preachers, the gold dust etc. Its just a sincere believer in his bedroom and the Holy Spirit. You're saying that *noone* in the Charismatic movement, showing some manifestations, have done it genuinely? And some are committing the unforgivable sin by attributing it to Satan.

Did I say that? No. Please re-read what I said. If we pursue the Holy Spirit, to be filled with His Presence and eagerly desiring the gifts, and we have experiences, then that is fine and expected on occasion. We don't make a big deal of it, we don't really talk about it because it's nothing to brag about or hyper-focus on.

If we sit in our rooms and ask God for gold dust, that's not the same thing as asking for the Holy Spirit. It's a sin because we're asking for a manifestation of some kind, seeking after signs. Then we go out and brag that we had gold dust and make a big deal about it. These are many of whom are filling charismatic conferences today and it's appalling. These are a minority of the world's charismatic population; most have nothing to do with these signs seeking revival meetings.
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I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
Marital Status
Did I say that? No. Please re-read what I said. If we pursue the Holy Spirit, to be filled with His Presence and eagerly desiring the gifts, and we have experiences, then that is fine and expected on occasion. We don't make a big deal of it, we don't really talk about it because it's nothing to brag about or hyper-focus on.

If we sit in our rooms and ask God for gold dust, that's not the same thing as asking for the Holy Spirit. It's a sin because we're asking for a manifestation of some kind, seeking after signs. Then we go out and brag that we had gold dust and make a big deal about it. These are many of whom are filling charismatic conferences today and it's appalling. These are a minority of the world's charismatic population; most have nothing to do with these signs seeking revival meetings.

maybe you can answer the point i am making, there is a middle ground that you have no case against.
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I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
Marital Status
Sorry - not understanding the distinction you're making. Thought I addressed it.

there is a silent majority of genuine charismatic christians who have experienced physical manifestations whilst seeking a filling of the Holy Spirit. you cannot simply claim that they *all*, due to some inappropriate desire for gold dust, heavenly experiences, have been possessed by demons. If you can accept that some experiences are Godly, where do you draw the line? When does an innocent search for the Spirit turn into a scene from a zombie movie? The reality is that these believers are genuinely seeking the Holy Spirit, and to attribute the result as demonic is to underestimate the power and character of God to protect His children.
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Apr 13, 2010
Hampshire, UK
Marital Status
I was reading the account of Pentecost at the week-end ... they were crazy dudes!

You know when the Holy Spirit came on them, there was the sound like a mighty wind, what looked like flames on their heads and they were acting like they'd been drinking for hours they looked so drunk.

Crazy demonised dudes they were.
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Oct 28, 2004
United Kingdom
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You know when the Holy Spirit came on them, there was the sound like a mighty wind, what looked like flames on their heads and they were acting like they'd been drinking for hours they looked so drunk.

Hello Mike:)

Not so, not so.

Some of the mockers said 'they have had too much wine'. That is not the same as looking befuddled by booze. The mockers said Jesus had a demon and it was termed unforgivable blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The mockers were bad men, their words not to be taken as true.

Pentecost was an amazing time. The difference with kundalini is the absent mighty wind, the absent tongues of fire, the absent talking in many languages and the absent thousands of people getting saved.

Apart from these crucial differences.................^_^
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Jan 1, 2009
Marital Status
there is a silent majority of genuine charismatic christians who have experienced physical manifestations whilst seeking a filling of the Holy Spirit. you cannot simply claim that they *all*, due to some inappropriate desire for gold dust, heavenly experiences, have been possessed by demons. If you can accept that some experiences are Godly, where do you draw the line? When does an innocent search for the Spirit turn into a scene from a zombie movie? The reality is that these believers are genuinely seeking the Holy Spirit, and to attribute the result as demonic is to underestimate the power and character of God to protect His children.

Again, please re-read what I said. I'll cut and paste the relevant quote from my first response when I said "Sometimes in the course of ministry and the pursuit of our relationship with the Lord, some of these kinds of experiences happen. We don't seek them or try to make them happen - they just do and we count ourselves blessed."

I'm really not sure why that doesn't satisfy exactly the thing you are accusing me of dismissing. I've had a number of experiences over the past 30 years and continue to even now. I don't discount that reality at all.
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