The Lord REGRETTED that he had made human beings on the earth


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NIV, Isaiah 49:

15 Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!
Matthew 7:

11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Genesis 6:

6 The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
How do we understand this regret? How can a good father regret bringing his own children into existence?

Strong's Hebrew: 5162. נָחַם (nacham) — 108 Occurrences

The Hebrew word was polysemantic. Brown-Driver-Briggs:

  1. be sorry, moved to pity, have compassion
  2. be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent, of one's own doings
  3. comfort oneself, be comforted
  4. comfort oneself, ease oneself, by taking vengeance
My paraphrase:

6 The LORD felt sorrow that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
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NIV, Isaiah 49:

Matthew 7:

Genesis 6:

How do we understand this regret? How can a good father regret bringing his own children into existence?

Strong's Hebrew: 5162. נָחַם (nacham) — 108 Occurrences

The Hebrew word was polysemantic. Brown-Driver-Briggs:

  1. be sorry, moved to pity, have compassion
  2. be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent, of one's own doings
  3. comfort oneself, be comforted
  4. comfort oneself, ease oneself, by taking vengeance
My paraphrase:

See also
I think if the Hebrew is (re)consulted it will be shown God felt sorrowful, not regret. The word is "wayyinnaḥem," not the root "nacham" by itself. The conjugation is important.

Furthermore, if you look for it in the Bible, especially in the NT, you will find there is no place where a Christian (or the OT version of the called and chosen of God) ever apologizes and says, "I'm sorry." Never. When a person makes a mistake the biblical standards are much more detailed and much more substantive:

provide restitution where possible and appropriate
ask forgiveness
be reconciled

God does not make mistakes. He has no wrongdoing to confess or from which He might ever repent. He is the One who repays, forgives, and reconciles and He does so because no one else can when they have wronged Him.

Genesis 6:5
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.

We're all blessed He did not speak the entire world out of existence right then and there. Anthropomorphizing wayyinnahem is a mistake. One more charge for which humanity will be held accountable.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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How do we understand this regret?
By reading the KJV where the word is repent not relent. We have to repent to be converted to become a Christian. It means to return or be restored to God's plan and intention. God is watching over His word to perform what He declares He is going to do. Jeremiah 1:12

Isaiah 46:10

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Mar 11, 2024
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God felt pain and sorrow because of what was going on in Genesis 6... The fallen ones(in supernatural bodies) came to earth and started mixing with flesh women and all the corruption in thes 2nd age of time.

There was an age (1st age) before this current age(2nd age)

2 Peter 3:5-7
4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”

5 But they deliberately forget that LONG AGO (1ST AGE) by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.

6 By these waters also THE WORLD OF THAT TIME was deluged and destroyed.(1st age)

7 By the same word the present heavens and earth (2nd age) are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

King James:
5.For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6 Whereby the world THAT THEN WAS, being overflowed with water, PERISHED:(1ST AGE)

7 But the heavens and the earth, WHICH ARE NOW (2ND age), by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

Noahs flood was not a universal flood but regional flood to that area (in order to destroy the giants(offspring of the fallen angels).

Otherwise there is no way that dove could have found a green olive branch with green leaves on it if the whole planet earth had been flooded... there would not have been any green trees or leaves for that dove to find.

The flood in verse 6 is what happened to that 1st age...there are different "dimensions"somehow.
God did not destroy "planet earth" that He created in that 1st age...he flooded it, ended that 1st age and we are in a different dimension somehow , and this 2nd age is on planet earth in a flesh body.. the eternity will also be planet earth as God is going to bring New Jerusalem to earth..

Who knows if any of the other planets were also inhabited in that 1st age besides planet earth... I am betting they were as it seems saturn is satans favorite planet.

Job 38
4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand.

5 Who marked off its dimensions? SURELY YOU KNOW!

21 Surely you know, FOR YOU WERE ALREADY BORN! You have lived so many years!

Job was alread born... (that 1st age), just like we all were when God created us.. Sounds to me like we watched God create things.

Between Genesis1 1-2.. The earth BECAME empty or void..

God ORIGINALLY did not create the earth to be empty.... it became that way because God ended that 1st age because of the rebellion of lucifer and others..

There are 3 ages as 2 Peter 3 also talks about.

God created the earth and created all souls in the 1st age..."IN THE BEGINNING" is the 1st age. He created them male and female.. just not a flesh body.. our body was made of a different material than it is not... we have 2 bodies as 1Cor. talks about also. God called us "angels" or "stars" in Job 38 and throughout the bible.. pet names showing He loves us. God asked Job, Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth.... WE WERE THERE

Geneses 1 26-27 God is talking to us telling us He is going to make flesh bodies in the "same image"... That means we had to have an image/picture of ourselve before He made the flesh body. He ended that 1st age where were were"angel bodies material"... and said He is going to give us each a 2nd body... a flesh body for this 2nd age.

He also included HIMself in that HE also would have a flesh body in this 2nd age.

He did this in order to save His creation that fell in that 1st age.

We have no idea how long that 1st age lasted... but a long time becasue the earth is billions of years old.

The bible tells us that Lucifer rebelled in that 1st age and the people that followed him were "fallen" angels ( us people in that 1st age.. just different body material .. not flesh.....
God refers to lucifer as a "man" many places in the bible.

Nooone's 1st age body has yet been destroyed... not even lucifer/satan or those fallen ones. We just cant see our other body unless God allows it... like He showed many of the prophets their other body while they are in a flesh body here in this 2nd age. They saw themselves in Heaven walking around talking with people in HEaven and we know no flesh body can enter Heaven , only our angel bodies can. Those bodies live longer than our flesh one.

