Socialism in America will usher in a One-World Government:


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Jun 16, 2019
Mid Atlantic
United States
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This article is not presented as prophetic. This is simply a warning to all in regards to the signs of our times and how they match our Lord's end-days Teachings.

The main stream media outlets seem to maintain unprecedented bias against Trump since 2016 with no sign of slowing down. But is this bias toward Trump personal or is it really toward his policies of National Sovereignty?

What if this bias is not some harmless political rivalry or struggle for control? Seems that is getting clearer and clearer in the media. Seems like the majority of the world's richest men and their political pawns have embraced open-border global socialism and hate Trump for being the only significant world leader against it.

If you pay attention closely to the left's narratives it appears that the globalist's owned media's goal is to remove national sovereignty from the public's mindset plain and simple. In order to win this battle, the left must remove Trump or more specifically, the national sovereignty mindset from the world. Consider for a moment what the big deal is about Trump? The economy is better now than under the previous President. The military is stronger, the jobless rate is significantly down. The world isn't on fire like the main stream media keeps claiming it is. Has the media through unspecific repetition brainwashed the weak minded with the idea that Trump is a racist and criminal and evil. When confronted with questions as to what specifically he has said or done to demonstrate that he is a racist or criminal or evil, they simply repeat that he is.

What is the true issue here folks? Is this a battle between one-world government and national sovereignty only my friends? If you decide that you want to see through the rhetoric for the real motivation, it becomes obvious. Realize this now and you will see what is happening much more clearly. Start listening closely to all sides and you may see things in a different light. Quite frankly folks, if you think America will remain a constitutional republic with a shared balance of power after Trump's removal, than you may not be paying close attention at all.

As it was 2000 years ago, could it be again at the end of the same age? Could God's supposed "people" at this time in history discern the face of the sky but still not discern the signs of the times? I explain why further down this article.

Liberalism/socialism/globalism are all synonymous with each other for the first time in history. What if this is the "lie" of 2 Thessalonians, Chapter 2? READ IT Prayerfully. Has leftist ideology now come of age as one big LIE called "progressive-ism". Will the left soon label their deluded new "morality" as Christ's teachings? Certainly not the Christ of the Bible but rather their perverted version of a false "christ". Seems they are attempting that more and more so keep your eyes and ears open. This "lie" is evolving towards this daily.

Does anyone rational believe that these globalist-owned news outlets, corrupted politicians and world leaders actually hate Trump personally? Do they actually believe that Russian meddling gave Trump the election? Of course not, they are merely the puppets of a much bigger picture. What if they have been brainwashed with riches by the principalities of the air who work through the "great men of the earth"? Our Lord calls them, "the rich men", "the mighty men" whom we refer to as globalist billionaires. These billionaires spend hundreds of millions globally to vilify any Bible based or conservative stand, thought or idea using their financial power to ensure every aspect of their lie is propagated throughout the industrialized world. They go to great lengths to hide behind the scenes but every now and then, they are mentioned vaguely. Names like Rothchild, Bezos, Soros and even the Club of Rome, etc. Currently there are over 2200 Billionnaire families on the planet and they own all of it, make no mistake. All banking and all main stream media. At best, news journalism is a thing of the past. A pipe-dream that probably never truly existed from the start. News in these days however doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. Now it is only narrative being pushed by the owners of the outlets.

After realizing the vast majority of American citizens were not fooled by the Mueller hoax, the globalists then ordered the left to switch their narratives against conservatives to white supremacy. This shift was not enough so undoubtedly more removal attempts will continue to come.

The left's ideology, "progressive-ism" has been building steam worldwide for over a century but as separate and unrelated (until now) ideologies. Seems revealing that all 3 of these ideologies arose in popularity at the same time as a result of the industrial revolution of the early 1900s. Never before were they so interrelated as one ideology however.

2 Thessalonians 2: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. If this doesn't describe the left then nothing does.

Now, think about the term God uses in verse 10 above: with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. If you live anywhere except under a rock these days, one can easily spot this deceivableness of unrighteousness in every single leftist big name or speaker every time they are in front of a mic or a camera.

The democratic political party is the party of the political and moral "left". Its tenants and morality are dictated and controlled by globalist billionaires. The central element of their deception has been to accuse the political right by repetition and without specific evidence, of BEING EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE secretly and overtly. So overtly that they hide in plain sight of their brainwashed minions.

First the Russian collusion hoax of which the globalist's media accused Trump of for 3 years without a shred of evidence turns out to be exactly what the left did and is still doing. This latest coup attempt of quid pro quo in dealing with foreign governments is exactly what the left's leadership has always done. The evidence of which is coming out more and more and may burst open soon enough (if AG Barr does not sell out to the deep state's globalist's handlers, that is, I explain this more further down).

Now as mentioned above, they are accusing the right of what they have always been and definitely still are: racists and white supremacists bought and paid for, self-serving, corrupt public officials. The democratic party has always been the political party of slavery, of the confederacy, of the Ku Klux Klan, of Jim Crow, of Bull Connor. Instead of physically forcing "people of color" into slavery or to the back of the bus like they did back then; Satan has now upped their game against the weak-minded common people "of all colors".

