Age of the earth.


YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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The flood didn’t cover the entire earth and it didn’t kill all land dwelling creatures on earth.
Noah's flood was an archetype of the flood that destroyed the dinosaurs at the time of Pangea. Just like there are many Edens in the world but the Bible only talks about one of them in ancient Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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That is something I just read on the internet. It is a scientific explanation for the Bible. Otherwise we would have a contradiction if it were shown that it is not possible for a person to be turned into a pillar of salt. Perhaps all of this needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
Is this what they taught you in “Bible college”? If we can’t scientifically prove that God did something that is specifically stated in the scriptures then we should go find something on the internet and present it as truth no matter how ridiculous it is? Because I’m not seeing any evidence of biblical academics in this discussion. All I’m seeing is contradiction after contradiction in every single post and sometimes numerous contradictions in some posts. I’m actually starting to think it’s intentional.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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Science does NOT contradict scripture. The only thing getting contradicted are your opinions. Because you do not align your opinions with science.
Ok so at this point I have to ask, was Jesus born from a virgin? Did He die and remain dead for 3 days then was resurrected? Are these not contradictory to science?
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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Ok so at this point I have to ask, was Jesus born from a virgin? Did He die and remain dead for 3 days then was resurrected? Are these not contradictory to science?
I would not be a Christian if Science was not so limited in what Science can do. As a Christian we can go far beyond what Science can do. As they say nothing is impossible for God. I had an issue on Aug of 2005 where my chance of survival was one in 1500. My wife and my son prayed me through and I was revived and resuscitated. There are lots of time when I would not be alive if I had to depend on Science and not God.

Nothing is contradictory to Science. You have to prove something can not be done. I never thought we could clone a sheep but we can. Interesting that only Luke spent time talking to Mary. I would love to see the first conversation between Mary and Eve. Genesis 3:15 talks about "your seed and her Seed". Jesus came 4,000 years later. Eve had to be the Mother and God had to provide the DNA to be the father. Women do not have a male sex hormone. Men do have a female sex hormone. So it is easier for Adam to produce a women then for Mary to produce a man. Although Eve would be a sister to Adam because she would have the mitochondrial DNA from Adam's mother. Sarah was Abrahams sister through their father so she would have the mitochondrial DNA of her mother. So it would be different from Abraham.

So the virgin birth is impossible for Science but miracles happen all the time. Science tends to call a miracle spontaneous remission. This is rare and at most only happens 3% of the time. Miracles are rare but they do happen and Science is ready to try to explain why they happen.

So the answer is you have to prove it can not be done. Apart from God, it would be impossible for a women to produce a man. But as Adam produced Eve, then Eve's descendant produced Jesus to redeem us from the curse when Eve was deceived by the serpent. fr

We do have Jesus DNA from the shroud of Turin but the Church is not allowing the DNA to be examined because they are afraid someone will try to clone Jesus from the DNA. They did test for blood type though.

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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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I would not be a Christian if Science was not so limited in what Science can do. As a Christian we can go far beyond what Science can do. As they say nothing is impossible for God. I had an issue on Aug of 2005 where my chance of survival was one in 1500. My wife and my son prayed me through and I was revived and resuscitated. There are lots of time when I would not be alive if I had to depend on Science and not God.

Nothing is contradictory to Science. You have to prove something can not be done. I never thought we could clone a sheep but we can. Interesting that only Luke spent time talking to Mary. I would love to see the first conversation between Mary and Eve. Genesis 3:15 talks about "your seed and her Seed". Jesus came 4,000 years later. Eve had to be the Mother and God had to provide the DNA to be the father. Women do not have a male sex hormone. Men do have a female sex hormone. So it is easier for Adam to produce a women then for Mary to produce a man. Although Eve would be a sister to Adam because she would have the mitochondrial DNA from Adam's mother. Sarah was Abrahams sister through their father so she would have the mitochondrial DNA of her mother. So it would be different from Abraham.

So the virgin birth is impossible for Science but miracles happen all the time. Science tends to call a miracle spontaneous remission. This is rare and at most only happens 3% of the time. Miracles are rare but they do happen and Science is ready to try to explain why they happen.

