Twitter files

The vicious and coordinated attacks by mainstream news figures against independent journalist Matt Taibbi in recent days reinforce an essential point about the American news media: they think we are all drooling idiots. Their response to Taibbi’s release of the Twitter Files, which details the company’s calculated suppression of a major news story in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election, underscores this exceedingly low estimation of its audience.​
Outlets like MSNBC and the New York Times seem to hope the American public is ignorant of the fact that they got every aspect of the Hunter Biden laptop story wrong from the start. While real journalists tenaciously reported the facts, such as the New York Post’s Miranda Devine , a disinformation machine comprised of Biden campaign officials, intelligence officials, liberal journalists, and Twitter higher-ups (with the omission of former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who was strangely left out of the loop) acted in brazen coordination to suppress the story.​

Some good news, Controlled Nuclear Fusion with net energy gain breakthrough!

Finally some green energy I could get behind .. though it's still decades away.

Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough news

But they've managed to create conditions for nuclear fusion that resulted in more energy released than energy put in, which normally they couldn't do, normally nuclear fusion takes a massive nuclear fission reaction (aka an atomic bomb) in order to trigger the temperatures necessary.
Nuclear fusion energy doesn't produce any carbon, or radioactive waste, so it's green and theoretically limitless.

Something is bothering me.

Hello all, my first time here and I really need some advice. So the other day I had the urge to wake up and pray and while I started praying I had to urgency to pray for a family member. It started getting serious like something was going to happen to this family member. I started to petition God because I do believe in intercessory prayer. I started to feel fire on me and my tongue was on fire and I started to prophesy using my own mouth speaking out loud. I believe this was God as I started saying answers to things that I’ve prayed for. I heard the Lord say Hes on His way back and I have to stop sinning. Then I started prophesying to my friend telling them to pray for their mother and I said something so personal about their mother. Something about the mother being dishonest Now I feel horrible because I met their mother and I didn’t feel like she actually did that. And my friend didn’t think that either Now I’m wondering was I doing this from my flesh. I wish I this would have not happened to me or that I would have just not said that part but I couldn’t stop I’m so embarrassed and confused because I’m not sure if this was God, myself or the enemy. I begged God to confirm what was said and nothing. I’m feeling so terrible. I don’t know what to do.

Ocd wants me to doubt the Bible

This is more of a vent. Anyone who has dealt with this, I'd appreciate advice but don't feel pressured. My ocd right now is revolved on doubting the Bible and Jesus. How do I know? What if? Those are my main two thoughts. Its just so irritating. I want to believe but it feels like I'm stuck in unbelief and uncertainty
At the end of the day, OCD, in a spiritual sense is the desire to be in control and complete certainty regarding ourselves and our life.. So although I have this war inside myself where I’m battling between belief and unbelief, which is mentally exhausting, I simply sigh, and understand that I don’t have control and there’s no answer good enough or amazing enough to stop OCD in its tracks.
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I am 100% relying on God. There’s nothing I can say or do, other than to persevere. Do I worry that this constant doubt will lead to spiritual apathy, or will lead me to abandon God, and never find peace, absolutely! So I just pray for God to take control and I give up, I surrender.
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My mind may be doing one thing but my heart is doing another. I pray for God’s strength to keep me going, and reading HIS word and worshiping, and keeping away from sin.
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Sola Scriptura - what does it mean?


I am reading a book at the moment and it characterises Sola Scripture in the following way and I am wondering if its a fair characterisation:

To quote: "Sola Scriptura was a sound bite that dealt first with the question of authority. It described the Reformation's inspired return to the Bible as the ultimate source of religious authority for theology, rather than the piled up traditions and papal pronouncements of the church...

"As it turned out, the Protestant idea of sola scriptura had some loopholes when doing doctrine. Sola Scriptura really meant that you came up with a theological argument, idea, or doctrine first, and then you rummaged around in Scripture for some verses to support it. If Scripture was to be involved in theologizing at all, in any era, that has been pretty much the procedure..."

