Supreme Court rejects appeal from Indiana parents who lost custody of trans teen with severe eating disorder


Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
Los Angeles Area
United States
Marital Status
Legal Union (Other)

Indiana said the parents, self-described devout Christians, lost custody not because of their views on transgender issues but because of the medical necessity of the teen’s severe eating disorder.

The court, without comment, rejected an appeal from the teen’s parents, who had warned that cases similar to theirs are likely to reoccur “due to developing conflicts between parents and their children concerning gender identity.”

A provision of Indiana law that is similar to statutes in nearly every state allows government intervention in “a variety of situations in which even well-intentioned parent find themselves unable to prevent serious harm,” the state told the court.

"We always protect parental rights and religious liberty. Neither we nor the Indiana courts believe that the State can remove a child because of a parent's religious beliefs, views about gender identity, or anything of the sort," Rokita said in a statement, adding that the record shows the state's actions were motivated by the teen's "extreme eating disorder."

see also: closed thread #1 and closed thread #2. So behave.
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