Unequally yoked


I'm almost positive I don't care what you think
Jun 16, 2004
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It is not a completely different scenario. There are cultural differences, ideological differences, etc. The term "unequally yoked" implies that non-Christians are below Christians. Which is similar to the outdated idea that Europeans are better than non-Europeans.

You're telling her to dump her boyfriend because a book says so. That is wrong, if she's in love, then she's obviously been able to look past the fact he's not a Christian.

:doh:geez...it's like talking to a 5 year old..either you're not listening or you seriously don't understand. "Unequally yoked" does NOT mean that non believers are less than Christians. And I never said to break up with him, I said in my opinion that as long as he's good to her and can deal with her being a Christian and vice versa then I don't really see why it would be so wrong. Being a different skin color doesn't automatically mean different cultural ideas..dating someone who actually is from Africa and wasn't born in the US, now that would have some opposing views on a few things I'm sure..but again, that has NOTHING to do with skin color.
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:doh:geez...it's like talking to a 5 year old..either you're not listening or you seriously don't understand. "Unequally yoked" does NOT mean that non believers are less than Christians. And I never said to break up with him, I said in my opinion that as long as he's good to her and can deal with her being a Christian and vice versa then I don't really see why it would be so wrong. Being a different skin color doesn't automatically mean different cultural ideas..dating someone who actually is from Africa and wasn't born in the US, now that would have some opposing views on a few things I'm sure..but again, that has NOTHING to do with skin color.

Geez, it's like talking to a Christian. There are TONS of differences in perspective between African Americans and European Americans. You seem to think that everyone in North America shares the same culture and ideals.

Also, unequally yolked DOES suggest inequality, because of the word UNEQUAL, which means NOT EQUAL.

I hope you understand now that I've broken it down for you.
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I see that you are not a Christian, and that's fine when you call the Bible 'just a book'. However, the OP IS a Christian and has dedicated her life and service to Christ. Being such, her first priority in life is to follow God's infallible word, not her own fleshly desires. So while it may be just a book for you, it's the guideline by which all Christians need to compare their lives with. You can not pick and choose parts of the Bible that you like to apply to your life. It's all or nothing. Not just what suits you.

The Bible is 100% fallible. It is completely foolish to dedicate your life to a book that wasn't even written until the 15th century.
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Oct 24, 2009
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Geez, it's like talking to a Christian. There are TONS of differences in perspective between African Americans and European Americans. You seem to think that everyone in North America shares the same culture and ideals.

Also, unequally yolked DOES suggest inequality, because of the word UNEQUAL, which means NOT EQUAL.

I hope you understand now that I've broken it down for you.

You're right. It does speak of inequality. SPIRITUAL INEQUALITY. One person is a Christian, one is not. Obviously the amount of Christian spiritual maturity in the Christian is not equal to the Christian spirituality of a nonbeliever. This is the basis on which Christians should base their search for a potential mate.

I hope that YOU understand, now that I've broken it down for you AGAIN.

Anyone can take something out of context like you're doing here. Grow up.
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Oct 24, 2009
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The Bible is 100% fallible. It is completely foolish to dedicate your life to a book that wasn't even written until the 15th century.

LOL. The only thing that's 100% fallible is your idea that the Bible was penned in the 15th century.

Perhaps you sure learn a little bit more about the Bible before making yourself look foolish.
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Solus V
Oct 13, 2009
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You might as well of told her to end a relationship because the other person is black.
What? Where the heck did you see them say that? They are saying what is said because it's biblical man:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6:14, KJV). [/FONT]

Why should she listen to you? It's HER life, not yours.

Actually, it's Gods':

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

And it's our right as her brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus for us to help her make the RIGHT (godly, clean, true, based on our Father's Word) decision:

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Galations 6:1-3 ESV

It disgusts myself that Christians consider themselves better than the rest of us.

And this... Some "Christians" just might be like that. But not all. And especially not the true ones who follow what Christ has taught us. Actually, if it makes you feel better; with an honest heart I can tell you that I am the least of all the people on this site. I don't care what religion or lack of religion or denomination or lack of denomination you are, I consider myself to be lowly. I am just a human being who is a sinner whos only hope and salvation lies in Jesus, who has cleansed me and made me his friend and brother. Without Him, I am nothing. Through Him, I can do all things.

