Where to post?

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The Preacher's Kid
Jan 29, 2005
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Hey there are a lot of posts that are arguably in the wrong forum so I thought I'd try to help clear up where you're supposed to post different topics. NOTE: If a mod or admin has a better opinion about this, feel free to alter my post to reflect that. ;) I'm just trying to get the idea out so we get people posting in the right forums.

First of all, the "Teens Common Area", as the description states, is for "Games and Light Chit Chat". So stuff like forum games and "Hey, how's it going" goes there.

Next, we have the age group/gender forums. If you have something you only want people that are around your age or only people of your gender to see, you can post in there. Realize that currently, the permissions are not set, so people might stumble into the forum on accident and see your posts.

Then there's the Serious Stuff forum in the older teens area. This is for serious discussion about important topics that are not limited to only guys or only girls.

FInally, there's the Christian Only Teens Common Area. Post there for questions you only want answered by Christian teenagers without the input from non-Christian members. This is more for the question threads about what is considered a sin or about christian advice. :)

Anyway, I hope this helps. Have a nice day!
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