Seems nearly every leftist-run local and state government throughout our country has been riddled with corruption and their own pocket-lining while the actual public they are sworn to serve suffer economically and socially. This is certainly also true at the federal level. Seems every member of the last administration entered office with modest personal wealth but left office gaining multiple millions, even billions in personal assets. Globalist and Chinese pay-offs they desperately want to hide. You see, public office to these types only means their own self-service. They are the ruling class over you and will keep you in slavery. They now use deception, lies, coercion and manipulation with the vast resources of the globalist-owning media. Instead of physical slavery, they now keep their slaves through ideological and emotional slavery. Bribing these deluded minions with the impossible promises of free everything, except free-thought and free-speech. Keeping them oppressed and fully dependent upon the scraps from the left's white, elitist's table (socialism). Satan is a liar and father of it.

Seems every globalist's bought and paid for, leftist big name out there tell lies constantly that normal, average Americans know are lies. They delude the commoner leftists with fake "woke" social justice reform and climate change. Delusion is defined as an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

Not surprisingly but so obviously, they all say the same thing, the same script, scripting by globalist minions. Their plan which is working by the way, is to continue to bombard all media outlets and academia with this 3-fold LIE. Satan knows full well that in order to trick the weak-minded into believing a lie, that lie must be repeated without wavering regardless of facts, historical records, common sense or clear-cut evidence to the contrary.

I know that it seems like they have but these leftist politicians have not gone insane. Globalist influence started during JFK's administration and he warned of it just prior to his assassination in 1963. The deep state has been entrenching in every corner of our government since. The term "Deep state" refers to those in government who do not work for the interests of the American people but rather for their globalists "owners", whether identifying themselves as Democrat or Republican, they have sold out. Since the election in 2016 it has become obvious who is part of the globalist deep state and who is not. By enlarge they identify as democrats but not all are. Many hide as self-described republicans. If a cabinet nominee makes it through the senate vetting process easily, you can be assured they are against the American people's interest and will work to subvert Trump's national sovereignty policies until they are discovered. Hence the non-stop turnover within the administration since his inauguration.

Is it because Trump is some sent by God savior of the American dream? of course not. It is only because Trump has (so far) refused to sell out the American people to the globalist, one-world government agenda! The current state of politics in America is anything but normal or business as usual. It is divisive by design (divide and conquer), revolutionary (government overthrow or coup has been attempted and continues to be) and violent (violence is encouraged against dissension to the new world order or religion of progressive-ism). ALL of which has been and is being orchestrated by globalist billionaires.

The deluded younger generations of the industrialized world seem to buy into this lie so easily but no wonder, they have been indoctrinated through public education into every aspect and nuance of this LIE. Humanistic philosophy, sexual deviancy, transgenderism, dependency on government and the panic over climate change are the tenets of this new religion and our institutions of public education are the temples. This fabricated, anti-Bible religion of progressive ideology has already taken over the last two or three generations through the public education systems of the industrialized world. The faculties of which have increasingly been made up of the "priests" of this new morality (against all that is Bible Based) and have proselytized children and young adults into their "progressive religion" right under our noses.

These latest generations are largely reprobate as God describes in Romans, Chap 1. The "Godless" new religion that public education has brainwashed into them has taken strong root and has replaced the God of the Bible completely in their minds. They have been raised by public education to reject the Bible and any Bible-based ideology as racist, homophobic, trans-phobic and xenophobic. Therefore evil and must be done away with. They don’t realize in their folly that they have given themselves over as worshipers of the beast already. A counterfeit morality and a counterfeit "god". Depraved lust, slothfulness, and self-entitlement are the results ensuring that the True God is not retained in their knowledge.......condemning them for eternity.

Why are the conservative pundits missing the point of the left's delusion? Because they are dead in trespasses and sins and are incapable of discerning "Truth" themselves. They falsely apply reasoning to the leftists narratives and are left dumbfounded at the rationales behind their delusion. They seem to be waiting for a logical and reasonable argument from the left. The conservative pundits cannot comprehend the gravity of this delusion. They still live under the misconception that government is supposed to balance out ideas through the American people's election results. Those days are obviously gone in America and will never come back. It is the left's way or death very soon. Think this is an over-reaction? Keep reading friends.

The leftists protect all their own because they believe the end justifies their means and that any dishonesty, resistance, obstruction, violence, crimes and even self-humiliation committed by them is completely justified as long as their “righteous”, leftist agenda remains fully agreed with and keeps getting promoted.

Seems very likely that the climate change/progressive lie will get more and more press, priority and push here in America. It is not going away friends. The sleeping, normal people of the world cannot be bothered with the "lie". They are too busy to care and certainly too busy to do anything about it. This is how and why the LIE has succeeded to become more and more "normal" in the average mindset. We tolerated their fake "new morality" too long and now indifference and inaction by conservatives has allowed reprobate ideology to get a foothold of normalcy in society slowly over the last 100 years. As the end gets nearer the LIE gets pushed on the world more and more by a small minority of globalist billionaires. As verse 11 above clearly states the cause by which the Lord sends strong delusion is that they ALREADY refused the love of the Truth. What if the natural disasters our Lord said would increase as the ends of days get closer propels this strong delusion causing massive worldwide panic and embracing of anyone who may have the answer for the world's salvation. Keep reading......