Its the last bit I am wondering about. I think for Luther he was wrestling with the meaning of "the righteousness of God", in the Epistle to the Romans and his new understanding of that led on to what he later taught.

Anyway the writer Jon Mark Ruthen, is talking about what's wrong with Protestant Theology (title of the book) and has written other books about continationism of Spiritual gifts. Have only started reading it, but if its just the other side (Pentecostal / Charismatic) I don't know how it differs from other critiques from the Charismatic movement. I'd rather see a book more along the lines of both what is right and what is wrong in protestant theology.

My puppy is hurt/ please pray for a miracle

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I have been having a rough time lately dealing with a lot, and I’m so sorry because I know a lot of people are and I’m praying for you all. I’ve gone through a lot of loss so the holidays are hard, and I’m really worried because my puppy who is 10 months has hurt her hip, it brings a pit in my stomach it pops everytime she walks. She is so energetic and loves to jump super high in the air , yesterday she got a little zoomie episode and decided to chase me outside she jumped and tried to tackle me but I think she got hurt because she misstepped. Please pray for a miracle that whatever happened goes away , I love her with all my heart and I can’t bare the thought if Anything happening to her. She is still energetic and eating and brings me her toy to play and is still running around. Please pray for her prayer warriors , her name is sugar the st bernard ❤️

atheist looking for a meaning in life

Little back story , was born in a hindu family, currently an atheist, i am 20 yr old and feel like an old man with nothing to show for in life, now i wish that if only the internet hadnt filled my brain with a million ideas there still would have been a way for me to believe in god, finally have came to an understanding that lifes pretty empty without a bigger reason to live than myself, wish there was way for me to redpillmy brain into believing in god, but again i feel like its too late for me. I have no idea where to go from here.
If I were in your shoes I would start working on myself instead of rushing faith. From my own experience my faith grew naturally as I continued working on myself and studying. Also never forget to find unity with others in your life not just unity in faith but in family and friends and help each other no matter the faith or circumstance. Be strong and be good and god leads you the rest of the way!

Pax vobiscum!
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Why I think we have two ears on the sides of our head

I just realized it, hearing a chirping ground squirrel, that if you turn your head so that the sound is *evenly* heard in both ears, it points your eyes and nose in the *exact* direction of where the sound is coming from, so that your sight and smell senses can hone in as you approach.

If your ears weren't evenly placed, it wouldn't put your sight in line with the sound you're hearing.
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Euthanasia Has Become A Leading Cause of Death in Canada

The latest Tim Pool video claims what is said in the title above. I haven't listened to it, yet and not posting a link lest there is something objectionable said in the video etc. I will be looking more into his sources, and googling the topic etc. I do believe it, because Tim doesn't make stuff up. He can exaggerate some things sometimes in a click bait way but does vet his sources.

Anyway, thought it would be a good topic here.

Ezekiel 39, the two events Gog/Magog and Armageddon

In Ezekiel 39 there are two major end times events.

1. Gog/Magog, which takes place when Israel is at peace. This is noted in Ezekiel 38, in the latter days, latter years. Ezekiel 39:1-6 is the destruction of Gog's army. Then the cleanup of the land ending in verse 16.

2. Armageddon, which takes place when Israel is in great tribulation. Ezekiel 39:17-20, which is the same as Revelation 19:17-18 at Jesus's return.

The 7 years following Gog/Magog are the 7 years of Daniel 9:27 and Revelation.

(Is the size of my chart about the right size for viewing? The new site progarm has a great feature making it easy to resize inserted images. )

Gog Magog 7months3 .jpg

Rash foolish vows

Hi everyone I'm new here.

I'm asking for advice about vows.

Some months ago I was in an emotional state and while praying I vowed to God that if he heals me from my various conditions I will renounce my parents, my house, videogames, anime and Japan. When I made them I wasn't fully aware on how vows works.

I kinda forgot about the vows, but was reminded when I reached Deuteronomy (I'm still reading through the bible).