So the answer is you have to prove it can not be done. Apart from God, it would be impossible for a women to produce a man. But as Adam produced Eve, then Eve's descendant produced Jesus to redeem us from the curse when Eve was deceived by the serpent. fr

We do have Jesus DNA from the shroud of Turin but the Church is not allowing the DNA to be examined because they are afraid someone will try to clone Jesus from the DNA. They did test for blood type though.

Brother, I don’t understand why you say that nothing is impossible for God but you say Jesus didn’t walk on water or that Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt because of a meteor. If nothing is impossible for God then why can’t you just accept that God did these things in a miraculous way?
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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If nothing is impossible for God then why can’t you just accept that God did these things in a miraculous way?
You have to look at that passage in context. Because actually lots of things are impossible for God. He can not lie, cheat, steal and so on. Lots of things are unknown so I have no problem accepting miracles. I was simply addressing the people who think we should have a scientific reason for everything in the Bible.
Are these not contradictory to science?
Because I was dead for 10 minutes I have studied what goes on in the brain. There is no off switch and without oxygen the cells pretty much explode. If people are frozen this is not as much of an issue. This slows things down in the brain. Our brain just deal with reality. If we are alive we are alive, if we are dead we are dead. No one cases if someone should be something other than what they are. What was the situation with Lazarus Jesus who raised up after four days? The real miracle will be the resurrection. Even if we are cremated God will bring our body back together again and raise us from the dead. The question is: What is dead. My heart stopped and the fire department used a defibulator to get it going again. Look at organs. They can put them on ice and even transplant a heart and keep the person alive.

Each organ has a specific timeframe in which it must be transplanted after it has been recovered: Heart: 4 – 6 hours. Lungs: 4 – 8 hours. Liver: 8 – 12 hours. At what point can we no longer be revived and broght back to life?
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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Lots of things are unknown so I have no problem accepting miracles. I was simply addressing the people who think we should have a scientific reason for everything in the Bible.
You weren’t speaking hypothetically in any of your statements so you weren’t posing these ideas as possibilities you were posing them as truths.
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Aug 16, 2018
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Same problem we have today. Look at the people that reject Science because it contradicts their traditions. Jesus clearly wants us about this.
Assuming that you intended "wants us" here to be "warned us," I'd have to say that I don't know where you're getting from scripture that Jesus warned us about people rejecting science because it contradicts their traditions? Jesus was focused on salvation and rebuking and correcting the Pharisees and Sadducees (and other First Century Jewish factions) muddying the waters with their commentaries and additional laws added to the laws and strange beliefs they developed and were teaching the people.

All you need is the Holy Spirit of God to be your guide and your teacher. We do not need man to teach us.

Jeremiah 31:33 " 33“But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD. I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people. 34No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, decla

res the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.”…"
I won't deny that the Holy Spirit can teach us, but I've also found that people who say stuff like 'God told me directly" or "The Spirit told me directly" or any version of it when they're challenged with scripture and whether what was told them aligns with the character of God revealed to us in scripture, things tend to start to fall apart.

Additionally we also have scripture telling us to train, learn, teach, receive instruction, accept sound doctrine rather than what we want to believe, that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God, that the wise of the world think themselves to be more crafty and get caught in their false delusion of being wiser than the Word of God,. We have scripture warning us that we aren't taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to Human tradition, etc. (Some source scriptures: Romans 15:4, Proverbs 1:5-7; 10:17; 18:15; 22:7, Titus 2:1, Matthew 28:19-20, Colossians 2:8, and 1 Corinthians 3:19)

I believe that a day is literal 24 hour day. A day is 1,000 years and a day can be 6 billion years depending on your perspective.
I used to hold to this view when I took that verse out of context. The context of 2 Peter 3:8-9 has nothing to do with Creation nor is it defining a day in terms of its measurement of time. The context of that passage is about God's patience and slowness in fulfilling promises yet unseen. Additionally, it uses metaphoric language, "a day is like (or as) a thousand years" it does not say that a day = a thousand years and so for a day anywhere you can arbitrarily insert whatever amount of time you want. No, language works with sets of rules. In the case of the word "day" in Hebrew, just like the word "day" in English, you need context to determine what the word "day" means in regard to the amount of time you're speaking of. Generally speaking, we all know "day" to mean 24 hours. But we know we can use it to mean other things like an indefinite period of time, long period of time, a time in the past, however, when we use it in that way there's always context around it to indicate it's meaning in regard to time.