The Books of 2 Peter and Jude are God's foretelling of the world we live in today. It describes the globalist's progressive-ism and clearly shows us that we are now living in the very last days. Appropriately placed near the Book of Revelation. The left's politicians are blinded by mammon dangled by billionaires and cannot look past their own bellies "as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed by the Lord at His coming". See 2 Peter 2:12 and Jude 1:10.
I am not talking several decades friends. What if Trump’s coup, fraudulent defeat in 2020 or assassination is the catalyst to plunge America and the rest of the world into global socialism? He truly is the only hold out of significance. The United Nations (which has been bought and paid for by globalist's since its inception) has passed international laws against national sovereignty already. Any other hold outs are only because of Trump's stand so they will crumble as soon as he is out of the picture. The United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), World Health Organization all press for open borders globally and demonize any world leader who disagrees with them.

These global elitists have been secretly influencing the whole world for decades to accept liberal political correctness, border-less nations, defenseless populations, gender-less identities, universal health care and wages? Every aspect of their LIE is in direct rebellion with God's Truth by which every person will be Judged.

The goal of the left is a one-world government run by the elite ruling class (under the beast, perhaps?). Oh, the rank and file minions don't understand this. They only understand their brainwashing from media and academia including the false religious of "christianity" thanks to public education (indoctrination) and the media.

Remember when most Christian denominations use to warn against public schools and TV, even the internet when it became popular? Remember when they used to warn against the very idea of a one-world government as the sign of the beast's coming? Most if not all seem silent now. Well, here we are: Now, most of what identifies as "christian" (even the seemingly elect) seem ready for his mark (open border, socialism).

In order to understand thoroughly who the Beast may be and signs of his coming, please see our related article: The Beast and his coming

If this article has you unnerved, make sure you are one of HIS right now and study this related link:
Salt of the Earth and the days of Noah
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2019
Logan, Utah
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Wretched, you must first learn what is socialism. And welcome to CF.

Socialism be afraid.jpg
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grasping the after wind

That's grasping after the wind
Jan 18, 2010
Clarence Center NY USA
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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This article is not presented as prophetic. (snip)
Sorry, three points:
1) welcome to CF! I hope you're blessed in your time here! :clap:
2) unless you composed this post yourself you need to provide a link to where you got it.
3) there's a limit to how much of an article you're allowed to post in the threads. :wave:
tulc(just thought he'd give wretched a heads up) :)
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
United States
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This article is not presented as prophetic. This is simply a warning to all in regards to the signs of our times and how they match our Lord's end-days Teachings.

The main stream media outlets seem to maintain unprecedented bias against Trump since 2016 with no sign of slowing down. But is this bias toward Trump personal or is it really toward his policies of National Sovereignty?

What if this bias is not some harmless political rivalry or struggle for control? Seems that is getting clearer and clearer in the media. Seems like the majority of the world's richest men and their political pawns have embraced open-border global socialism and hate Trump for being the only significant world leader against it.

If you pay attention closely to the left's narratives it appears that the globalist's owned media's goal is to remove national sovereignty from the public's mindset plain and simple. In order to win this battle, the left must remove Trump or more specifically, the national sovereignty mindset from the world. Consider for a moment what the big deal is about Trump? The economy is better now than under the previous President. The military is stronger, the jobless rate is significantly down. The world isn't on fire like the main stream media keeps claiming it is. Has the media through unspecific repetition brainwashed the weak minded with the idea that Trump is a racist and criminal and evil. When confronted with questions as to what specifically he has said or done to demonstrate that he is a racist or criminal or evil, they simply repeat that he is.

What is the true issue here folks? Is this a battle between one-world government and national sovereignty only my friends? If you decide that you want to see through the rhetoric for the real motivation, it becomes obvious. Realize this now and you will see what is happening much more clearly. Start listening closely to all sides and you may see things in a different light. Quite frankly folks, if you think America will remain a constitutional republic with a shared balance of power after Trump's removal, than you may not be paying close attention at all.

As it was 2000 years ago, could it be again at the end of the same age? Could God's supposed "people" at this time in history discern the face of the sky but still not discern the signs of the times? I explain why further down this article.

Liberalism/socialism/globalism are all synonymous with each other for the first time in history. What if this is the "lie" of 2 Thessalonians, Chapter 2? READ IT Prayerfully. Has leftist ideology now come of age as one big LIE called "progressive-ism". Will the left soon label their deluded new "morality" as Christ's teachings? Certainly not the Christ of the Bible but rather their perverted version of a false "christ". Seems they are attempting that more and more so keep your eyes and ears open. This "lie" is evolving towards this daily.