God bless you.
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LOL. The only thing that's 100% fallible is your idea that the Bible was penned in the 15th century.

Perhaps you sure learn a little bit more about the Bible before making yourself look foolish.

Really? The KJV version of the Bible was written in the 15th century, when King James compiled Old Testament writings and early Christian writings into a series of stories that pleased him. He left out the ones he didn't like, and changed the ones that needed changing.

Consider how foolish it is to follow your life based on a book that has no basis in truth, only writings from someone you perceive to be "God". If there is a God, he's not wasting his time writing novels.

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Solus V
Oct 13, 2009
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Really? The KJV version of the Bible was written in the 15th century, when King James compiled Old Testament writings and early Christian writings into a series of stories that pleased him. He left out the ones he didn't like, and changed the ones that needed changing.

Consider how foolish it is to follow your life based on a book that has no basis in truth, only writings from someone you perceive to be "God". If there is a God, he's not wasting his time writing novels.


The Bible is inspired by God and was written over a long period of time before and after Christ came. Scientific studies and archaeology have even found that out.

SO no, the Bible was not created in one little *pop* by James, but yes, there are books left out. I have the books that were left out and have pretty much come to the conclusion that what is in the Bible is really all we need. What was left out were mainly stories that did not seem to be "Inspired" and historical books like Macabees.

And here's a thought to nibble on about the infallibility of the word of God.
The Bible, this archaic,ancient, collection of scrolls and documents that was claimed many times by many of the hands that wrote them mentioned that it was the Word of God Himself being transmitted. And there are many prophecies the were fulfilled in these different time frames, which science has proven itself when these ancient texts were produced.

For example, Daniel the prophet predicted in about 538 BC (Daniel 9:24-27) that Christ would come as Israel's promised Savior and Prince 483 years after the Persian emperor would give the Jews authority to rebuild Jerusalem, which was then in ruins. This was clearly and definitely fulfilled, hundreds of years later.

Also interestingly enough, I also found that the writers of the the Bible already had knew things that science proved thousands years later to be true.

Roundness of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)Almost infinite extent of the sidereal universe (Isaiah 55:9)Law of conservation of mass and energy (II Peter 3:7)
Hydro-logic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)
Vast number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22) Law of increasing entropy (Psalm 102:25-27)Paramount importance of blood in life processes (Leviticus 17:11)
Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6) Gravitational field (Job 26:7).

So you tell me?
God bless you.
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what ever happened to moderators?

I don't think I've even bothered reading the last few pages.. I did unfortunatly just scroll far enough to end up reading this part though.

Also interestingly enough, I also found that the writers of the the Bible already had knew things that science proved thousands years later to be true.

Roundness of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)Almost infinite extent of the sidereal universe (Isaiah 55:9)Law of conservation of mass and energy (II Peter 3:7)
Hydro-logic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)
Vast number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22) Law of increasing entropy (Psalm 102:25-27)Paramount importance of blood in life processes (Leviticus 17:11)
Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6) Gravitational field (Job 26:7).

Please refrain from this, it does not end well for the Bible at all, and really reflects badly on you, essentially, trying to pre date science is just a great way to miss the entire point of what the books and passages where actually trying to convey.

Now I don't want you jumping to conclusions, as I realize I do have the brain thing up there, so lets for record just say, I think both of your arguments suck badly, and I think aandb, is pretty much trolling at this point.. or overly passionate about all the wrong things.
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Solus V
Oct 13, 2009
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Well that's good for you that you think our argument "sucks". I am not going to refrain from defending the truth in anyway though, so sorry. If I bug you for being honest, then I'm just going to be bugging you.

Personally, I found it quite amazing that these people all that time ago already knew what science has proven years later. And I'm not in any way against science, i actually like it. The more science "proves" the more they "prove" the God.

God bless you and yours.
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pretty sure this is the right vid.. the full 30 are worth a look, but not entirely related to the subject at hand.