So I searched online, and it seemed like you could repent the vow, I wasn't sure but I continue to play videogames.
After some days I heard a voice in my mind telling me "If you continue playing videogames, I will send a disgrace upon you". So I replied "who are you?", and the voice said "I am God, your creator".
So from that time I stopped completely playing videogames.

After some days while in prayer I said that I didn't want to renounce all those things and that I won't be able to fulfill them.
The next day it happened to me something bad concerning my health, something specific that has really low probability to happen that I think it's a kind of punishment from God.

I was so in a bad state that i confirmed my vows by vowing again kinda the same thing.

The parents and house part is really foolish, there is a reason I vowed to renounce them but it's hard to explain.
Videogames and anime are something that I've always enjoyed, especially videogames. I'm really having hard times seeing myself quitting them completely, even because it's something I enjoy doing with my friends.
Regarding the Japan part, I've always loved Japan, to the point that I've majored Japanese language at university so renouncing Japan it's really hard and I fear it will deeply affect my carrer since my studies. I've put a lot of effort in learning the language, I feel desperate because I vowed in a very vague way.

I think I've ruined my life making those vows. I also think that they are hindering my relationship with Him. Do you guys think that God could set me free of this bondage? Can I break the vows and be forgiven?

Thanks in advance
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Chris Christie blames Trump, calls Herschel Walker a ‘bad candidate’

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) on Sunday knocked failed Republican Senate hopeful Herschel Walker and blamed former President Trump for backing the “bad candidate.”

“Bad candidates lose. Good candidates have a chance to win. And Herschel Walker was not a good candidate,” Christie, an ABC contributor, said on the network’s “This Week.”
Neither Walker nor incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock secured more than half the votes on November’s Election Day to win the Georgia seat, but Warnock emerged victorious last week after an intense runoff.

Christie drew attention to Georgia’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, who won reelection in November and secured some 200,000 more votes than Walker did. Kemp’s presence on the ballot was seen as a boost for Walker, but the Republican didn’t get that advantage during the runoff.

“If you’re Herschel Walker and you don’t win that night, you’re not winning. I mean, Kemp’s endorsement is fine, but it’s the top of the ticket in getting people to stay in that line. … If Herschel Walker doesn’t get 50 that night, he’s not getting it,” Christie said.

I happen to agree with Gov. Christie on this one. I know a lot of people in the GOP have mixed feelings about him. But I can always respect people who are pragmatic enough to know how to win and tell it like it is. I feel the same way about James Carville. While I'm not a member of either Carville or Christie's political parties (though I've voted for both republicans and democrats in the past 10 years at various points), I've always been able to appreciate the "cut through the nonsense and just call balls and strikes" approach they've had to politics.

Anyone in the UK?

Hi all, I’m new and it’s great to be here :)

Been a Christian most of my life but saw massive changes in my faith in recent years. I used to be quite confused about God’s plan for me but through studying the Word a lot more I’ve finally finding fulfilment and purpose within my relationship with God and it’s been amazing!

I was wondering if anyone in the UK is interested in doing Bible study together?


  • Poll
Pastoral expectations

Whose responsibility is it to initiate pastoral contact?

  • The minister should notice the need and initiate contact

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • The church member should indicate their need and initiate contact

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • A pastoral relationship is a two-way street and both parties should be attentive to it

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • Other, explain below

    Votes: 1 6.7%

A conversation I had today left me wondering what most people expect. When someone has a pastoral need and wants prayer or a conversation with their minister, do they expect their minister to initiate that? Do they expect to have to reach out and indicate their desire? Do they expect something else?

Generally, while I'm very happy to make time when I know of someone's need, I get very frustrated with the expectation that I'll be mind reader enough to know without being asked. And I especially dislike the situation that happens when they don't ask, but then complain to others that I didn't visit or call. But it seems some people genuinely think they shouldn't have to, and I'm wondering how prevalent that is...