God gave each of us a 2nd body( a flesh one) for this 2nd age. The flesh body perishes and then we only have our "angel" body material one from the 1st age.

God had to bring Jesus in the flesh to pay the ransom price for all of us with his death on the cross... as we are all sinners.. noone can have eternal live until we unite our spirit with God's Holy spirit. We would all perish in our sins unless we choose Jesus as Lord. Our spirit needs the Holy Spirit to cleanse us.

This 2nd age is GOd's whole plan of salvation. Jesus came in the flesh to die in our place so we can be reconciled back to Father.

This 2nd age will end at the end of the mellenium.. there will be a great white throne judgment and those who refuse Jesus will go into the lake of fire and perish.

We are all only in our angel body at the 7th trumpet return of Christ, as all flesh will be destroyed at that trumpet.. people, animals... NO MORE FLESH... and the 1000 year mellenium begins... Lucifer/satan is in the pit those 1000 years and will be released to again test people.

We have 2 bodies .. one is 1st age material or angel body.. 1st age
one is flesh material body... 2nd age
male or female from the beginning

There is a 1st resurrection at the 7th trumpet wlhich is when we exchange out our mortal self for immortality... for those who chose Jesus before the mellenium begins.

The rest have to go thru the mellenium in mortal selves and try for the 2nd resurrection at the end of the mellenium.. but everyone only has their original 1st age body at the 7th trumpet... no more flesh bodies.

Lucifer and the fallen ones refused a flesh body for this 2nd age, and instead came to earth and had sex with flesh women to try to thwart God plan and prevent Jesus from coming in the flesh body in this 2nd age. God will destroy those fallen ones when He comes at the 7th trumpet.

All "flesh" bodies are destroyed at the 7th trumpet, as well as the fallen angel bodies.

The 3rd age is eternity... we only have our original body , but have received immortality thru Jesus .
A body + a spirit( a mind) = a person or soul

"bodies" are male or female vessels or containers which contain our spirit/mind...
We are all mortal souls until we join with Jesus Holy Spirit and then we can be decent... love, joy, peace, patience, kind, good, faithful. loyal and have self control... fruit of the Holy Spirit God gives us to replace our mind/spirit which can do nothing good without HIm.
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God warns is all over in the bible to Get prepared.

And how hurt He is with HIs people..

Read 2 Chronicles 36
This is a "type" or example of what is coming and what God is going to do because people not honoring, revering, respecting, ignoring , or obeying and not loving the One True God, the Lord Jesus Christ... all the disobedience on the Word will be punished..,

We are citizens of the "Heavenly" Jerusalem/Zion... NOT the "earthly" jerusalem (which is overrun by the synague of satan who lie and claim to be of the tribe of Judah, but are not)(Rev).. they are not Christians who follow Jesus. Jesus made us Christians, NOT the "religion" of Judaism which denies the Lord. Jesus called his followers Christians.

God tells us what is going to happen because people are worshipping others..false gods who are not gods, or themselves as gods instead of the Creator..

1. God is going to have Michael kick lucifer/(satan/the devil/the dragon/the serpent/the antichrist which is instead of Christ ).. which are all names and "roles" lucifer plays... and the fallen angels out of Heaven to the earth.(Rev 12:7) for 5 months(Rev 9)
Lucifer in his "role" of dragon(Rev 13) confirms the covenant of many(Dan 9:27) and sets up 10 of the fallen angels as kings to set up and rule a one world political government( Rev 13), Daniel 11:21-30, Rev 9 . They are in supernatural bodies.

This is the Woe of the 5th trumpet which lasts for 2.5 months.(there are 3 woe trumpets)
The 7 year covenant of Dan 9:27 has been shortened to 5 months because "if God had not shortened those days, no flesh would be saved" (Matthew 24:22... Rev 9)

Zedechiah is a "type" or example of the rebellious christian nations.(like 2 chronicles 36
God is going to "use" Lucifer as the rod of correction, and has the world in a one world government, becasue God is punishing the world for not believing the one True God. Zedekiah rebels against the one one world system and it receives the deadly wound(rev 9) and falls apart.

Then comes the woe of the 6th trumpet( Daniel 11:31-39) Rev 9:13 and Rev 13:11) which lasts the last 2.5 months of the 5 month test.

So God then has lucifer go to Jerusalem, and claim to be Jesus(but is really instead of Jesus) to test everyone to see if they will believe lucifer and follow him..
People who are biblically illiterate and ignorant of the Bible, will beleive lucifer is Jesus becasue he will be doing all kinds of supernatural miracles (which God allows).

People who believe satan is Jesus will stop fighting against the one world political system , as satan "heals the deadly wound", and restores the OWO and sets up the one world religion system... system babylon
Anyone who goes into this religious/political system will have taken "the mark of the beast" (rev 13) which means they worship satan as Jesus. Satans "world" is Babylon which means confusion. It is The 6th trumpet where he rules.(his "city".. one world political and religion system)

Satan knows he has little time, and kills the 2 witnesses who are witnessing against him as the fake that he is... after 3.5 days , God resurrects them and then satan gathers whoever he can to fight Jesus and the army of heaven with Jesus who come to earth to fight satan and the fallen angels .(Daniel 11:40-45)
The woe of the 7th which is also Ezekiel 38 and 39 battles and the battle of armageddon in Rev.

Jesus gathers us at the Woe of the 7th trumpet 2nd advent and not before.
There are 2 tribulations.

Everyone is tested that 5 month satans trib (Rev 9) before the 7th trumpet Jesus 2nd advent which then starts The Great Tribulation/Wrath of God 1000 year mellenium.
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