What happens to people who die without having believed in Jesus?


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Salvation has always been by grace, through faith. In the OT, the sins were covered by a sacrifice and sins were imparted to a goat (through faith). Those that had faith were called righteous. But their position in heaven will be different. Those without Jesus and without a sacrifice system will experience the wrath of God based on their sins.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Those without Jesus and without a sacrifice system will experience the wrath of God based on their sins.

The result of that could only be hell, according to Romans.

However, that assertion is a deduction from scriptural silence--scripture does not specifically say that's the case.
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Gospel Guy

Headed Home!
Aug 11, 2013
Word of Faith
Do you have verses?

Read de Book of Romans!

Even aborted babies? Maybe you should think about that.

Ah, no... those that die before the age of accountability go to Heaven.

It's those pesky adults that have NO excuse. It would be unjust of God to allow someone to go to hell if they had not had ample opportunity to know that there is a God and they need to call upon Him for salvation.

God is not unjust, so man is without excuse. The adults.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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My opinion, and mine is no better or worse than anyone else's, is that God accounts faith as faith in Him.
When I was little, like 8 years old, I knew that God was good. I did not know the gospel or really understand Jesus, but at some level there was the assurance that God was good and I just KNEW that He was taking care of us. I do not know where that knowledge came from. But I am convinced that God accounts that "ignorant faith" as faith in Him. That does not mean I am no longer going to present the Gospel or stop saying that "there is salvation in no other name" than Jesus.
No use arguing about it. I cannot prove it.
Take it with a shake of salt.
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Nov 7, 2011
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The old covenant and the new are the same in one aspect: Faith in the "I AM" will be credited to men as Righteousness.

The differences are quite vast. Whether the Saints of old looked forward to the Messiah and believed as did David and the Prophets, or whether they loved and feared the I AM as did Noah and Moses, it took blood to cover sins.

And not just any blood, but the blood of the innocent to cover the sins of the multitudes.

Jesus preached to the captives after his death. Abrahams bosom. Paradise. The list goes on and the theories abound.

The deal now is we must believe the message of Christ's grace and sacrifice to be saved. For those who have not heard, God takes care of them. He is not unjust. He is love and just.
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Nov 7, 2011
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Sin is a tangible thing. I cannot prove it. I can only imagine it so. I remember the immense weight of sin as it lifted off of me the moment I was saved.

Now imagine Jesus carrying the sin of the world upon him. Imagine the heaping mass of evil bearing down on Jesus. And this Jesus, is holy. Perfect. Righteous. He knows no sin until the cross. Imagine that. Then imagine God the Father turning his back on his only Son. And not only that, but pouring out his wrath upon Jesus so that you and I can receive God's mercy and grace.

Jesus took all of that horror upon himself for one reason: so that we might be saved.

Those who will not believe this message unfortunately but justly, must perish.

Whenever I think of people becoming separated from God for eternity, I shudder and wish it were not so. But then I look upon what Jesus did, what God did...and I shudder to think that we (men) believe we are more moral or righteous in our judgments than God by stating falsely that everybody will be alright and believing or not believing in Jesus is ok. It's not. Believe me, it is not.

The call of John the Baptist still resonates with us today. "Repent!"

Men are genetically broken. Our father Adam sinned and as a consequence, this tangible presence passed through the blood, or genetically, whatever, into every human being since. It is our nature. Sin.

Sin cannot enter into heaven and take up permanent residence. How could it? What would our God be like if he could allow sin into his domain? He would be a weak God. A wishy-washy God. Who could trust him?

God is holy. I wonder if we truly grasp that concept. I know I have trouble with it at times. But He is nonetheless.

Holiness and Evil will not forever be married. One will overthrow the other. One has overthrown the other. Holiness has defeated Evil. So, faith is God's vehicle for us to attach ourselves to this Holiness.

That's my take on this subject. Too much suffering poured out upon Jesus for there to be any other way to heaven now.

Side Note: I have been reading about many Muslims seeing Jesus in Visions and Dreams and believing. Fear not my friends, God is at work and will reveal Jesus to all whom He chooses.
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queen of broken hearts
May 27, 2008
in the Spirit ... God willing ...
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so my three month old grandson just goes to hell ... he died of SIDS at three months ... ot my grandson that lived 1 day ... or the one that didn't quite get born ... or my son who was killed in a car accident shortly before he would have been born ... good grief! do people ever think about what they post ... i DISAGREE!!! my God is not unfair, unjust, cruel or any of the other names i could attach to the loss of these children ...
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There is a verse in Revelation that I had trouble with for a long time:

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

(Anecdote of cold and hot food)
Your explanation seems to make much sense.
In addition, one could say that if they were hot, they would have pursued holiness and Jesus' commandments with a passion.
If they were cold they would realise that they are "lost" and thus in need of redemption, forgiveness of sin and thus convinced by the Holy Spirit of their sin.
If one look at the next verse "Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: ",
They regarded themselves as being OK, not realising their state of "lostness".
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so my three month old grandson just goes to hell ... he died of SIDS at three months ... ot my grandson that lived 1 day ... or the one that didn't quite get born ... or my son who was killed in a car accident shortly before he would have been born ... good grief! do people ever think about what they post ... i DISAGREE!!! my God is not unfair, unjust, cruel or any of the other names i could attach to the loss of these children ...
One can truly understand the turmoil that you must go through reading comments that suggests that babies may not all go to heaven.
There are a few aspects to this:
1) We are all sinners - see original sin.
2) Election. God elects some to inherit His Kingdom, not made worthy by what we do, but by grace alone.
3) There seems to be an age of accountability, but it is not clearly stated.

In the last instance, I accept that God is sovereign and I trust in his wisdom and love.

Thus it seems that based on Scripture, we cannot definitely and conclusively argue either way. Trust in God only. His will is perfect and we accept this in faith.
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bind on pick up
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Apr 23, 2005
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so my three month old grandson just goes to hell ... he died of SIDS at three months ... ot my grandson that lived 1 day ... or the one that didn't quite get born ... or my son who was killed in a car accident shortly before he would have been born ... good grief! do people ever think about what they post ... i DISAGREE!!! my God is not unfair, unjust, cruel or any of the other names i could attach to the loss of these children ...

No worries. It was Jesus who said to not hinder the little children from coming to Him, for to them belongs the kingdom of heaven (Mt 19:14).
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Bob Carabbio

Old guy -
Dec 22, 2010
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Of course somebody will ALWAYS bring up Babies who died, or the 'po nekkid natives in Oogabalooga (that they don't actually give a rip about except for argumentation).

When our firstborn died 3 hours out, we cried, and then bought the little styrofoam box that babies are buried in - contacted the cemetary, paid the bill, and moved on. Where Angeline's soul went after she died was never a concern. God's not into Damning innocents.

People aren't damned because Adam stupidly chose satan instead of God and gave his authority to the enemy.

People are damned because THEY do the same thing - they KNOW to do right, and willfully do WRONG anyway - it's human nature. YOU did it, and so did I.

And IF IGNORANCE is all it takes to "Make the cut", then we'd best IMMEDIATELY CLOSE ALL THE CHURCHES, and Get the missionaries OUT of the "Field" NOW!!! - because they're damning folks who have their "ignorance" destroyed, but reject the message!!!!
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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And IF IGNORANCE is all it takes to "Make the cut", then we'd best IMMEDIATELY CLOSE ALL THE CHURCHES, and Get the missionaries OUT of the "Field" NOW!!! - because they're damning folks who have their "ignorance" destroyed, but reject the message!!!!

C'mon, Bob. You already know that from Romans 1, nobody who's been around long enough to contemplate a starry sky or a flower is considered completely ignorant. So ignorance is the excuse...but only the very young make that cut.
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queen of broken hearts
May 27, 2008
in the Spirit ... God willing ...
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Of course somebody will ALWAYS bring up Babies who died, or the 'po nekkid natives in Oogabalooga (that they don't actually give a rip about except for argumentation).

:o ... you don't know me ... i love each of them and i know what the scriptutres ... very thoroughly ... say because i do give a rip ... i know their brithdays and pray for them and all the things a mother and grandmother do ... what an ignorant and arrogant statement ...
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queen of broken hearts
May 27, 2008
in the Spirit ... God willing ...
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No worries. It was Jesus who said to not hinder the little children from coming to Him, for to them belongs the kingdom of heaven (Mt 19:14).

ty for your post ... this is a scripture i never thought to apply in this manner. God bless ...
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queen of broken hearts
May 27, 2008
in the Spirit ... God willing ...
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One can truly understand the turmoil that you must go through reading comments that suggests that babies may not all go to heaven.
There are a few aspects to this:
1) We are all sinners - see original sin.
2) Election. God elects some to inherit His Kingdom, not made worthy by what we do, but by grace alone.
3) There seems to be an age of accountability, but it is not clearly stated.

In the last instance, I accept that God is sovereign and I trust in his wisdom and love.

Thus it seems that based on Scripture, we cannot definitely and conclusively argue either way. Trust in God only. His will is perfect and we accept this in faith.

ty for your post ... i thought it was well thought out and very sweet ... God bless ...
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