James Baker May Face ‘Serious Ethics Charges’ For Vetting ‘Twitter Files’ Without Musk’s Knowledge, Says Expert

In an interview with NTD, Davis pointed out that Baker was a top appointee in the Obama Justice Department, worked as the General Counsel of the FBI, and after being fired from the agency became a top lawyer at Twitter. At the social media firm, Baker was “working with the FBI” and “suppressing” the New York Post’s reporting about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, an issue which had an impact on the 2020 presidential election, Davis stated.

Debunking False Religions with Christian Universalism

I talked with a Muslim today. I showed them the Gospel, that Jesus Christ saves everyone through faith alone. That is, the whole world will be saved, every single person in existence will trust in Christ and go to Heaven. Since they did not believe in what I told them, the truth, I decided to have a more casual conversation with them so they open up more.

First off, what proves that Christianity is the only correct religion is because it’s the only religion where everyone has a happy ending. In Islam, you have to upload the Five Pillars, which is works salvation. Christianity is correct because it has faith alone salvation, in Jesus Christ.

It’s impossible for the good works of man to please God. Thus, Christ, the Lamb of God, died for our sins, so all of them can be washed away. Good works can not wash away sins, only the blood of Christ can. That’s the big difference. That’s why it’s so important to have people believe in Christ with faith alone, and why Satan will do everything in his power to trick people into doing random good works trying to be saved. That’s the broad way. The narrow way, which everyone will eventually go through, is faith in Jesus.

As well, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is written in the Book of Genesis.

Hebrew Adam Seth Enosh Kenan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech Noah

English Man Appointed Mortal Sorrow; The Blessed God Shall come down Teaching His death shall bring The Despairing Rest, or comfort.

Thus proving the Christian God is the God of Genesis and thus the One and Only True God.

But if those two proofs weren’t enough, let’s dissect my entire conversation with this Muslim and disprove it all.

(Reminder: I’m only doing this after the conversation. During the conversation, I was polite and kind to them, which you should do when evangelizing).

First, only the Bible is true word of God. Because God says so, and God is truth.

Numbers 23:19 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.

Someone’s interpretation would be the Quran, which is false.

As such, we can use Bible verses as proofs to disprove lies.

So they said something along the lines of “For us, Christ is just a prophet like Moses”.

But the truth is that

John 8:58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”

1 Corinthians 8:6 Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.

It’s a complete contradiction to call Christ “just a human prophet like Moses”. Moses had sin, like all humans. Christ was perfect, sinless.

I asked “So do you follow Christ’s teachings? Technically?”

They said “No not really. We follow God actually. We pray 5 times a day. And we always pray in the direction of Mecca. Also, if the sun rises in the west, that means it’s the end of the world, or judgement day”.

A tricky wording. To follow Christ’s teachings is to follow God. That’s the truth. Those who do not follow Christs teachings do not follow God because Christ is God.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

I said “Ah ok, I pray multiples times a day. So, we also both pray, but in different ways.”

They said “Sort of similar actually

They said “You pray with your hands clapped together, we open them up or lay them on the ground. Also we have rules of praying. We must do Wuduh, which means you clean yourself, before you pray.”

There is no such thing as Wuduh in the Bible, thus it’s false. There’s no specific formula you must follow for prayer, it’s simply a communication between man and God.

Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.

I said “So, like a bath?”

They said “Ye, if you’re already clean all you go to do is clean your arms. Rinse your arms in water and that’s it. And we go to a Mosque and pray. Mosque’s are churches. Mosques are usually marble. All white and marble. It’s beautiful to look at. You know how Dubai is pretty”

Muslims may physically clean themselves, but the only thing that washes away sins is the blood of Jesus Christ. Only by believing in Jesus Christ can you be saved, no good works, faith alone.

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,

Mosques are not mentioned in the Bible either as a church, thus they are false.