YouTube - Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 28)

in fact, I belive this one even covers the book of Job.

either, way, your attempting to claim poetic language = understanding the science. Just doesn't work, but not to worry, I realize I'd be wasting my time trying to explain it to you on an internet forum.. I would suggest you talk to your preacher, but I diubt that would help.
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SO no, the Bible was not created in one little *pop* by James, but yes, there are books left out. I have the books that were left out and have pretty much come to the conclusion that what is in the Bible is really all we need. What was left out were mainly stories that did not seem to be "Inspired" and historical books like Macabees.

And here's a thought to nibble on about the infallibility of the word of God.
The Bible, this archaic,ancient, collection of scrolls and documents that was claimed many times by many of the hands that wrote them mentioned that it was the Word of God Himself being transmitted. And there are many prophecies the were fulfilled in these different time frames, which science has proven itself when these ancient texts were produced.

Just because it was ancient doesn't prove it's validity. I can *claim* to be hearing the voices of God, write it down in a book, stick it in a crevice somewhere, and when it's discovered 1000 years from now, it's STILL not the Word of God.

Prophecies are some of the worst forms of "proof" that exist. Anyone can say "some time in the future, X will happen." And guaranteed, X will happen because everything will happen at some time or another.

There are many ancient texts that exist, and that doesn't mean they are real. The Odyssey was considered an accurate portrayal of ancient Greek life, until some more digging was done and it was found that is was fiction.

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what ever happened to moderators?

I don't think I've even bothered reading the last few pages.. I did unfortunatly just scroll far enough to end up reading this part though.

Please refrain from this, it does not end well for the Bible at all, and really reflects badly on you, essentially, trying to pre date science is just a great way to miss the entire point of what the books and passages where actually trying to convey.

Now I don't want you jumping to conclusions, as I realize I do have the brain thing up there, so lets for record just say, I think both of your arguments suck badly, and I think aandb, is pretty much trolling at this point.. or overly passionate about all the wrong things.

I'm not trying to troll, I'm just trying to express the thought that the bible isn't valid to run your life by. I might as well live my life by the thesaurus.
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Solus V
Oct 13, 2009
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Just because it was ancient doesn't prove it's validity. I can *claim* to be hearing the voices of God, write it down in a book, stick it in a crevice somewhere, and when it's discovered 1000 years from now, it's STILL not the Word of God.

Prophecies are some of the worst forms of "proof" that exist. Anyone can say "some time in the future, X will happen." And guaranteed, X will happen because everything will happen at some time or another.

There are many ancient texts that exist, and that doesn't mean they are real. The Odyssey was considered an accurate portrayal of ancient Greek life, until some more digging was done and it was found that is was fiction.


The whole point is that this ancient text has so many prophecies that have been fulfilled that and so many things have been discovered and unearthered that is pretty hard to discredit it. As a Christian, I am going to live by it anyway, but as someone who uses my mind (which Jesus even said to do), I have even more faith in what i have come to know and believe. Not to mention personal experiences.

But anyway, i've put in my two cents. Take it or leave it. Jesus loves ya and I can't wait for everyone to see that. Unfortunatleey sometimes I think that even if it's right in front of you, you'll still discredit His love for you because "it's just gotta be fantasy and myth".

You won't ever know until you try. Because I was the same way.

God bless you and yours.
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The Guy with the Face
Jan 12, 2006
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Consider how foolish it is to follow your life based on a book that has no basis in truth, only writings from someone you perceive to be "God". If there is a God, he's not wasting his time writing novels.

Right, because if there is a God who went through the trouble of creating us, he would just refuse to teach us what we need to know, like any good father.

Defeat the wheel of power with the power of correcting misconceptions!

The bible contains the word of God.

"but how can you be sure?"

The Spirit of God gives testimony of the Truth to anyone who takes the time to listen.

Also, I don't know any Christians who say the bible is infallible - which means incapable of doing wrong in a rather conscious way. The term is inerrant, meaning that God made sure it exists the way it's supposed to according to his will. I don't know that the bible itself even says the bible is inerrant, just that God is infallible.
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Hi, my name is Nicolette, I'm 19 this year and I come from Singapore.

The reason why I decided to turn to a Christian forum is not because I have no one to talk to in real life. It's because I already know what they will tell me and my Christian brothers and sisters in Christ aren't that supportive...

