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Feb 25, 2004
Frankston North
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tonya said:
Have you ever had a word from GOD like a promise He gave to you and prayed about it and then went to church and the pastor prophesied to you? if so, please share.
I remember 15 years ago an American preacher I sat under called me, along with others, and prophesied that if I would ask God He would give me the nations. (Ps.2: 8)
3 years later, me, having forgotten about this word, went with a group of 21 to the Philippines.
We saw many people come to the Lord, and saw miracles, like cataracts dissapear from eyes, deaf ears opened, goitres shrinking.
God is gfaithful to His word, even if we forget about it.
Macca. :holy: :preach:
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Apr 15, 2004
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Macca said:
I remember 15 years ago an American preacher I sat under called me, along with others, and prophesied that if I would ask God He would give me the nations. (Ps.2: 8)
3 years later, me, having forgotten about this word, went with a group of 21 to the Philippines.
We saw many people come to the Lord, and saw miracles, like cataracts dissapear from eyes, deaf ears opened, goitres shrinking.
God is gfaithful to His word, even if we forget about it.
Macca. :holy: :preach:
Glory to God!! Praise Him He's awsume!

I was reading the Heavenly man and was lovin it and was so enspired by it and kept asking God, "Lord I want to be a missionary, please let me be a missionary" then after a few days I began thinking it was the devil puttging that though in my heart. So that friday at youth at the end (I had never seen Prophecy at this time) my youth pastor just stoppd and completly changed his expression. He looked stright at me and said,
"Nick what is in you heart is placed their by Him, you did'nt have it their before you were a Christian, keep it up and He sees great harvest ahead"
It cut me stright into my Spirit and it was so awsume, I would have cryed... excpt I was embaraced :blush:

hehe Praise Him!

God bless you, in Jesus name!
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Sep 7, 2004
San Francisco
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active in a secular realm musically, though I would be more involved in the dance aspect. I would go to see live music and have my musician friends in bands tell me that they could always pick me out of a crowd of thousands, no matter where I was by my energy and the rythms I would hit dead on- esp. with complicated percussion patterns. I could go out onto a dance floor, the only one, and within 10 minutes it would be filled with dancing people.

REcently, I felt a word in my spirit calling me to lead praise dance in my area for worship purposes. i've kept it in my heart, but thanked and praised God for so strongly placing the desire in my heart and mind.

I went to a very powerful prayer meeting at a different church than my home church {which I was called to and LOVE and am equally moved by...They just dno't offer a Saturday night service, which keeps my weekends filled!} and it ended up being a nght of Prophetic word. I went to one of the prophetic speakers wanting to hear a word, but not expecting anything n particlar. She said the spirit was telling her that I've been preordained for dance as a weapon against the enemy and that it is going to be a VERY powrful tool, specifically for spiritual warfare and that I'm going to lead many with this gift. {This girl did not know a thing, it was def. a word from GOD!} about 30 mintues later, across the room, anothr prophet came to me- away from the other girl, and told me that he felt God telling him t come to me with a word on dance... and taht basically it was the same message... I have a very powerful annointng, one that may not be used solely in the church, but in the secular realm that is totally harmful and desructive to the enemy- that I will dance ontop of the heads of the enemy and lead others in this worship/warfare maneuver and that it is a gift from GOD and has been with me a long time. He said that I would bve given a specific set of moves and steps, from God himself and that it would just come to me and flow without thinking, the Spirit would take me over. This man had no way of hearing or talking to the other prophet... it wsa teh 2nd witnesses mouth confirmng what I oringially heard frm GOD!!!! PRAISE HIM FOREVER!!!!

:) :clap: :pray: :clap: ^_^
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Feb 17, 2004
This is what was spoken over my life by Colin Urqhart
who in most of Europe is considered an apostle.
"Theres a strong man of God on the inside of you,
God is going to grow and develope and make you into a leader,
others who know you are going to be surprised at what God does in you,
Your even going to be suprised yourself,
because you don't see yourself as God see's you, you dont see it as possible,
You say "Lord i'm so weak i'm so fearful",
God knows what He's putting on the inside of you, God knows what He's going to develope in your life,
And you thought Lord I don't really account for very much amount to very much, That my life doesn't count.
God says "Oh it's going to" because of what i'm going to work in you,
He then placed my hand in his heart.
Now receive from him.
God want to impart something into your heart too something from my heart
something he put into my life, this is another impartation of spirit to you, of anointing of grace, to take you beyond yourself to take you to a level higher than you can ever raise yourself to."

this was said 27.11.02 and i've only just said, Ok God do it.
So please pray as its something naturally scares the pants off me.
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Servant of God
Apr 28, 2002
South Africa
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This happened today with me – the last week or so I had a certain thought (coming form the Holy Spirit) about that I am wrong in handling a personal issue in my life. I prayed about it and went to a special ladies meeting today and the speaker called me out and gave me the word that I am wrong but it did not stop there, God gave me the solution too.
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Sep 22, 2004
I received this prophecy the day I received the Holy Spirit.

“I am your God, your Father. The Father who will forgive your sin. The Father who will heal your afflictions. Come and see, I do a new thing in you today. You will have understanding. You will have my understanding. No more will you wander in the darkness. Many times you have cried, where are you God? I will make My self known to you. Through your pain and affliction, many will come and be healed. I will give you my anointing, my understanding. You will set the captives free. You will heal the broken-hearted. I give you my wisdom, it will rest on your shoulders. You will be my instrument. I will never forsake you, I have never forsaken you. Come and see. I will show you great things. Drink of my wells. Come to my house. Sup with me. I am your God, your Father. I have a mansion prepared for you. There are many things I would say, but you are not ready. I will bless and heal you. You will walk in realms you never dreamed. I have work for you far reaching. Your hands will be my hands. Your voice will be my voice. When I say speak, you will speak my voice in the wilderness. I will be there. I will tell you go and you will go. You will be blessed among men. I will never leave or forsake you. I have never forsaken you. You will know it from this day forth.”

His words do not return to Him void, but they accomplish that which He sends them for.

Grace and Peace to all.
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