Does anyone rational believe that these globalist-owned news outlets, corrupted politicians and world leaders actually hate Trump personally? Do they actually believe that Russian meddling gave Trump the election? Of course not, they are merely the puppets of a much bigger picture. What if they have been brainwashed with riches by the principalities of the air who work through the "great men of the earth"? Our Lord calls them, "the rich men", "the mighty men" whom we refer to as globalist billionaires. These billionaires spend hundreds of millions globally to vilify any Bible based or conservative stand, thought or idea using their financial power to ensure every aspect of their lie is propagated throughout the industrialized world. They go to great lengths to hide behind the scenes but every now and then, they are mentioned vaguely. Names like Rothchild, Bezos, Soros and even the Club of Rome, etc. Currently there are over 2200 Billionnaire families on the planet and they own all of it, make no mistake. All banking and all main stream media. At best, news journalism is a thing of the past. A pipe-dream that probably never truly existed from the start. News in these days however doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. Now it is only narrative being pushed by the owners of the outlets.

After realizing the vast majority of American citizens were not fooled by the Mueller hoax, the globalists then ordered the left to switch their narratives against conservatives to white supremacy. This shift was not enough so undoubtedly more removal attempts will continue to come.

The left's ideology, "progressive-ism" has been building steam worldwide for over a century but as separate and unrelated (until now) ideologies. Seems revealing that all 3 of these ideologies arose in popularity at the same time as a result of the industrial revolution of the early 1900s. Never before were they so interrelated as one ideology however.

2 Thessalonians 2: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. If this doesn't describe the left then nothing does.

Now, think about the term God uses in verse 10 above: with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. If you live anywhere except under a rock these days, one can easily spot this deceivableness of unrighteousness in every single leftist big name or speaker every time they are in front of a mic or a camera.

The democratic political party is the party of the political and moral "left". Its tenants and morality are dictated and controlled by globalist billionaires. The central element of their deception has been to accuse the political right by repetition and without specific evidence, of BEING EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE secretly and overtly. So overtly that they hide in plain sight of their brainwashed minions.

First the Russian collusion hoax of which the globalist's media accused Trump of for 3 years without a shred of evidence turns out to be exactly what the left did and is still doing. This latest coup attempt of quid pro quo in dealing with foreign governments is exactly what the left's leadership has always done. The evidence of which is coming out more and more and may burst open soon enough (if AG Barr does not sell out to the deep state's globalist's handlers, that is, I explain this more further down).

Now as mentioned above, they are accusing the right of what they have always been and definitely still are: racists and white supremacists bought and paid for, self-serving, corrupt public officials. The democratic party has always been the political party of slavery, of the confederacy, of the Ku Klux Klan, of Jim Crow, of Bull Connor. Instead of physically forcing "people of color" into slavery or to the back of the bus like they did back then; Satan has now upped their game against the weak-minded common people "of all colors".

Seems nearly every leftist-run local and state government throughout our country has been riddled with corruption and their own pocket-lining while the actual public they are sworn to serve suffer economically and socially. This is certainly also true at the federal level. Seems every member of the last administration entered office with modest personal wealth but left office gaining multiple millions, even billions in personal assets. Globalist and Chinese pay-offs they desperately want to hide. You see, public office to these types only means their own self-service. They are the ruling class over you and will keep you in slavery. They now use deception, lies, coercion and manipulation with the vast resources of the globalist-owning media. Instead of physical slavery, they now keep their slaves through ideological and emotional slavery. Bribing these deluded minions with the impossible promises of free everything, except free-thought and free-speech. Keeping them oppressed and fully dependent upon the scraps from the left's white, elitist's table (socialism). Satan is a liar and father of it.

Seems every globalist's bought and paid for, leftist big name out there tell lies constantly that normal, average Americans know are lies. They delude the commoner leftists with fake "woke" social justice reform and climate change. Delusion is defined as an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

Not surprisingly but so obviously, they all say the same thing, the same script, scripting by globalist minions. Their plan which is working by the way, is to continue to bombard all media outlets and academia with this 3-fold LIE. Satan knows full well that in order to trick the weak-minded into believing a lie, that lie must be repeated without wavering regardless of facts, historical records, common sense or clear-cut evidence to the contrary.

I know that it seems like they have but these leftist politicians have not gone insane. Globalist influence started during JFK's administration and he warned of it just prior to his assassination in 1963. The deep state has been entrenching in every corner of our government since. The term "Deep state" refers to those in government who do not work for the interests of the American people but rather for their globalists "owners", whether identifying themselves as Democrat or Republican, they have sold out. Since the election in 2016 it has become obvious who is part of the globalist deep state and who is not. By enlarge they identify as democrats but not all are. Many hide as self-described republicans. If a cabinet nominee makes it through the senate vetting process easily, you can be assured they are against the American people's interest and will work to subvert Trump's national sovereignty policies until they are discovered. Hence the non-stop turnover within the administration since his inauguration.

Is it because Trump is some sent by God savior of the American dream? of course not. It is only because Trump has (so far) refused to sell out the American people to the globalist, one-world government agenda! The current state of politics in America is anything but normal or business as usual. It is divisive by design (divide and conquer), revolutionary (government overthrow or coup has been attempted and continues to be) and violent (violence is encouraged against dissension to the new world order or religion of progressive-ism). ALL of which has been and is being orchestrated by globalist billionaires.