My problem is common and simple...

I'm a Christian who is currently dating a Non Christian... He is 24, very stable. Has a job and all... He treats me well, very sincere, caring etc etc.

I do not wish to end the relationship because I know it will hurt him and myself as well. We have cried a few times over this matter, and it was because of that, that I am convinced he is serious about me. He's not a playboy. He's like the boy next door very simple.

I do not want people to judge me based on my "unequally" yoked relationship.... I just wish my brothers and sisters in Christ could be happy for me that I found someone who can take care of me... But I guess their not happy because of the fact that he's not Christian.... And wouldn't be able to take care of me the Christian way...

Sigh..... School is starting soon and I don't want to bring this problem into my last semester in school....

Sigh... Please pray for me....
If he's a good guy; by good I mean no criminal past, isn't a thief and doesn't cheat on you, etc; than just continue the relationship.

There are some people who convert by osmosis. The best thing that you could do is not be judgmental about it, be a good example of how Christians should be, and most importantly pray for him.

Simple :)

A quick question: are most people in Singapore Christian or are most people Buddhist or Hindu?
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Solus V
Oct 13, 2009
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Right, because if there is a God who went through the trouble of creating us, he would just refuse to teach us what we need to know, like any good father.

Defeat the wheel of power with the power of correcting misconceptions!

The bible contains the word of God.

"but how can you be sure?"

The Spirit of God gives testimony of the Truth to anyone who takes the time to listen.

Also, I don't know any Christians who say the bible is infallible - which means incapable of doing wrong in a rather conscious way. The term is inerrant, meaning that God made sure it exists the way it's supposed to according to his will. I don't know that the bible itself even says the bible is inerrant, just that God is infallible.

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I just wanted to just start off to stay that I am here just to help, not judging or anything. But the thing is, I do understand where they are coming from. I can't lie to you about that. The thing is, when your married and as we become more serious about God and our relationship grows. You might grow closer to one but farther from another. The thing is when you are equally yoked. You have someone who is no longer just there for you physically,emtionallly,mentally, but you have someone there for you spiritually. It's like a whole new level of relationship. To connect with someone spiritually goes above the natural in my opinion. Now, I can say I do know people who are christians married to non-christians and they have great friendships/relationships. I do know of cases where overtime the non-christian started learning more about God and became saved themselves. Both were on fire from God and is thankful everyday I am sure that his wife helped to lead him to Christ. So I can't say it's impossible because it is.

It has nothing to do with us being better than them, it's not even us versus them, as it may seem sometimes. It really has to do with him being able to provide for you spritually, would he spiritually be able to be head of the household if you all god married. It's easier to have someone walking by your side spiritually, being able to pray for and with you, read you bibles together at times, ask each other questions, intercede for each other as well as for others, having someone who understands you spiritually that builds a connection sometimes stronger than the natural connection that you see/feel. I would rather have a boyfriend who can pray for me and with me at times, who I can talk to about my spiritual walk and offer advice for each other. Than having a boyfriend/husband who can't really pray for or with me, who may not be able to relate to what I am going through spiritually.

There are some things that you can share that are going on with someone who is a christian and they completely understand what you mean and you can share the same thing with a non-christian and they might understand at all what you are talking about and not able to get the point of what you share with them because they are so confused and don't know what you really said.

This has happened to me before we were dating just good friends. I came across something and shared it with him, he didn't understand, then I had him watch a youtube video that talked about what I was trying to share with him. he didn't understand where either of us were coming from. and it was like the video summed up everything I was thinking plus more.

So it does help in life to be with someone who is equally yoked, I haven't really been in a serious relationship but, for the friendship I have been in and observing the lives of other and praying and reading this is where I am coming from.

I won't lie to you, you have no idea how I have at times debated about lowing my standards(in what I what I am looking for in a guy, because at times you get tired of being alone). Which was debated whether to date a non-christian or keeping looking for the christian guy. You have no idea how many times I have debated back and forth between the two and tried to make up excuses even though in my heart I knew the truth. Trust me, when I say I am still wanting it's not easy but I am not the first nor will I be the last.
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