Time is relative. According to Science In essence, the relativity of time means that there is no absolute, universal time that ticks away uniformly for all observers. Instead, time is intertwined with space in a dynamic fabric that can stretch, contract, and warp depending on the conditions of motion and gravity. The main consideration is God's perspective is from the beginning and our perspective is from the present looking back. \
The problem here is that we're the ones creating a measurement of time from our perspective based on a ratio of events. We pick these events and call that our clock. There's no way to measure time without comparing a set of events that are measured. Even from this, many physicists would say that there is uniformity throughout the universe in time in certain measurements. Whether or not these measurements changed in the past or would in the future, has been and is up for debate. However, does that negate the fact that we know a day to mean 24 hours when measured in its proper context (solar day) or when linguistically used in this context? No, it doesn't. Simply because our observations from our understanding of time rewards us with more mysteries of how the universe that God created works doesn't change what's been written down in regard to how He did anything miraculous. Remember, He is the one who built all of these machinations in reality. Therefore, He is the one who can work outside of all of these machinations in reality. We, humans, aren't gods and are limited to what we can observe by way of empirical observation.

The amazing thing is the people that can not pass a fifth grade science test but think they know more then someone with a Phd in Science.
I'd caution against believing that simply because anyone ventured through higher education and received degrees in said subject that it somehow makes them infallible. We're all still human. Phd holding individuals are also still human and therefore can be fallible, misguided, bias, corrupted, etc. and make unintentional or intentional mistakes. I've alluded to in previous replies to you that we already know of hoaxes pushed by not-so-well-intentioned people in the realm of science to prop up some of these theories, we already know of mistakes by well intentioned people also pushed in science to prop up some of these theories. Do either of these automatically make the theories false? No. The point here is that you are claiming that people of lower education cannot critically think and check people of higher education for some reason. Sometimes people with lofty education can be blinded by their "knowledge" and miss the forest for the trees due to their own obfuscation of the simple facts of reality.

And I'm saying this as someone with higher education in my background.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Assuming that you intended "wants us" here to be "warned us," I'd have to say that I don't know where you're getting from scripture that Jesus warned us about people rejecting science because it contradicts their traditions? Jesus was focused on salvation and rebuking and correcting the Pharisees and Sadducees (and other First Century Jewish factions) muddying the waters with their commentaries and additional laws added to the laws and strange beliefs they developed and were teaching the people.

I won't deny that the Holy Spirit can teach us, but I've also found that people who say stuff like 'God told me directly" or "The Spirit told me directly" or any version of it when they're challenged with scripture and whether what was told them aligns with the character of God revealed to us in scripture, things tend to start to fall apart.

Additionally we also have scripture telling us to train, learn, teach, receive instruction, accept sound doctrine rather than what we want to believe, that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God, that the wise of the world think themselves to be more crafty and get caught in their false delusion of being wiser than the Word of God,. We have scripture warning us that we aren't taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to Human tradition, etc. (Some source scriptures: Romans 15:4, Proverbs 1:5-7; 10:17; 18:15; 22:7, Titus 2:1, Matthew 28:19-20, Colossians 2:8, and 1 Corinthians 3:19)

I used to hold to this view when I took that verse out of context. The context of 2 Peter 3:8-9 has nothing to do with Creation nor is it defining a day in terms of its measurement of time. The context of that passage is about God's patience and slowness in fulfilling promises yet unseen. Additionally, it uses metaphoric language, "a day is like (or as) a thousand years" it does not say that a day = a thousand years and so for a day anywhere you can arbitrarily insert whatever amount of time you want. No, language works with sets of rules. In the case of the word "day" in Hebrew, just like the word "day" in English, you need context to determine what the word "day" means in regard to the amount of time you're speaking of. Generally speaking, we all know "day" to mean 24 hours. But we know we can use it to mean other things like an indefinite period of time, long period of time, a time in the past, however, when we use it in that way there's always context around it to indicate it's meaning in regard to time.

