RAD teen son spitting whereever he feels like


Nov 13, 2009
Southern Arizona
Marital Status
Hi all. I am a 6.5 year adoptive parent. We have two RAD kids, now 14 and 15 and a 17 year old who's been diagnosed with a zillion different things. Plus my bio daugther, age 17.

My 15 year old son has recently taken to spitting, inside the house, where ever he feels like. He's been extra rebellious the last few weeks. A couple weeks ago I caught him spitting in the salsa I had just made. Ugh!!!

I am soooooo frustrated I want to scream. If you knew the stuff we've put up with over the years. We have made alot of progress, but stuff like this still comes up and surprises me. Like, where the heck did that come from????:mad:

I am sooooooooo sick of being a parole officer. I want to give my kids freedom but they literally act like 5 years olds. I leave the room for a moment and they are trying to set each other on fire or something equally ridiculous. I feel like I'm gonna lose it sometimes.


Dec 3, 2009
Marital Status
hi ursie! i wandered onto your post today. i am a house mom at a christian children's home. i came here with no rad parenting skills and have acquired them - by way of the school of hard knocks - along the way - but still spend some of my days searching for better answers (except the obvious one - bury them in the back yard!) and you know what? i'm not sure "better answers" are really out there. it's a mirage! but mostly i am writing because just want to tell you i feel your pain and frustration! parenting a rad kid is by far the most challenging, most crazy daily walk through insanity that i have ever encountered. i don't think most of society has even a slight inkling what it is like! but i wanted you to know that i do know! and also i want to encourage you to keep on keeping on! stay the course! keep doing what you know to do! because it's good and right! because God is smiling down on you saying thank you! because at the end of the day (even if you've not done it perfect) you're still there doing it! good for you! so ursie - here's a hug from a stranger that feels your pain and says "good job girl!! sincerely, neese.:)
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