I said “I’ve seen some Mosques. Ohhh Dubai, that place is really high tech. I heard a lot of tourists go there”

I say “That’s interesting. Thanks for sharing your beliefs”

They said “Ye, well, I’m getting bored. I’ll see you sometime. Maybe”

I will see them sometime. In Heaven, once they, of their own free will, become a believer in Christ. The beauty of Christian Universal Salvation is that everyone will become believers in Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:22-28 All will be made alive in Christ, but each in his own turn and ultimately Christ will subdue all His enemies, eliminate death and God will be all in all.

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people,

Furthermore, God is a God of love. He desires a personal relationship with all creation. That can only be achieved through Jesus Christ. Islam is just a long list of loveless rules that offer no lasting comfort. A single solitary author that tries to incorporate Christianity into it, but ends up contradicting itself, since Christianity is already complete by itself. You can not add anything to Christ’s work, it is already finished.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Ski doo accident

Please pray for Mandy, she was hit by a ski doo (snow machine) and was sent to another part of the country and was operated on her leg (or legs) she will need more operations from what I understand. Pray for her family also. Thank you, God bless.

UPDATE: I found out today it was her foot, and there is a chance they will have to amputate the foot, fortunately her roommate was able to help her and ask the doctor if there was an alternative, so hopefully they can save the foot. Sad thing, she was hit by a drunk driver.

ANOTHER UPDATE, Dec 20/22 Here is what Mandy posted: Sunday surgery went well. 4 surgeries in 8 days, and another one planned this upcoming week. I'll be transferring to a hospital closer to home. (Praying it will be the one very close to our town so her Mom can see her, her son and father are with her at this time, hard for her Mom to travel due to illness)

UPDATE, JAN 2, 2023 Mandy is in good spirits and is trusting God and her family is too. Mandy's leg was amputated below the knee and of course she will have to learn to walk again with a prosthetic limb. She knows life will never be the same again but wants to make the best of things. Pray for her family who depended on her a lot for help, as her Mom is not well. Thank you, God bless.




TEXT: ACTS 21:1-9

KEY VERSE: "And when we had accomplished those days, we departed and went our way; and they all brought us on our way, with wives and children, till we were out of the city: and we kneeled down on the shore, and prayed" (ACTS 21:5).

In ancient Rome, crowds of spectators in their thousands would gather in the Colosseum to watch as Christians were torn apart by wild animals. Paul Rader, commenting on his visit to this famous landmark, said, "I stood uncovered to heavens above, where He sits for whom they gladly died, and asked myself, would I, could I, die for Him tonight to get this gospel to the end of the earth?" He realised those early Christians lived on the threshold of heaven.

The spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ, like a wild fire, in the first century took place at a time of iron rule of the great Roman Empire. There was political tension to discourage the laid-back Christian from travelling from place to place to win souls. But that was the time Apostle Paul and his companions traversed land and sea to heed the imperative of the great commission.

Challenging times must keep Christians on the move to spread the gospel. In times like these, God empowers us with His grace and courage to preach of His love that can help man sail over the vicissitudes of life. The early church grew in the face of persecution.

The believer, in this perilous age, must not relent on the given commission. We are closer to the time of the Second Coming of our Lord; a time our evangelism should be fiery and far-reaching to the "uttermost part of the earth...even unto the end of the world." Modern technological devices should be employed to aid the spread of the gospel, thereby, winning a greater number of souls for Christ than the believers in Paul's day.

✍ THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Preach the gospel in all kinds of weather.

Jesus called Peter “Satan” to get Peter to realise what he was doing was wrong and Jesus called Judas “friend” to be a witness to Judas and possibly open up Judas' heart to repentance.

Matthew 16:23
"Get behind me Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man."

Matthew 26:50
"Friend, do what you came to do."

In both scenarios Jesus was trying to teach something to his disciple. To Peter he was trying to make him realise that his true purpose was to come to the world and die for their sins.

Peter kept thinking otherwise though and was trying to convince Jesus that Jesus wasn't suppose to die.

This was a hindrance to Jesus and most likely was a tempting thing to want to listen to.