The deluded younger generations of the industrialized world seem to buy into this lie so easily but no wonder, they have been indoctrinated through public education into every aspect and nuance of this LIE. Humanistic philosophy, sexual deviancy, transgenderism, dependency on government and the panic over climate change are the tenets of this new religion and our institutions of public education are the temples. This fabricated, anti-Bible religion of progressive ideology has already taken over the last two or three generations through the public education systems of the industrialized world. The faculties of which have increasingly been made up of the "priests" of this new morality (against all that is Bible Based) and have proselytized children and young adults into their "progressive religion" right under our noses.

These latest generations are largely reprobate as God describes in Romans, Chap 1. The "Godless" new religion that public education has brainwashed into them has taken strong root and has replaced the God of the Bible completely in their minds. They have been raised by public education to reject the Bible and any Bible-based ideology as racist, homophobic, trans-phobic and xenophobic. Therefore evil and must be done away with. They don’t realize in their folly that they have given themselves over as worshipers of the beast already. A counterfeit morality and a counterfeit "god". Depraved lust, slothfulness, and self-entitlement are the results ensuring that the True God is not retained in their knowledge.......condemning them for eternity.

Why are the conservative pundits missing the point of the left's delusion? Because they are dead in trespasses and sins and are incapable of discerning "Truth" themselves. They falsely apply reasoning to the leftists narratives and are left dumbfounded at the rationales behind their delusion. They seem to be waiting for a logical and reasonable argument from the left. The conservative pundits cannot comprehend the gravity of this delusion. They still live under the misconception that government is supposed to balance out ideas through the American people's election results. Those days are obviously gone in America and will never come back. It is the left's way or death very soon. Think this is an over-reaction? Keep reading friends.

The leftists protect all their own because they believe the end justifies their means and that any dishonesty, resistance, obstruction, violence, crimes and even self-humiliation committed by them is completely justified as long as their “righteous”, leftist agenda remains fully agreed with and keeps getting promoted.

Seems very likely that the climate change/progressive lie will get more and more press, priority and push here in America. It is not going away friends. The sleeping, normal people of the world cannot be bothered with the "lie". They are too busy to care and certainly too busy to do anything about it. This is how and why the LIE has succeeded to become more and more "normal" in the average mindset. We tolerated their fake "new morality" too long and now indifference and inaction by conservatives has allowed reprobate ideology to get a foothold of normalcy in society slowly over the last 100 years. As the end gets nearer the LIE gets pushed on the world more and more by a small minority of globalist billionaires. As verse 11 above clearly states the cause by which the Lord sends strong delusion is that they ALREADY refused the love of the Truth. What if the natural disasters our Lord said would increase as the ends of days get closer propels this strong delusion causing massive worldwide panic and embracing of anyone who may have the answer for the world's salvation. Keep reading......

The Books of 2 Peter and Jude are God's foretelling of the world we live in today. It describes the globalist's progressive-ism and clearly shows us that we are now living in the very last days. Appropriately placed near the Book of Revelation. The left's politicians are blinded by mammon dangled by billionaires and cannot look past their own bellies "as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed by the Lord at His coming". See 2 Peter 2:12 and Jude 1:10.
I am not talking several decades friends. What if Trump’s coup, fraudulent defeat in 2020 or assassination is the catalyst to plunge America and the rest of the world into global socialism? He truly is the only hold out of significance. The United Nations (which has been bought and paid for by globalist's since its inception) has passed international laws against national sovereignty already. Any other hold outs are only because of Trump's stand so they will crumble as soon as he is out of the picture. The United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), World Health Organization all press for open borders globally and demonize any world leader who disagrees with them.

These global elitists have been secretly influencing the whole world for decades to accept liberal political correctness, border-less nations, defenseless populations, gender-less identities, universal health care and wages? Every aspect of their LIE is in direct rebellion with God's Truth by which every person will be Judged.

The goal of the left is a one-world government run by the elite ruling class (under the beast, perhaps?). Oh, the rank and file minions don't understand this. They only understand their brainwashing from media and academia including the false religious of "christianity" thanks to public education (indoctrination) and the media.

Remember when most Christian denominations use to warn against public schools and TV, even the internet when it became popular? Remember when they used to warn against the very idea of a one-world government as the sign of the beast's coming? Most if not all seem silent now. Well, here we are: Now, most of what identifies as "christian" (even the seemingly elect) seem ready for his mark (open border, socialism).

In order to understand thoroughly who the Beast may be and signs of his coming, please see our related article: The Beast and his coming

If this article has you unnerved, make sure you are one of HIS right now and study this related link:
Salt of the Earth and the days of Noah

Jesus was thoroughly from the left.
End of my sermon.
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Basil the Great

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Mar 9, 2009
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Well, the one-world government fear has been tossed around now for a few decades. While it is true that the European Union is perhaps a stepping stone toward a one-world government, it seems very unlikely that we will see a real one-world government within the lifetime of anyone on C.F. Could it happen by 2150 or 2200? I suppose it is possible, but if it were to ever happen, I suspect that it would take a few hundred years or more.

