You Call Us Racists


Snazzy Title Goes Here
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Jan 9, 2004
New Jersey
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So as not to derail the Obama Pro/Con thread I have created a new thread to respond to the post below, which is completely intellectually dishonest.

Ohh and I gave up the yellow journalism tactic of bold and colors and centering fonts.

You have the UnitedNegroCollege Fund.

Is it your contention we should throw away successful institutions that were born because of American Apartheid?

At a time when a college degree is what a high school diploma was to previous generations, the minimum entry-level requirement for almost every well-paying career, UNCF plays a critical role in enabling more than 65,000 students each year to attend college and get the education they want and deserve. To close the educational attainment gap between African Americans and the majority population, UNCF helps promising students attend college and graduate by:
• Providing operating funds for its 39 member colleges, all of them small, liberal arts institutions, making it possible for them to offer their students 21st century academic programs while keeping their tuitions to less than half the average of other private colleges;
• Administering 300 scholarship and internship programs, so that even students from low- and moderate income families can afford college tuition, books and room and board;
Our Students
Today, 60 percent of students supported by UNCF are the first in their families to attend college; 62 percent are from families with annual income of less than $25,000; and 92 percent qualify for financial aid.
Scholarship and Fellowship Programs
UNCF administers more than 300 scholarship, fellowship and institutional grants that support students at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels.
The horror, the absolute racist horror to work towards educating people.

You have all History Months but white.

Do we not celebrate and honor enough Europeans? I am going to feel like a broken record, why do you suppose we separate (<--- that is a hint) history months?

You have Martin Luther King Day.

I thought this was a national holiday for everyone? Do you not feel that what Dr King did in bringing the country out of apartheid was a good thing?
You have Kawanza.

You are certainly welcome to partake in Kwanzaa if you like. African Americans take part in numerous European culturally centered celebrations.

You have the NAACP.

Again why is there an NAACP?

And you have BET.

Which is owned by whites and unfortunately is a disgrace. because of 95% of the programming.

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television)

I believe you do have white entertainment TV, it just isn't called that. It's on 24/7 365 days a year. Check your local listings for any program..

If we had a White Pride Day..You would call us racists.

I will leave this for SummerMadness he does this ridiculous concept the best justice.

If we had White History Month...We'd be racists

You do have white history month every month of year. I am sure Summer will address this too.

If we had any organization for only whites]to 'advance' OUR lives,...We'd be racists.

You mean like these organizations:

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,
a Black Chamber of Commerce,
and then we just have the plain
Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that?

Where is that?

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...You know we'd be racists.

Like these you mean:

Do note however that the largest scholarship provider the United Negro College Fund is not limited to blacks alone.

There are over 60 openly-proclaimed Black-only Colleges in the US ,

No they are historically black colleges (again we won't get into why they exist all) and while predominately African American they do have Caucasian students, in fact students of all ethnicities.

yet if there were 'White-only Colleges' THAT would be a racist college.
There are no blacks only colleges or for that matter insert ethnicity of your choice only colleges.

In the Million-Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.

No the million man march was for unity and pride and a pledge to be better fathers, husbands brothers etc.

If we marched for our race and rights,..You would call us racists.

If you feel the need as the dominant culture in America to march for these go for it, why you would feel that way I have no idea.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and red, and you're not afraid to announce it.

No we are not afraid to announce it any longer that is true. This is like shooting ducks in a barrel. And why did we feel the need to announce it. Let me show you why:









In the 1964 presidential election between Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater, Johnson used the political slogan, "All the way with LBJ." A mid-1960s license plate shows a caricatured Black woman, pregnant, with these words, "Ah went all de way wib LBJ." Johnson received overwhelming support from Black voters. The image on the license plate, which also appeared on posters and smaller prints, insults Blacks generally, Black Democrats, and Black women. :eek:

And before you or anyone else says but those are form years ago:

The Garbage Man: Why I Collect Racist Objects
by David Pilgrim, Curator, Jim Crow Museum

As for me, I raced around the dumpsters collecting discarded "White" and "Colored" signs, thinking they would be some interest to posterity in a Museum of Horrors. --Stetson Kennedy1

I am a garbage collector, racist garbage. For three decades I have collected items that defame and belittle Africans and their American descendants. I have a parlor game, "72 Pictured Party Stunts," from the 1930s. One of the game's cards instructs players to, "Go through the motions of a colored boy eating watermelon." The card shows a dark black boy, with bulging eyes and blood red lips, eating a watermelon as large as he is. The card offends me, but I collected it and 4,000 similar items that portray blacks as Coons, Toms, Sambos, Mammies, Picaninnies, and other dehumanizing racial caricatures. I collect this garbage because I believe, and know to be true, that items of intolerance can be used to teach tolerance.

I bought my first racist object when I was 12 or 13. My memory of that event is not perfect. It was the early 1970s in Mobile, Alabama, the home of my youth. The item was small, probably a Mammy saltshaker. It must have been cheap because I never had much money. And, it must have been ugly because after I paid the dealer I threw the item to the ground, shattering it. It was not a political act; I, simply, hated it, if you can hate an object. I do not know if he scolded me, he almost certainly did. I was what folks in Mobile, blacks and whites, indelicately referred to as a "Red<word not allowed on CF>." In those days, in that place, he could have thrown that name at me, without incident. I do not remember what he called me, but I am certain he called me something other than David Pilgrim.