The problem here is that we're the ones creating a measurement of time from our perspective based on a ratio of events. We pick these events and call that our clock. There's no way to measure time without comparing a set of events that are measured. Even from this, many physicists would say that there is uniformity throughout the universe in time in certain measurements. Whether or not these measurements changed in the past or would in the future, has been and is up for debate. However, does that negate the fact that we know a day to mean 24 hours when measured in its proper context (solar day) or when linguistically used in this context? No, it doesn't. Simply because our observations from our understanding of time rewards us with more mysteries of how the universe that God created works doesn't change what's been written down in regard to how He did anything miraculous. Remember, He is the one who built all of these machinations in reality. Therefore, He is the one who can work outside of all of these machinations in reality. We, humans, aren't gods and are limited to what we can observe by way of empirical observation.

I'd caution against believing that simply because anyone ventured through higher education and received degrees in said subject that it somehow makes them infallible. We're all still human. Phd holding individuals are also still human and therefore can be fallible, misguided, bias, corrupted, etc. and make unintentional or intentional mistakes. I've alluded to in previous replies to you that we already know of hoaxes pushed not-so-well-intentioned people in the realm of science to prop up some of these theories, we already know of mistakes by well intentioned people also pushed in science to prop up some of these theories. Do either of these automatically make the theories false? No. The point here is that you are claiming that people of lower education cannot critically think and check people of higher education for some reason. Sometimes people with lofty education can be blinded by their "knowledge" and miss the forest for the trees due to their own obfuscation of the simple facts of reality.

And I'm saying this as someone with higher education in my background.

Roy, I have to say that even though we may have some differences in our respective theological views, I really, really like what you're saying here.

Amen! Awesome post! :cool:
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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Assuming that you intended "wants us" here to be "warned us," I'd have to say that I don't know where you're getting from scripture that Jesus warned us about people rejecting science because it contradicts their traditions? Jesus was focused on salvation and rebuking and correcting the Pharisees and Sadducees (and other First Century Jewish factions) muddying the waters with their commentaries and additional laws added to the laws and strange beliefs they developed and were teaching the people.
I can only assume he’s referring to Matthew 6 but that’s still not what Jesus said and has nothing to do with the context of the passage.

”And He answered and said to them, “Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15‬:‭3‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
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He’s a Way of life
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I won't deny that the Holy Spirit can teach us, but I've also found that people who say stuff like 'God told me directly" or "The Spirit told me directly" or any version of it when they're challenged with scripture and whether what was told them aligns with the character of God revealed to us in scripture, things tend to start to fall apart.
Yeah the Holy Spirit teaches us in areas like morality and scriptural discernment but He doesn’t teach us things like history except in extremely rare cases and even in those cases He never teaches anything that is contradictory to scripture.
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I can only assume he’s referring to Matthew 6 but that’s still not what Jesus said and has nothing to do with the context of the passage.

”And He answered and said to them, “Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15‬:‭3‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
But like you said, if that's what's being referred to, it's ignoring the context of the passage and gets into exactly what I said - Jesus contending with them because they created a lot of lofty and legalese "traditions of the elders" (verse 2) and has absolutely nothing to do with modern science and man's musings about reality.

