Personal spiritual notifications from nature


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Jun 23, 2017
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"religion is like putting clown makeup on the face of God" -cloudyday2
The inventors of religions and philosophic theories of all kind, they always obeyd the command of the father of them, since the beguinning, working by the spirit within their bodies in two variances or variants, that be:

1 - To deny the existence of the Most High God, Creator of heavens and earth, and for to achieve this goal to invent countless false theories spreading them as a flood: To this, to invent, and develop, and spread all kinds of false theories that become to deny the existence of the Most High God, Creator of the heavens (various heavens), and of the earth, beside creating followers, adepts and groups through an expressive brainwashing, so that they believe even the most absurd lies, the more fraudulent they can be, the better.

2 - In the other hand, deny not the existence of God, on the contrary, speak of the existence of God and creating countless religions, religions of all kind, twisting the Word of God, I meant Scriptures, the Bible, or the Torah, changing the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things, all them plenly inspired through him-the father of them-, as being him an exclusive ruler of the rulers of them around the world, and spreading A STRONG RELIGIOUS STRUCTURES in whole earth, creating false doctrines, the most diabolical possible, mainly with the demonic worship of creatures instead of the Creator.

Sixty five years after His ascention, JESUS said through Revelation(book of Apocalypse), that from the MOUTH of the red Dragon, the old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, and from the MOUTH of the Beast (the Beast of sea - the Papacy and his universal religious structures through the RCC), and from the MOUTH of the false prophet (the TAIL of the red Dragon-Isaiah 9:v.15-16) come out three unclean spirits like frogs , they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of this great Day of God Almighty, the Lord's Day.

There will be a great battle against the structures of Devil in the Earth as a whole, he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon, and one of the seven heads of the Beast of the waters will be wounded to death or mortally (waters mean peoples, and nations, and multitudes, and tongues).

JESUS warned that He will return after this battle that will be made by Michael here in the world, that is, an archangel, and JESUS said: “Look! I am coming like a thief! How blessed are those who stay alert and keep their clothes clean, so that they won’t be walking naked and be publicly put to shame!”
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