Whats your view of Crowder theology?


Relationship over Religion
Jan 8, 2004
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Well how do you apply the verses I posted, to your life and to the modern church?

But you're not considering the whole of scripture.

You can't pick one Old Testament incident where God granted a condemned man's last prayer, and claim that once God has chosen a leader their sin and doctrine no longer matter.

Loads and loads of New Testament scriptures warn us against Church leaders who sin or teach bad doctrine. But you say those scriptures are irrelevent?


Do you read the scriptures to say that I, the guy with the screen name *Tobias*, must make a decision right here and right now as to the spiritual condition of John Crowder, and tell those who follow his ministry that they are either blessed by him or should instead "avoid him at all costs"? Because, I just don't see that anywhere in the Bible....

Using the whole of scripture when judging a potential minister of God might leave us with no definite conclusion for the moment. Many times we can see that the evidence comes forth later, as in the case with Judas who was called a "devil" even when Jesus first called him. But nobody saw it till later!

Using the whole of scripture in my opinion means withholding judgement over a minister who sins, and waiting to see what God does in response. If God continues to use him like He did with Samson, then we cannot afford to "avoid him at all costs." When God suddenly stops using him (like with Samson after the haircut), then we don't lie about the situation and pretend it was God's will for the guy to get captured and his eyes put out. Why? Because scripture is about accuracy -- "God did this, but Man failed at this..."

Many people do not use the whole of scripture to judge ministers, because they leave no room for the possibility of God using the person despite their sin or doctrinal error. They instead rely upon absolutes. "God cannot be the one using that guy because I see sin in his life." So they have invented the non-scriptural entity of "The Spirit of Kudalini", and attribute all the works of God to that thing because they cannot comprehend how God could possibly use a sinner such as Rev. ____________ .

Seriously, this isn't that difficult of a concept to grasp, is it? :confused: Open your Bible, and on one side of the page make a list of all the people who were used by God even though they sinned. On the other side, list all the times the Spirit of Kudalini is mentioned in scripture... :cool:
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Simon Peter

14th Generation PROTESTant
Mar 4, 2004
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Do you read the scriptures to say that I, the guy with the screen name *Tobias*, must make a decision right here and right now as to the spiritual condition of John Crowder, and tell those who follow his ministry that they are either blessed by him or should instead "avoid him at all costs"?
Because, I just don't see that anywhere in the Bible....

:doh:Errr...what? I haven't ever said I've seen your name or Crowder's name in the Bible :scratch:

Using the whole of scripture in my opinion means withholding judgement over a minister who sins, and waiting to see what God does in response. If God continues to use him like He did with Samson, then we cannot afford to "avoid him at all costs."

The scriptures tell us plainly to beware of false teachers prophets, to avoid them and not to belieive them. The scriptures DO NOT tell us to accept them and belive that God is responsible to take their ministry/gift away.

Which makes sense, because we know that false teachers and prophets will do great damage in the end times, deceiving even the elect, so clearly God does not stop them from performing false miracles.

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible.
Mark 13:22 NIV

Open your Bible, and on one side of the page make a list of all the people who were used by God even though they sinned. On the other side, list all the times the Spirit of Kudalini is mentioned in scripture...

The spirit of Kundalini is just a handle, a name, in this context it just means a spirit other than the spirit of God, a false spirit.

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Not all who wander are lost
Jun 29, 2004
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I highly value proper mysticism. However, mysticism must ALWAYS be guided and lead by orthodox doctrine. Mysticism nota grounded in proper doctrine is a recipe for deception.

True mysticism is also not really about experiences. Those who pursue mystical experiences are often the spiritual equivalent of people who pursue romantic relationships only for the thrill, or the sex. Not to be crude. Mysticism is about relationship with a person, not spiritual experiences. Experiences can just as easily be false or misleading as anything else. They can also be a distraction from the real goal.
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