Yeah the Holy Spirit teaches us in areas like morality and scriptural discernment but He doesn’t teach us things like history except in extremely rare cases and even in those cases He never teaches anything that is contradictory to scripture.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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I'd caution against believing that simply because anyone ventured through higher education and received degrees in said subject that it somehow makes them infallible. We're all still human. Phd holding individuals are also still human and therefore can be fallible, misguided, bias, corrupted, etc. and make unintentional or intentional mistakes. I've alluded to in previous replies to you that we already know of hoaxes pushed by not-so-well-intentioned people in the realm of science to prop up some of these theories, we already know of mistakes by well intentioned people also pushed in science to prop up some of these theories. Do either of these automatically make the theories false? No. The point here is that you are claiming that people of lower education cannot critically think and check people of higher education for some reason. Sometimes people with lofty education can be blinded by their "knowledge" and miss the forest for the trees due to their own obfuscation of the simple facts of reality.
I think brother Diamond7 may not realize that when a person rejects scientific evidence based on what’s written in the scriptures it doesn’t have anything to do with their own level of education, it has everything to do with our understanding of God’s education which infinitely surpasses that of all mankind.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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I'd have to say that I don't know where you're getting from scripture that Jesus warned us about people rejecting science because it contradicts their traditions?
Jesus emphasized the importance of discernment and warned against clinging rigidly to traditions that may hinder understanding or growth. In this case traditions hinder people from learning what God is using Science to show us. I consider science and religion to be our left and our right hand. They need to work together, Of course people have different ideas about what religion is. I am talking about pure religion and pure science.
I think brother Diamond7 may not realize that when a person rejects scientific evidence based on what’s written in the scriptures it doesn’t have anything to do with their own level of education, it has everything to do with our understanding of God’s education which infinitely surpasses that of all mankind.
Reminds me of when my son put on his tee shirt and it was inside out and backwards. Swing and a miss, nice try though. There is no reason for me to continue the conversation with people that want to twist my words into something I am not saying. Just like they do with science and religion.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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I used to hold to this view when I took that verse out of context.
Adam and eve lived 6,000 years ago. The church age has been 2,000 years. The 1000 year reign of Christ will be one thousand years an it will be the sabbath where man will rest from his works. The Bible has many layers of meaning. The Rabbi say up to 100 layers of meaning. Every day in almost every post we talk about the RULES of Bible interpretation and I continue to be amazed at the people that want to break the rules. 2 Peter 1:20a "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.".
He doesn’t teach us things like history
Interesting that the very first thing we teach our sunday school students when they are about a year old is about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. So you not believe the evidence that Jericho is a real city with history? I studied ancient history in HIgh School and the teacher was a holocaust survivor. I can assure you he took things very serious and I am very grateful for what archeology and history teach us about the Bible. We need math, we need science, we need religion and we need history. IF you want to disregard science and history then you simply are NOT going to know the Bible as well. You are going to restrict and hinder your growth.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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However, does that negate the fact that we know a day to mean 24 hours when measured in its proper context (solar day) or when linguistically used in this context?
Back when we had dictionaries we saw that a word had MORE THAN one meaning. As I said a day can mean a 24 hour day, it can mean 1,000 years and in one situation, like looking at the age of the Universe, a day can be 6 billion years. Gerald Schroeder talks about this and he has a PhD from MIT. He has also written quite a few popular books about science and the Bible. Of course he is Hebrew so his perspective maybe a little different from the Christian perspective. But we have to remember where we get our Bible from and who God's Chosen people are.

I took many years and looked at a lot of evidence before I came to the conclusion I have now. We do not really enter in until we have studied the Bible for at least 40 years. I do not think anyone is qualified to even be an elder in the church until they have been a Christian for 40 years. They talk about this in Kabballah also. They say 40 years of age but nothing special happened to me when I was 40. It was not until I had been a Christian for 40 years that I entered into a deeper level of understanding. Now I am 72 and I really should not be alive. There is a reason why God is keeping me alive and I need to be faithful to Him and His calling on me and my life. To deliver the message He wants me to deliver. God watches over every word I speak and I am accountable to Him. So I really don't much care what people think about it. We are here to bring praise, honor and glory to God and to serve Him at all times in all ways.

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Earth Treasures
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Back when we had dictionaries we saw that a word had MORE THAN one meaning. As I said a day can mean a 24 hour day, it can mean 1,000 years and in one situation, like looking at the age of the Universe, a day can be 6 billion years. Gerald Schroeder talks about this and he has a PhD from MIT. He has also written quite a few popular books about science and the Bible. Of course he is Hebrew so his perspective maybe a little different from the Christian perspective. But we have to remember where we get our Bible from and who God's Chosen people are.

