
  1. AlexB23

    Old News (2016): Pope Francis Names First Bengali Cardinal

    Hello folks. This is some news from 2016, where Pope Francis names the first Cardinal from Bangladesh. As a Christian brown man, it is always good to see people from all countries getting into the Christian faith. :)...
  2. AlexB23

    President Biden mocks our Catholic faith

    Hello folks. While I do not like Trump either, as he has tendencies of the wicked man from Psalm 10:2-7 (as I am center, somewhat left, but am still pro-life, but for environmental stewardship), Biden is not good as well, as he echos 2 Timothy 4:3. Joe mocked our Catholic faith. Duration = 5...
  3. Aviel

    Buy the Ticket : Get the Ride

    Reader.. We understand that God has free will. and Jesus has Free will. If not, who is pulling their strings? Who is controlling them, as that would be THEIR God. A.) Not possible. So, God and the Pre-incarnate word........ said..."let US.... make OUR Image". "Image" =...
  4. Aviel

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    Reader, There are some who teach that the "Gospel" is : Acts 2:38. Now, if you are familiar with Christianity, then you know that everyone is invited to become a Christian......Jews, Gentiles,......... >"The World"... = John 3:16. So, one of the things we find out about the NT, is... = if an...
  5. AlexB23

    Catholic Bible Analysis - Sirach 38:1-15 & Matthew 9:12

    Hello folks. This will be the first time that this Bible analysis series will cover a Catholic book. Today we will be discussing the importance of medical doctors, as stated in Matthew 9:12 and Sirach 38:1-15. Date May 8, 2024 Verse Matthew 9:12 (NIV): "On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is...
  6. AlexB23

    8 Black Saints & Holy People of God Every Catholic Should Know

    Hello folks. Whenever we think of a saint, most of us would think of someone from Europe, however, these saints and venerated figures are from Africa and/or are black. :)
  7. Aviel

    More about : Water Baptism

    Reader.. What if you are born again, and yet you die before you are water baptized........... What if you are the dying Thief on the Cross who was saved, went with Jesus, but was never water baptized........... What if you are on "death row", and they are walking you to the Electric Chair at...
  8. AlexB23

    Clean Catholic Joke

    Why did the Catholic cross the road? To get to the confessional on the other side! After all, even sinners need to take care of their spiritual well-being. Just remember that in real life, we should always be wary of our mistakes, and follow the rules of the road (the Bible, or Basic...
  9. morning_star123

    Please help me understand oriental orthodoxy

    Hello guys, my name is Álvaro. I'm a catholic from Spain, and I'm currently working on a project about ecumenism and the apostolic churches. That's why I'm doing a survey to understand better oriental orthodoxy and your faith, that is not well known in my country. Everything I have learned about...
  10. morning_star123

    Please help me understand orthodoxy better

    Hello guys, my name is Álvaro. I'm a catholic from Spain, and I'm currently working on a project about ecumenism and the apostolic churches. That's why I'm doing a survey to understand better orthodoxy and your faith, that is not well known in my country. Everything I have learned about your...
  11. Aviel

    Freedom from : Lust

    Reader, To make the wrong desires leave, can't be accomplished by trying to make them leave. This actually causes it to get worse in your head,= the LUST desire becomes stronger and more relentless. And that is because....Of yourself you have no power over that issue. Notice........ if i tell...
  12. Aviel

    The Origin : Of Sin

    - Reader... Sin is a literal manifestation of the Carnal or "adamic nature". By "one man's sin", SIN, = entered into the world and "death by sin" came upon all humans. But that is not where sin originated...... See, all SIn is , "as rebellion"..... So, that leads to the original Rebel...
  13. Aviel

    Going to Heaven : How to do it.

    - Going to Heaven.... Reader.. Christianity is spiritual. "God is A Spirit". The bible teaches us that the things we can see are going to go away, turn into nothing, and the things we can't see are ETERNAL. YOU are a spirit being, who is living inside a currently aging toward death, body...
  14. Aviel


    We understand that the Law and the 10 Commandments are good. They are Holy. They are Pure. But, because they are Holy, they show us that we are not.... as that is the main purpose of the Law and 10 Commandments. They are a Spiritual Mirror, a HOLY Mirror that reflect God's Righteousness...
  15. Wenura

    The Order of Melchisedech A Defence of the Catholic Priesthood, 2nd Edition By Michael Davies

    Does anyone read this book? thoughts?
  16. Chaleb

    Transformed vs Reformed

    Reader, In this world, there is religion. Religion is a man made process whereby you try to reform your behavior so that it reflects some idea you have of what it means to be good or even righteous. Religions reflect what some carnal self righteous man decided, and wrote down for you to...
  17. Chaleb

    The : Renewed Mind

    - In Romans 12:2 Paul tells us that we are to renew our mind. This means.... the BORN AGAIN.....are to come into the right understanding, regarding revelation knowledge, of who we have become, (Born again) as = the "righteousness of God in Christ". Paul teaches that when we have this right...
  18. Chaleb

    Born Again = RIGHTEOUS

    - Reader, An unbeliever is "under the law" := shows you that you are a sinner, with no Righteousness. The Law and the Commandments can't give you any righteousness. They can only demand from you what you don't possess of yourself. That is the "curse of the Law". You need Christ as your...
  19. Chaleb

    1 John 3:9...... not 1 John 1:9

    - 1 John 3:9 : is the born again spirit having become : "the new creation in Christ". This is to be "in Christ", and there is no sin found there. However, renewing your mind, so that Romans 8:1 is your spiritual reality, is something different. Romans 8:1 says there is no condemnation on you...
  20. Chaleb

    = Born again

    What does it mean to be born again.. 1.) Your sins are on Christ because "God made JESUS to be sin for us, who knew no sin"..... And God's Righteousness has become yours, as you have become "the Righteousness of God in Christ"....."made Righteous". This is : "Salvation". This is "Redemption"...