Welcome to C.F. by the way and I hope that you enjoy your time here.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
up there
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While it is true that the European Union is perhaps a stepping stone toward a one-world government, it seems very unlikely that we will see a real one-world government within the lifetime of anyone on C.F.
More likely within the financial realm. After all, he who controls the purse strings controls the world.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
United States
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This article is not presented as prophetic. This is simply a warning to all in regards to the signs of our times and how they match our Lord's end-days Teachings.

But they don't match.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2019
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The notion that a socialist America would somehow usher a one world government is ridiculous. There is a new world order that's beginning to take shape and likely will be in place half a century from now, hopefully without a massive war but I wouldn't count on it. Power is shifting from the US, which is bankrupt morally and financially, towards Russia and China. The world order created after the two world wars is crumbling, something to be expected after 75 years.

The fact that the current order is on its way out does not mean that one world government is on its way in. In fact, I rather suspect Russia and China wouldn't submit to such a government, unless of course they're the ones running it. The reality though is that countries don't have the resources to control the whole world, even the top dogs. The sun never set in the British empire but they only controlled a quarter of the world.
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Κύριε, ἐλέησον.
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Jun 13, 2016
Nashville TN
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This article is not presented as prophetic. This is simply a warning to all in regards to the signs of our times and how they match our Lord's end-days Teachings.

The main stream media outlets seem to maintain unprecedented bias against Trump since 2016 with no sign of slowing down. But is this bias toward Trump personal or is it really toward his policies of National Sovereignty?

What if this bias is not some harmless political rivalry or struggle for control? Seems that is getting clearer and clearer in the media. Seems like the majority of the world's richest men and their political pawns have embraced open-border global socialism and hate Trump for being the only significant world leader against it.

If you pay attention closely to the left's narratives it appears that the globalist's owned media's goal is to remove national sovereignty from the public's mindset plain and simple. In order to win this battle, the left must remove Trump or more specifically, the national sovereignty mindset from the world. Consider for a moment what the big deal is about Trump? The economy is better now than under the previous President. The military is stronger, the jobless rate is significantly down. The world isn't on fire like the main stream media keeps claiming it is. Has the media through unspecific repetition brainwashed the weak minded with the idea that Trump is a racist and criminal and evil. When confronted with questions as to what specifically he has said or done to demonstrate that he is a racist or criminal or evil, they simply repeat that he is.

What is the true issue here folks? Is this a battle between one-world government and national sovereignty only my friends? If you decide that you want to see through the rhetoric for the real motivation, it becomes obvious. Realize this now and you will see what is happening much more clearly. Start listening closely to all sides and you may see things in a different light. Quite frankly folks, if you think America will remain a constitutional republic with a shared balance of power after Trump's removal, than you may not be paying close attention at all.

As it was 2000 years ago, could it be again at the end of the same age? Could God's supposed "people" at this time in history discern the face of the sky but still not discern the signs of the times? I explain why further down this article.

Liberalism/socialism/globalism are all synonymous with each other for the first time in history. What if this is the "lie" of 2 Thessalonians, Chapter 2? READ IT Prayerfully. Has leftist ideology now come of age as one big LIE called "progressive-ism". Will the left soon label their deluded new "morality" as Christ's teachings? Certainly not the Christ of the Bible but rather their perverted version of a false "christ". Seems they are attempting that more and more so keep your eyes and ears open. This "lie" is evolving towards this daily.

Does anyone rational believe that these globalist-owned news outlets, corrupted politicians and world leaders actually hate Trump personally? Do they actually believe that Russian meddling gave Trump the election? Of course not, they are merely the puppets of a much bigger picture. What if they have been brainwashed with riches by the principalities of the air who work through the "great men of the earth"? Our Lord calls them, "the rich men", "the mighty men" whom we refer to as globalist billionaires. These billionaires spend hundreds of millions globally to vilify any Bible based or conservative stand, thought or idea using their financial power to ensure every aspect of their lie is propagated throughout the industrialized world. They go to great lengths to hide behind the scenes but every now and then, they are mentioned vaguely. Names like Rothchild, Bezos, Soros and even the Club of Rome, etc. Currently there are over 2200 Billionnaire families on the planet and they own all of it, make no mistake. All banking and all main stream media. At best, news journalism is a thing of the past. A pipe-dream that probably never truly existed from the start. News in these days however doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. Now it is only narrative being pushed by the owners of the outlets.

After realizing the vast majority of American citizens were not fooled by the Mueller hoax, the globalists then ordered the left to switch their narratives against conservatives to white supremacy. This shift was not enough so undoubtedly more removal attempts will continue to come.

The left's ideology, "progressive-ism" has been building steam worldwide for over a century but as separate and unrelated (until now) ideologies. Seems revealing that all 3 of these ideologies arose in popularity at the same time as a result of the industrial revolution of the early 1900s. Never before were they so interrelated as one ideology however.

2 Thessalonians 2: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. If this doesn't describe the left then nothing does.