I took many years and looked at a lot of evidence before I came to the conclusion I have now. We do not really enter in until we have studied the Bible for at least 40 years. I do not think anyone is qualified to even be an elder in the church until they have been a Christian for 40 years. They talk about this in Kabballah also. They say 40 years of age but nothing special happened to me when I was 40. It was not until I had been a Christian for 40 years that I entered into a deeper level of understanding. Now I am 72 and I really should not be alive. There is a reason why God is keeping me alive and I need to be faithful to Him and His calling on me and my life. To deliver the message He wants me to deliver. God watches over every word I speak and I am accountable to Him. So I really don't much care what people think about it. We are here to bring praise, honor and glory to God and to serve Him at all times in all ways.

Interesting the poster mentioned solar day which wasn't even around in the beginning. Yet people apply the solar day to every day in the creation account. The heavens certainly have days in which solar days reside in like the milky way galaxy. In the day God created heavens and earth is still expanding and He's still creating.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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Interesting the poster mentioned solar day which wasn't even around in the beginning. Yet people apply the solar day to every day in the creation account. The heavens certainly have days in which solar days reside in like the milky way galaxy. In the day God created heavens and earth is still expanding and He's still creating.
Yes that is a very good point. Time from OUR perspective began on the fourth day. The Bible calendar is very different from the one we use today.

The Fourth Day

14And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to distinguish between the day and the night, and let them be signs to mark the seasons and days and years. 15And let them serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth.” And it was so.

Scholars long believed that the day began at sunset, according to "Jewish" tradition. "Jewish" people begin their religious holidays in the evening,1 and the biblical text mandates that the two most important religious feasts, the Passover2 and the Day of Atonement,3 begin at sunset. However, in recent years, many scholars have begun to favor a different view: the day begins in the morning at sunrise.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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I won't deny that the Holy Spirit can teach us, but I've also found that people who say stuff like 'God told me directly"
Nice back flip you did. We listen to the Holy Spirit for ourselves. I spend 50 years to read, study, pray and seek after God. Then people come along with five minutes worth of effort and they think they know more than what took me 50 years to learn. Anyone can give their testimony but I would be very careful of the doctrine of people who have not been a Christian for 40 years. People can believe whatever they want to believe. Whatever they believe has no impact on us that are lead by the Holy Spirit of God. If they get it right or wrong, God well deal with them. God would not go to the extent He goes to keep me alive if He did not have a reason, plan and purpose for me. Even He tells me if I would live right, He would not need to revive me and He takes no delight in having to rescue me from my own ignorance.
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He’s a Way of life
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Jesus emphasized the importance of discernment and warned against clinging rigidly to traditions that may hinder understanding or growth. In this case traditions hinder people from learning what God is using Science to show us. I consider science and religion to be our left and our right hand. They need to work together, Of course people have different ideas about what religion is. I am talking about pure religion and pure science.
Look just stop twisting Christ’s words to support your agenda. He never said anything remotely close to what you’re saying here and you know it which is why you haven’t quoted it from the scriptures. I dunno maybe you think your talking to someone who doesn’t know everything that Jesus said in the scriptures but your dead wrong. Your not fooling anyone, you strike me as someone who’s not here to actually discuss the scriptures, your here to troll and start arguments which is why you constantly say the most controversial contradictions in EVERY SINGLE POST. This doesn’t just happen on accident it’s quite apparent that you’re doing this intentionally. The only reason I’ve even been engaging in the discussion for the past week is to allow you to bury yourself so far in false statements that no one could possibly mistaken anything you say as truth. What your teaching is dangerous and it undermines the authority of scripture. As soon as you start teaching that the scriptures aren’t accurate and reliable you profane the integrity of God and if we allow such teachings to become common it only results in moving people farther away from believing the actual gospel. You’re constantly rejecting the miracles of God even going so far as to imply that Christ’s resurrection is scientifically possible because you were resuscitated by medical technicians. What your teaching is that God is not performing divine acts and that His miracles are not miracles at all and can be accomplished thru technology and natural occurrences. Your undermining the very purpose that God performed these miracles which was to set Himself apart from being just an ordinary intelligent being but a Supreme being that can perform the impossible. God is not just a smart technologically advanced alien, He’s a divine supernatural GOD who can perform anything at anytime by doing nothing more than speaking it into existence. He is not bound by any of the laws of science or nature, or even reality and to speak otherwise is an offense to who He actually is.
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