I have a 1916 magazine advertisement that shows a little black boy, softly caricatured, drinking from an ink bottle. The bottom caption reads, "N-word Milk." I bought the print in 1988 from an antique store in LaPorte, Indiana. It was framed and offered for sale at $20. The salesclerk wrote, "Black Print," on the receipt. I told her to write, "N-word Milk Print."

"If you are going to sell it, call it by its name," I told her. She refused. We argued. I bought the print and left. That was my last argument with a dealer or sales clerk; today, I purchase the items and leave with little conversation.

The Mammy saltshaker and the "N-word Milk" print are not the most offensive items that I have seen. In 1874, McLoughlin Brothers of New York manufactured a puzzle game called "Chopped Up N-words." Today, the game is a prized collectible. I have twice seen the game for sale; neither time did I have the $3,000 necessary to purchase it. There are postcards from the first half of the 20th century that show blacks being whipped, or worse, hanging dead from trees, or lying on the ground burned beyond recognition. Postcards and photographs of lynched blacks sell for around $400 each on eBay and other Internet auction houses. I can afford to buy one, but I am not ready, not yet.

More of all of the above can be found here:

So yes we (blacks and I am sure other minorities) proclaim we are proud to be black because for all but the last 30 to 40 years in this country we were made to feel ashamed of who we were.

What Dolls Can Tell Us About Race in America

But when we announce our white pride[..You call us racists.

Leaving this comment for SummerMadness.

Now again I ask do you have a point besides being intellectually dishonest?
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Why do they always send the poor? (S.O.A.D.)
Jul 20, 2006
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I have an ultra-conservative friend who told me that racism in America is gone. This is the mentality of the uneducated and closed-minded who believe that just because they themselves dont practice racism that is doesnt exist.
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Senior Veteran
Sep 23, 2004
Overland Park, KS.
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What makes people of other races be able to enter the U.S. society (born here or legal immigrant) and be able to make a living (some a very good living!) while obeying all the laws? Because they were not made fun of for so many years? For at least the last 40 years, the shows (on an institutional level) belittling blacks have been over. I believe if black leaders truly wanted to level the playing field they would stop making their churches 'culture time' and teach the people to be disciplined in the New Testament. Then, they could go to school, graduate above the National norm, go out and be able to handle pretty much whatever the people of society throw at them.

So yes, I absolutely believe that a child raised with this kind of instruction (even in poverty) has an edge over others.
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Maynard Keenan

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Aug 21, 2004
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There is no real scientific definition of race. We all have differences, and people from different regions of the Earth have different physical characteristics, but there aren't clear-cut differences where you can say this person is one race and that is another when you get near the boundaries. Race is mostly a social construct.

As for racism, we have improved and things have changed but it hasn't gone away, most certainly. Racism is simply less overt and less severe than it once was. Racism exists now in unspoken thoughts, whispered conversations, jokes you tell when only among "your kind," in subtle actions of associating with your own "kind" and not associating with "others." Racism exists as an undercurrent in society, much less dominant than it was, but still there.
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Classical liberal
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Aug 6, 2004
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I don't see anything wrong with White History Month. The purpose of those history months is to celebrate the contributions of that ethnicity as a whole. We do not do that for whites yet.

I think it is pertinent to point out that we are now living in a global marketplace where whites are a minority.

I do have a question for you, Praying, as a white guy myself. Certainly those pictures you posted make black people look clownish and undignified. It is my opinion that many fashion trends popular among inner city black kids these days are not much of an improvement. For example:


Do you agree with me? Why or why not? Do you think that the choice of inner city black kids to create a separate culture of rap, grillz, strange terms like 'h to the izzo', and bizarre clothing is helpful or hurtful to the reconciliation of blacks and whites in America? Why they do this is beyond me.

BTW I think there has been progress, evidenced by a story my Grandpa told me over this last weekend(we celebrated his 94th).

My great Grandpa Peter came to America from Luxembourg in 1892. He had no money so he got a job working on a farm north of Chicago near Skokie. His wages were $15 a month plus room and board, but $10 in the Winter because there was less doing then.
One day a fellow came up to him and some other immigrants from Luxembourg as well as some recently naturalized citizens. He was running for office and wanted to get some support. He said to them that normally they would be asked to vote a straight Republican ticket. This time though there was one guy they shouldn't vote for. He gave them a sample ballot and pointed to the fellow and said "Don't vote for him, he's a n-----". I forget the name of the fellow, but the family is still active in Chicago politics today. At about that point in the story my Grandpa turned and said "You wouldn't see that today". And he's right on, as he usually is.

BTW, my icon says "Lutheran" but I was raised and confirmed Catholic, and the KKK doesn't like Catholics either. In fact, the church where I was baptized as a child was bombed by the KKK.
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Let the human mind loose.
Nov 19, 2007
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There is a white history month.

It's called European American Heritage Month and it's every October. But people are so busy whining about how black people get some imaginary special privileges that they don't bother to pay attention to their own.

