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Below is an email I sent to our church leadership last night. I have shared it in the Full Time Ministry section of this forum in the hope it gets some attention in the church. I put it here as well so everyone has a chance to have a look and consider it.

Hi Church Family,

I know that churches and church people are quick to dismiss anyone who speaks of the End Times. But I wish to bring to your attention a few things, firstly I will speak of some dreams God gave me about the Ukraine war, and how He told me when we saw that war we were entering the actual End Time, or alluded to this fact. I then wish to share some prophecy that I have noticed appearing with frequency on YouTube, that speaks of a protection for the church in this time. I share it not because I know it to be true, but because it may be true, and I wish the church to be afforded this protection.

As I mentioned God sent me around, 3 dreams, that spoke of war with Russia between 5-10 years ago. I will briefly mention them.

Dream 1)
God showed me a war with Russia, lead by an evil man, or spiritual entity. It seemed like a man, but the man had sown onto His chest the breast of a woman, I felt in my dream that he was a rapist or murder. He looked similar to Ramzan Kadyrov the Chechen leader, overweight, with a beard, but slightly more western in appearance.

I was in the war, I came towards the man, and realised the force was too strong for me. I then saw a conflict explosions, tanks, and planes. When the planes came the war erupted, and I saw what appeared to be an alien force approaching the army, fighting in the war, against the army that was approaching. I then saw the aliens deceiving a youth, who when deceived entered a zoned out, almost zombie like state.

Dream 2)
I saw Russia fighting vehicles, and possible allies. God said the end, or death is upon you. When He mentioned the end I felt it was the End Times.

Dream 3)
The third dream given around 5 years ago was very symbolic. But I saw people running and walking to get away from the Russian army. I then saw a shop, I felt I was going there to get weapons and food, but when I got there the shop was empty. I then saw two athletes carrying what I thought was an Olympic flag. The flag became covered in blood. Russian citizens seemed to be partying over a war, or war victory. I then saw a big white ship, and my wife and children got onto the ship, but I as a man was forced to stay behind, I felt lonely and afraid, the dream ended with me seeing autumn leaves, and a shallow hole, or grave. I felt something along the lines of “that is where you need to be”.

From these three dreams in unison, which I felt were from God at the time. They were very vivid, filled with light, unlike wild or silly dream we have from time to time.

From these dreams I believe God was telling me that when we saw the war with Russia, we were entering the End Time. The aliens in the dream represent one of the final End Times deceptions that will arise after the war. Demons will present an elaborate hox to convince the world aliens have arrived on earth, and set up the beasts kingdom Revelations 12, Satan (the Dragon) is cast to earth, Rev 13 Satan (the Dragon) is worshiped along with the beast.

The third dream has much symbolism related to Ukraine, as really occurred, in the start of the war people ran from the Russians, the men were forced to stay behind, separated from their wives and children. It happened at the time of the Winter Olympics, at the start of the war the west was reluctant to provide weapons, and provided no direct miliary assistance to Ukraine.

There was another dream I had about the End Times in it I was the persecution of myself, and other Christian’s, the dream was dotted with alien entities, and their attempt to harm Christians. Technology was also used to persecute. It started with stars falling from the sky in the dark.

So why am I sharing this email? Well another prediction that has come to my attention is that the Ukraine war will turn Nuclear. We see in the early part of Revelations, that 1/3 of the earth is destroyed by fire, and it makes the water bitter. I wonder if this scripture refers to this idea. But why I wish to mention this is just this week I noticed many online YouTube prophetic words that stated, that God was offering a time of protection from a deep spiritual darkness that will come onto the earth. I wonder if this protection to the Christians is connected to this happening. The time is known as the “Three Days of Darkness”. These people unrelated by location, some Africans, some from the USA, and others, are getting this revelation, in dreams and direct words they say come from God. Although this vision has been given, even hundreds of years ago to Roman Catholics, who said it would happen at the time of the end. It is suddenly popping up in modern visions, where these people say that it will soon happen.

We only have to look at the news to see Putin is threating Nuclear war. So protection is needed if the church is to survive in the West. I wonder if the three days are connected to the 1/3 of the earth being destroyed by fire. For there is a verse after that passage that states:

Rev 8:12 Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.

The interesting thing is third in this passage has a dual meaning it can mean third time. So it could mean for a third time the sun moon and stars don’t shine. Three days.

But why I bring this up with the church to have God’s protection during this time they are commanded in the visions people are getting to do very specific things. They state, when we see what appears like the Northern Lights, bright vibrant colours in the atmosphere all over the earth, we are to go indoors for three days. We are to cover or close the windows. We are commanded to not go out side for three days for no one, not even familiar voices. We are not even to look out the windows. They state at this time there will be a deep spiritual darkness on the earth, a destroying force, that causes madness and death.

Now normally I would not be interested or concerned by such predictions, but because God has told me through dreams we have entered the time of the End, I am looking to what happens in Revelations, and opening my once closed ears to the messages given by some of these couch prophets. We need to recognize that the End Time appears normal to the world.

1Th 5:3 For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.

I ask that as a Church this is discussed prayerfully, for you are the door to the people, and if they are to be afforded protection in the time of the End, we need our eyes and ears open.

Now I don’t know if the prophecy of 3 days is real or not, but I share it incase it is, for I am fully convinced we are entering the time of the End.


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Sep 29, 2015
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Below is an email I sent to our church leadership last night. I have shared it in the Full Time Ministry section of this forum in the hope it gets some attention in the church. I put it here as well so everyone has a chance to have a look and consider it.