Now, think about the term God uses in verse 10 above: with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. If you live anywhere except under a rock these days, one can easily spot this deceivableness of unrighteousness in every single leftist big name or speaker every time they are in front of a mic or a camera.

The democratic political party is the party of the political and moral "left". Its tenants and morality are dictated and controlled by globalist billionaires. The central element of their deception has been to accuse the political right by repetition and without specific evidence, of BEING EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE secretly and overtly. So overtly that they hide in plain sight of their brainwashed minions.

First the Russian collusion hoax of which the globalist's media accused Trump of for 3 years without a shred of evidence turns out to be exactly what the left did and is still doing. This latest coup attempt of quid pro quo in dealing with foreign governments is exactly what the left's leadership has always done. The evidence of which is coming out more and more and may burst open soon enough (if AG Barr does not sell out to the deep state's globalist's handlers, that is, I explain this more further down).

Now as mentioned above, they are accusing the right of what they have always been and definitely still are: racists and white supremacists bought and paid for, self-serving, corrupt public officials. The democratic party has always been the political party of slavery, of the confederacy, of the Ku Klux Klan, of Jim Crow, of Bull Connor. Instead of physically forcing "people of color" into slavery or to the back of the bus like they did back then; Satan has now upped their game against the weak-minded common people "of all colors".

Seems nearly every leftist-run local and state government throughout our country has been riddled with corruption and their own pocket-lining while the actual public they are sworn to serve suffer economically and socially. This is certainly also true at the federal level. Seems every member of the last administration entered office with modest personal wealth but left office gaining multiple millions, even billions in personal assets. Globalist and Chinese pay-offs they desperately want to hide. You see, public office to these types only means their own self-service. They are the ruling class over you and will keep you in slavery. They now use deception, lies, coercion and manipulation with the vast resources of the globalist-owning media. Instead of physical slavery, they now keep their slaves through ideological and emotional slavery. Bribing these deluded minions with the impossible promises of free everything, except free-thought and free-speech. Keeping them oppressed and fully dependent upon the scraps from the left's white, elitist's table (socialism). Satan is a liar and father of it.

Seems every globalist's bought and paid for, leftist big name out there tell lies constantly that normal, average Americans know are lies. They delude the commoner leftists with fake "woke" social justice reform and climate change. Delusion is defined as an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

Not surprisingly but so obviously, they all say the same thing, the same script, scripting by globalist minions. Their plan which is working by the way, is to continue to bombard all media outlets and academia with this 3-fold LIE. Satan knows full well that in order to trick the weak-minded into believing a lie, that lie must be repeated without wavering regardless of facts, historical records, common sense or clear-cut evidence to the contrary.

I know that it seems like they have but these leftist politicians have not gone insane. Globalist influence started during JFK's administration and he warned of it just prior to his assassination in 1963. The deep state has been entrenching in every corner of our government since. The term "Deep state" refers to those in government who do not work for the interests of the American people but rather for their globalists "owners", whether identifying themselves as Democrat or Republican, they have sold out. Since the election in 2016 it has become obvious who is part of the globalist deep state and who is not. By enlarge they identify as democrats but not all are. Many hide as self-described republicans. If a cabinet nominee makes it through the senate vetting process easily, you can be assured they are against the American people's interest and will work to subvert Trump's national sovereignty policies until they are discovered. Hence the non-stop turnover within the administration since his inauguration.

Is it because Trump is some sent by God savior of the American dream? of course not. It is only because Trump has (so far) refused to sell out the American people to the globalist, one-world government agenda! The current state of politics in America is anything but normal or business as usual. It is divisive by design (divide and conquer), revolutionary (government overthrow or coup has been attempted and continues to be) and violent (violence is encouraged against dissension to the new world order or religion of progressive-ism). ALL of which has been and is being orchestrated by globalist billionaires.

The deluded younger generations of the industrialized world seem to buy into this lie so easily but no wonder, they have been indoctrinated through public education into every aspect and nuance of this LIE. Humanistic philosophy, sexual deviancy, transgenderism, dependency on government and the panic over climate change are the tenets of this new religion and our institutions of public education are the temples. This fabricated, anti-Bible religion of progressive ideology has already taken over the last two or three generations through the public education systems of the industrialized world. The faculties of which have increasingly been made up of the "priests" of this new morality (against all that is Bible Based) and have proselytized children and young adults into their "progressive religion" right under our noses.

These latest generations are largely reprobate as God describes in Romans, Chap 1. The "Godless" new religion that public education has brainwashed into them has taken strong root and has replaced the God of the Bible completely in their minds. They have been raised by public education to reject the Bible and any Bible-based ideology as racist, homophobic, trans-phobic and xenophobic. Therefore evil and must be done away with. They don’t realize in their folly that they have given themselves over as worshipers of the beast already. A counterfeit morality and a counterfeit "god". Depraved lust, slothfulness, and self-entitlement are the results ensuring that the True God is not retained in their knowledge.......condemning them for eternity.