So Jesus told Peter to get behind him and he called him Satan to try to get Peter to realise that what he was saying was not coming from God but rather from the Devil.

Whereas we see in Matthew 16 Jesus actually says that Peter will be the rock on which he'll build his church after Peter says that Jesus is the Messiah. This makes a point that Jesus didn't really have a problem with Peter as a person but rather he had a problem with that thing Peter was saying.

For Judas, Jesus called Judas a friend, when Judas came to betray him, because Jesus knew that Judas knew what he was doing was wrong.

Jesus didn't need to point that out to him. So rather than criticizing Judas for doing something bad he instead tried to demonstrate to Judas that he still loved him.
This was in an attempt to show Judas what true love was.

Abraham was called God's friend and call Judas also His friend, both were walking with God.One walked faithfully and patiently but the other one walked unfaithfully and impatiently.
In Abraham life God fulfilled his promises and blessed his seed.
But the other one - Judas died cowardly without any promise.


From: Martha Valentine

“In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you...John 14:2.”

Somewhere on the computer, I got info saying if we have a roof over our heads we are 8% of everyone in the entire world that do. I can't prove that statement is true but it really makes you think about it. If that is accurate, 92% of the people don't have the shelter we have. I have a small home with 2 bedrooms and sometimes I feel so bad because I know some people don't have a place to live and there I am with an extra bedroom. Even though I have only one bed, and use that extra room for my sewing room that is no comfort to me knowing others are doing without.

I was sixteen probably when some people took me with them to visit their grandparents. When we arrived at the house, it had a Celotex exterior and on it the people had written words in white paint that said, "Ye must be born again, and Jesus saves." I thought wow! I thought our family was poor and these people must be poorer than us. Inside there were two of the dearest people you could ever meet. They wanted to feed us something and you could just see the kindness and the love they had for each other.

Trust me it took several years before I fully realized just how RICH THOSE PEOPLE WERE, WEALTHY ACTUALLY. GOD loves family and I am sure HE was so pleased with those dear people. I love to see a BIBLE that is so worn it is falling apart and I am sure there was one there. Their house was their mansion because of the love there. Thirty years ago they moved into a mansion not made with human hands. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. GOD BLESS. Love, Martha

This guy is a Far-Right Activist, but this other guy is a Fascist (according to this blue checkmark journalist)

I just noticed an article a few minutes ago mentioning how Elon Musk is a "Far Right Activist" and thought about finally doing a thread on how liberal journalists tend to tag everyone who disagrees with them as Far right no matter what that person's background. There was a time I recall when liberals sneered at Fox News and dubbed it Faux News. But these kind of occurrences of having people poo-poo obvious conservative sources in internet discussions made me look elsewhere as far as citing other sources for future discussions. But I noticed making this extra effort didn't really matter because there was a certain laziness from my detractors, anybody that wasn't going along with the Democratic party line was always "Far Right" no matter what their actual background was. So even somebody like Jimmy Dore is called "Far Right" because he argues against what the Democrats want even though he is a former Bernie Sanders supporter who wants socialized medicine, prison reform, follows Noam Chomsky's line of thought in regard to war and foreign policy etc. By the way, I believe there is an actual logical fallacy name for this phenomenon, it is "The No True Scotsman".

And of course, I see much the same thing on people using the term Fascist. They tend to call conservative people this because of their national pride, but don't realize that probably a lot of the policies they want are literally meet the definition/ fit the schema of the classical Fascist theory of Mussolini, that they often wish to curtail the free speech rights of those that disagree with them and so on.

Oh and I forgot, I see lots of people that would fit the term "Far Left", many of them teach at universities. It is funny that only being too right is considered bad, or scary etc. but nobody sees problems in being too progressive.... I guess I blame Trotsky and early Communist Propaganda for this (Spreading the notion that Fascism is a right-wing movement etc. only a Communist would see somebody that wants Socialism lite as being right wing!).

So, what do you all think?


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