Priest pleads guilty to making date rape drug

Priest pleads guilty to making date-rape drug :mad:

Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 09:30 JST

DAVENPORT, Iowa — A 31-year-old Roman Catholic priest pleaded guilty on Wednesday to conspiring with five other men to manufacture and distribute the illegal drug commonly known as the "date-rape drug."

Rev Jeffrey Windy of rural central Illinois admitted to the scheme to make gamma hydroxybutyrate, or GBH, which is called the date-rape drug because it can incapacitate its user and is used in sexual assaults on unsuspecting victims.

Windy, who was suspended from his priestly duties when he was arrested last year, remained free on bond after his appearance before U.S. District Court Judge Harold Vietor. He could face up to 20 years in prison and $1 million in fines at his Aug 22 sentencing.

Prosecutors said undercover agents bought the drug from Windy's conspirator Timothy O'Brien, 34, and that he and Windy were seen making the drug. One of the drug's ingredients was delivered to a church where Windy worked in Sheffield, Illinois. :sigh:

At the time of Windy's arrest, prosecutors said he was apparently driven by greed after witnessing the immense profits available from the drug's sale. (Reuters News)