Why are the conservative pundits missing the point of the left's delusion? Because they are dead in trespasses and sins and are incapable of discerning "Truth" themselves. They falsely apply reasoning to the leftists narratives and are left dumbfounded at the rationales behind their delusion. They seem to be waiting for a logical and reasonable argument from the left. The conservative pundits cannot comprehend the gravity of this delusion. They still live under the misconception that government is supposed to balance out ideas through the American people's election results. Those days are obviously gone in America and will never come back. It is the left's way or death very soon. Think this is an over-reaction? Keep reading friends.

The leftists protect all their own because they believe the end justifies their means and that any dishonesty, resistance, obstruction, violence, crimes and even self-humiliation committed by them is completely justified as long as their “righteous”, leftist agenda remains fully agreed with and keeps getting promoted.

Seems very likely that the climate change/progressive lie will get more and more press, priority and push here in America. It is not going away friends. The sleeping, normal people of the world cannot be bothered with the "lie". They are too busy to care and certainly too busy to do anything about it. This is how and why the LIE has succeeded to become more and more "normal" in the average mindset. We tolerated their fake "new morality" too long and now indifference and inaction by conservatives has allowed reprobate ideology to get a foothold of normalcy in society slowly over the last 100 years. As the end gets nearer the LIE gets pushed on the world more and more by a small minority of globalist billionaires. As verse 11 above clearly states the cause by which the Lord sends strong delusion is that they ALREADY refused the love of the Truth. What if the natural disasters our Lord said would increase as the ends of days get closer propels this strong delusion causing massive worldwide panic and embracing of anyone who may have the answer for the world's salvation. Keep reading......

The Books of 2 Peter and Jude are God's foretelling of the world we live in today. It describes the globalist's progressive-ism and clearly shows us that we are now living in the very last days. Appropriately placed near the Book of Revelation. The left's politicians are blinded by mammon dangled by billionaires and cannot look past their own bellies "as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed by the Lord at His coming". See 2 Peter 2:12 and Jude 1:10.
I am not talking several decades friends. What if Trump’s coup, fraudulent defeat in 2020 or assassination is the catalyst to plunge America and the rest of the world into global socialism? He truly is the only hold out of significance. The United Nations (which has been bought and paid for by globalist's since its inception) has passed international laws against national sovereignty already. Any other hold outs are only because of Trump's stand so they will crumble as soon as he is out of the picture. The United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), World Health Organization all press for open borders globally and demonize any world leader who disagrees with them.

These global elitists have been secretly influencing the whole world for decades to accept liberal political correctness, border-less nations, defenseless populations, gender-less identities, universal health care and wages? Every aspect of their LIE is in direct rebellion with God's Truth by which every person will be Judged.

The goal of the left is a one-world government run by the elite ruling class (under the beast, perhaps?). Oh, the rank and file minions don't understand this. They only understand their brainwashing from media and academia including the false religious of "christianity" thanks to public education (indoctrination) and the media.

Remember when most Christian denominations use to warn against public schools and TV, even the internet when it became popular? Remember when they used to warn against the very idea of a one-world government as the sign of the beast's coming? Most if not all seem silent now. Well, here we are: Now, most of what identifies as "christian" (even the seemingly elect) seem ready for his mark (open border, socialism).

In order to understand thoroughly who the Beast may be and signs of his coming, please see our related article: The Beast and his coming

If this article has you unnerved, make sure you are one of HIS right now and study this related link:
Salt of the Earth and the days of Noah
You seem to be more afraid of a one-world government, than looking forward to Christ's coming.
If, as I presume you must believe, one precedes the other; shouldn't you be embracing it?
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Jul 23, 2019
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Jesus was thoroughly from the left.
End of my sermon.
The notion that Christ was coming from the modern left is absurd. Jesus never taught salvation by government, he never demanded that the state provide people with anything and he never provided them with such power. He upheld private work contracts.

I don't like putting modern political designations on Jesus. He stood for God's law, not the wicked law created by man. I don't know that this puts him on the modern right but it doesn't put him on the left.
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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Hi wretched,

Question: On what basis do you even believe that there will ever be a 'one world government'? What exactly does a one world government look like? Will there be a worldwide vote for a single ruler to sit in authority over the whole world?

I'm just curious. I know that the Left Behind series promotes this idea of some 'one world government', but I've honestly never found any evidence in the Scriptures that there will be such a government established upon the earth. In fact, in the very last days the Scriptures are still referring to there being 'nations' upon the earth. That they will individually have 'kings'.

For me, anyone claiming that somehow adopting some 'well being for all' (what are usually referred to as 'socialist' policies) is going to bring about some 'one world government' is likely a false prophet. I don't find any Scriptural support that such a thing is ever told to us.

In fact, the Scriptures tell us that we should treat our neighbor as ourselves. Seems to me that socialist type policies fit that command much better. That we care about, and provide for others as we would like to be cared for and provided for, is, to me, a much more godly practice than this 'independent' and 'better than everyone else' form of governance.

God bless,
In Christ, ted
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Dec 31, 2018
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I don't like putting modern political designations on Jesus.
There is the kingdom (governance) of God and the governance of man. The divide is clear and one does not overlap the other.
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