Was Noah's Ark sewn together..


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2003
Hello et. al.


Picking up the discussion from the opening request for a biblical archaeology forum...

A good place to read to start a discussion on biblical archaeology...


the current issue just came out... and the lead story is about Noah's Ark...

was it a sea-worthy vessel that was sewn together? If you watch that link, in a few days, the site will be updated and you will be able to read a couple of paragraphs and see a couple of pictures of how ship were sewn together in ancient times (and even today in a couple of middle-eastern countries)

I personally believe the ark was "sewn" together somewhat as the article describes... but then... just yesterday on the "minute" from Genesis (or whatever that minute is called,) I believe it was Dr. Morris who states the fact that evidences indicate that there trees on the earth taller than 400 feet that could have been used for the main structure of the ark (the main structure has to be from one piece that is formed to the right shape, else the ship was be stressed).

Well, even if trees were 400 feet tall, I still beleive the the 400 foot long timbers were sewn together.



Senior Member
Apr 3, 2005
Fort William
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I was watching a BBC program the other night, Ray Mear's Bushcraft, and they were building a traditional north american indian cayak, the hull was made out of birch bark which was sewn together with, if I remember rightly, spruce roots.

And God Bless All His Peoples.
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Regular Member
Feb 5, 2005
Serapha said:
Hello et. al.


Picking up the discussion from the opening request for a biblical archaeology forum...

A good place to read to start a discussion on biblical archaeology...


the current issue just came out... and the lead story is about Noah's Ark...

was it a sea-worthy vessel that was sewn together? If you watch that link, in a few days, the site will be updated and you will be able to read a couple of paragraphs and see a couple of pictures of how ship were sewn together in ancient times (and even today in a couple of middle-eastern countries)

I personally believe the ark was "sewn" together somewhat as the article describes... but then... just yesterday on the "minute" from Genesis (or whatever that minute is called,) I believe it was Dr. Morris who states the fact that evidences indicate that there trees on the earth taller than 400 feet that could have been used for the main structure of the ark (the main structure has to be from one piece that is formed to the right shape, else the ship was be stressed).

Well, even if trees were 400 feet tall, I still beleive the the 400 foot long timbers were sewn together.


I could not get any further into the link because I'm not a subscriber to this online service -lol, is this statement on my frugal nature, haha, yes it is!

Anyway, without having read the article, but having witnessed modern-day people who've contructed sailing vessels by hand, I'd say it is entirely possible that Noah's ark was sewn together -it just may have taken a lot longer than it would take someone to build a raft! I cannot imagine the elbow-grease on that, though -goodness, no. :o The process of weaving natural fibers together (including bark and foliage) has a great history; the construction of Noah's ark would be an even more impressive feat if had been done in this manner.
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