But honestly, who cares? So black people have pride in their race. Good for them. Though really they have pride in their CULTURE, not their race, which is something that white America celebrates every day. Every time you go to a McDonalds, every time you watch a Disney movie, every time you do anything that has made America noticeable, you are celebrating that pride. Because America is a fairly new country, we take it for granted. Most cultures are ancient, and old traditions people don't keep up with are celebrated on a different level. In America, most of our traditions are nothing to take pride in. So we have new traditions that are still so normal, we don't even notice it.

And also, some of the KKK WERE Catholic. And some of the KKK were probably black (there are such a thing as people who dislike their own race). What the KKK didn't like is people telling them they're wrong. Honestly. I hate when people generalize like this. Obviously a sample incident means the entire group is this or that.

On a separate note, I see more white people listening to rap than any other race.
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May 24, 2007
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I don't really see the point of racial pride, but as long as you recognize that your race isn't genetically/mentally superior in anyway I don't think you're a racist. All races are equal.

That is what i believe. Even MLK i think had some pride in being Black.
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Sep 21, 2007
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There is a white history month.

It's called European American Heritage Month and it's every October. But people are so busy whining about how black people get some imaginary special privileges that they don't bother to pay attention to their own.

But honestly, who cares? So black people have pride in their race. Good for them. Though really they have pride in their CULTURE, not their race, which is something that white America celebrates every day. Every time you go to a McDonalds, every time you watch a Disney movie, every time you do anything that has made America noticeable, you are celebrating that pride. Because America is a fairly new country, we take it for granted. Most cultures are ancient, and old traditions people don't keep up with are celebrated on a different level. In America, most of our traditions are nothing to take pride in. So we have new traditions that are still so normal, we don't even notice it.

And also, some of the KKK WERE Catholic. And some of the KKK were probably black (there are such a thing as people who dislike their own race). What the KKK didn't like is people telling them they're wrong. Honestly. I hate when people generalize like this. Obviously a sample incident means the entire group is this or that.

On a separate note, I see more white people listening to rap than any other race.

QFT x2
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Sep 13, 2007
New Orleans
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That is what i believe. Even MLK i think had some pride in being Black.

Well that's fine. Just don't fall into the "my race is better than your race" trap. I have no problem with racial pride (as long as it doesn't lead to racism or race supremacy), I just don't see the point in it. No offense meant.
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Snazzy Title Goes Here
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Jan 9, 2004
New Jersey
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I don't see anything wrong with White History Month. The purpose of those history months is to celebrate the contributions of that ethnicity as a whole. We do not do that for whites yet.

I disagree that European history isn't celebrated and as a later post points out there is a month for it. The entire culture has always been geared towards European history, there is no need to create a white history month IMO. And as we know if America had always been open to non European cultures there would be no need for the other various history months.

I do have a question for you, Praying, as a white guy myself. Certainly those pictures you posted make black people look clownish and undignified. It is my opinion that many fashion trends popular among inner city black kids these days are not much of an improvement. For example:


I think you have two different issues here. The pictures I posted and every thing contained at the Jim Crow museum was expressly designed with the idea of degrading and dehumanizing people of color not simply making people look clownish though it did indeed do that. That however is a far cry from people adopting their own cultural standards.

Do you agree with me? Why or why not? Do you think that the choice of inner city black kids to create a separate culture of rap, grillz, strange terms like 'h to the izzo', and bizarre clothing is helpful or hurtful to the reconciliation of blacks and whites in America? Why they do this is beyond me.

That said do I think those images advance young African American males, not in the slightest. I think they absolutely add to negative stereotyping. The development of various expressions and terms I don't see as an issue, all generations develop their own lingo, except if the use of street language is the only language that a person knows,which for many young African Americans growing up entrenched in poverty is the only language they know. It is generational, that is an issue.

Rap while developed in the black subculture of urban youth is no longer that, except for perhaps gansta rap which I would bet most people here on CF have never even heard because you do not here it on the radio. Rap has come full circle and is a mainstream music genre that crosses cultures. Most rap I do not like mainly because of how women are portrayed but it too very negative.

BTW I think there has been progress, evidenced by a story my Grandpa told me over this last weekend(we celebrated his 94th).

Ohh there absolutely has been progress, we a long way from where we were 50 years ago.

At about that point in the story my Grandpa turned and said "You wouldn't see that today". And he's right on, as he usually is.

Unfortunately you will see that today, not nearly as common but it still occurs.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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What makes people of other races be able to enter the U.S. society (born here or legal immigrant) and be able to make a living (some a very good living!) while obeying all the laws? Because they were not made fun of for so many years?

Did you really just hand wave away the history of slavery and oppression forced upon African-Americans in this country as "being made fun of"?
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North American Energy Independence Now!
Dec 23, 2007
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When does the bitterness end?
Also should I get out my collection of anti Irish, Italian, Jewish, and poland cartoons? Obama is not the answer either. I feel he has built up anger as well. Maybe in 20 or 20,000 years all this will be forgiven, but someone will keep on keeping on. When can we move on? I'm getting old here!;)
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