
Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2023
United States
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In this world, there is religion.

Religion is a man made process whereby you try to reform your behavior so that it reflects some idea you have of what it means to be good or even righteous.
Religions reflect what some carnal self righteous man decided, and wrote down for you to FOLLOW.....that is his idea of goodness or wisdom or eternal life.

Religion is man's attempt, by self effort, to be like God or to become a God.
Religion tries to reform your behavior by putting mental behavioral chains on you, that restrict you from doing this, or restrict you from wanting that, desire.

False Christianity, is the same thing.
Its a self effort to try to reform your behavior by commandments and law and penance and self effort.
Fake "churches" and harmful theologies like Calvinism, try to put a straight jacket of reformation on you, to try to mold you into a obsessed religious nut.

CHRISTianity, is not that at all.
CHRISTianity is God coming down from Heaven to the Cross on Earth to DIE..... to give you His righteousness, which allows you to be joined to Himself Spiritually, for eternity.... so that He can live in you... so that HE can TRANSFORM you into Himself.
"Christ in YOU the hope of Glory" is God having been joined to you, inside you, spiritually born again, so that God can now TRANSFORM you from the inside to be like Himself in thought and deed and LOVE.

Religion, Fake Christianity, is trying to REFORM yourself from the outside. Its just religious pretending. Its fake. Its useless endless RULE KEEPING that is SELF righteousness that perfects nothing and is NOT connected to GOD.

Redemption, that is Real Christianity, (BORN AGAIN).... is God's Literal Transformation of you from the inside out, so that your behavior, your life, TRULY reflects GOD's Divine Nature as a = "new CREATION in Christ".
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