Hi Church Family,

I know that churches and church people are quick to dismiss anyone who speaks of the End Times. But I wish to bring to your attention a few things, firstly I will speak of some dreams God gave me about the Ukraine war, and how He told me when we saw that war we were entering the actual End Time, or alluded to this fact. I then wish to share some prophecy that I have noticed appearing with frequency on YouTube, that speaks of a protection for the church in this time. I share it not because I know it to be true, but because it may be true, and I wish the church to be afforded this protection.

As I mentioned God sent me around, 3 dreams, that spoke of war with Russia between 5-10 years ago. I will briefly mention them.

Dream 1)
God showed me a war with Russia, lead by an evil man, or spiritual entity. It seemed like a man, but the man had sown onto His chest the breast of a woman, I felt in my dream that he was a rapist or murder. He looked similar to Ramzan Kadyrov the Chechen leader, overweight, with a beard, but slightly more western in appearance.

I was in the war, I came towards the man, and realised the force was too strong for me. I then saw a conflict explosions, tanks, and planes. When the planes came the war erupted, and I saw what appeared to be an alien force approaching the army, fighting in the war, against the army that was approaching. I then saw the aliens deceiving a youth, who when deceived entered a zoned out, almost zombie like state.

Dream 2)
I saw Russia fighting vehicles, and possible allies. God said the end, or death is upon you. When He mentioned the end I felt it was the End Times.

Dream 3)
The third dream given around 5 years ago was very symbolic. But I saw people running and walking to get away from the Russian army. I then saw a shop, I felt I was going there to get weapons and food, but when I got there the shop was empty. I then saw two athletes carrying what I thought was an Olympic flag. The flag became covered in blood. Russian citizens seemed to be partying over a war, or war victory. I then saw a big white ship, and my wife and children got onto the ship, but I as a man was forced to stay behind, I felt lonely and afraid, the dream ended with me seeing autumn leaves, and a shallow hole, or grave. I felt something along the lines of “that is where you need to be”.

From these three dreams in unison, which I felt were from God at the time. They were very vivid, filled with light, unlike wild or silly dream we have from time to time.

From these dreams I believe God was telling me that when we saw the war with Russia, we were entering the End Time. The aliens in the dream represent one of the final End Times deceptions that will arise after the war. Demons will present an elaborate hox to convince the world aliens have arrived on earth, and set up the beasts kingdom Revelations 12, Satan (the Dragon) is cast to earth, Rev 13 Satan (the Dragon) is worshiped along with the beast.

The third dream has much symbolism related to Ukraine, as really occurred, in the start of the war people ran from the Russians, the men were forced to stay behind, separated from their wives and children. It happened at the time of the Winter Olympics, at the start of the war the west was reluctant to provide weapons, and provided no direct miliary assistance to Ukraine.

There was another dream I had about the End Times in it I was the persecution of myself, and other Christian’s, the dream was dotted with alien entities, and their attempt to harm Christians. Technology was also used to persecute. It started with stars falling from the sky in the dark.

So why am I sharing this email? Well another prediction that has come to my attention is that the Ukraine war will turn Nuclear. We see in the early part of Revelations, that 1/3 of the earth is destroyed by fire, and it makes the water bitter. I wonder if this scripture refers to this idea. But why I wish to mention this is just this week I noticed many online YouTube prophetic words that stated, that God was offering a time of protection from a deep spiritual darkness that will come onto the earth. I wonder if this protection to the Christians is connected to this happening. The time is known as the “Three Days of Darkness”. These people unrelated by location, some Africans, some from the USA, and others, are getting this revelation, in dreams and direct words they say come from God. Although this vision has been given, even hundreds of years ago to Roman Catholics, who said it would happen at the time of the end. It is suddenly popping up in modern visions, where these people say that it will soon happen.

We only have to look at the news to see Putin is threating Nuclear war. So protection is needed if the church is to survive in the West. I wonder if the three days are connected to the 1/3 of the earth being destroyed by fire. For there is a verse after that passage that states:

Rev 8:12 Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.

The interesting thing is third in this passage has a dual meaning it can mean third time. So it could mean for a third time the sun moon and stars don’t shine. Three days.

But why I bring this up with the church to have God’s protection during this time they are commanded in the visions people are getting to do very specific things. They state, when we see what appears like the Northern Lights, bright vibrant colours in the atmosphere all over the earth, we are to go indoors for three days. We are to cover or close the windows. We are commanded to not go out side for three days for no one, not even familiar voices. We are not even to look out the windows. They state at this time there will be a deep spiritual darkness on the earth, a destroying force, that causes madness and death.

Now normally I would not be interested or concerned by such predictions, but because God has told me through dreams we have entered the time of the End, I am looking to what happens in Revelations, and opening my once closed ears to the messages given by some of these couch prophets. We need to recognize that the End Time appears normal to the world.

1Th 5:3 For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.

I ask that as a Church this is discussed prayerfully, for you are the door to the people, and if they are to be afforded protection in the time of the End, we need our eyes and ears open.

Now I don’t know if the prophecy of 3 days is real or not, but I share it incase it is, for I am fully convinced we are entering the time of the End.
I am by nature skeptical about this kind of thing. But the confluence of Catholic and other Christian prophetic words now about three days of darkness is interesting. And our slide into the eve of destruction continues. I grew up in the 'duck and cover' years. The last 30 years were a relief in comparison. But now we are back to fear of nuclear annihilation again. And Putin and Biden are NOT helping. So I wonder if there isn't something to what you say.
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