Overly Simplistic


A voice crying in the wilderness
Jul 26, 2004
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All things, not all people.

Do you recall two men by the names of Hymenaeus and Philetus, who, concerning the truth, erred? How did they err? By telling others "The resurrection has past already." What did this proclaimation do? It overthrew the faith of some.

How was their pronouncement able to overthrow the faith of anyone? Because those who were given to that falsehood did not have a solid foundation in the first principles found in Hebrews 6. Those six principles, which make up a Christian foundation, are, even today, not being taught.

Instead, from charismatic pulpits today we hear the repetition of pet doctrines that feed the ambitions of kingdom builders. The hearers, sadly, have chosen to heap to themselves teachers -- those who, with every word, entice them to reach for entitlements rather than true spiritual growth.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
How was their pronouncement able to overthrow the faith of anyone? Because those who were given to that falsehood did not have a solid foundation in the first principles found in Hebrews 6. Those six principles, which make up a Christian foundation, are, even today, not being taught.

That may be, but I'm only saying that while we're running the race, which is the high calling set before us, our sights should only be set on Jesus and not the mistakes of others. God will judge the church as He sees fit. If you're a pastor or elder and someone is causing division or preaching heresy in your camp, then you have a place to stand up.

..those who, with every word, entice them to reach for entitlements rather than true spiritual growth.

The real entitlements are to be conformed to the image of Christ, to know God, and all that Jesus did for us by the atonement. All things are ours, but we'll let our Teacher reveal to us by His Spirit and not be distracted by the "things".

In spite of all of the "movements" you speak of, there's a real movement of the Spirit. If the majority of the church accepts second best, we'll endeavor to walk on unaffected in love and press for the mark. Try not to let cynicism sour your vision.
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A voice crying in the wilderness
Jul 26, 2004
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Even if I was to lead another to the Lord, where I am to send him/her? Certainly not to the fellowships in my neighborhood. The gathering places here are either contaminated with the intense impartation hogwash or are too busy being religious. I know that from experience.

A good example was my visit to a CommunityChurch not far from my house. The group is being led toward a strong anti-Charismatic stand. As I walked into the foyer, I was greeted by a male screener who asked me what my church background was like. Without hesitation, I told him that I am charismatic and that I like to fellowship where God has His way. Immediately he told me that I should leave because I would not find the church welcoming.

At a Church of Christ, just up the street, my brother, his wife and I attended a few "services." My brother's wife suffers terribly with fibromyalgia, degenerative bone disease and she is bi-polar. During our last service, which was not in any way “anointed,” his wife walked to the front for prayer. It was there that she passed out due to medicinal complications. Instead of assisting her, the unbridled zealots at the front proclaimed she had been slain in the Spirit and pushed my brother back, insisting he leave her alone. Knowing his wife well, he told those spiritual ones to get out of his way. He picked up his wife and we headed out the door never to return.

Also, Rodney Howard Browne’s church, The River, is located here. His impartation nonsense dominates the services. So, as you can see, finding a place is no longer an option for me.

A pastor told me once that God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and so we must be especially open to God's use of the ridiculous if we want to follow His moving. Does that sound right to you?

My vision is for thinking to prevail.
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A follower of The Way
Sep 30, 2005
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A good example was my visit to a CommunityChurch not far from my house. The group is being led toward a strong anti-Charismatic stand. As I walked into the foyer, I was greeted by a male screener who asked me what my church background was like. Without hesitation, I told him that I am charismatic and that I like to fellowship where God has His way. Immediately he told me that I should leave because I would not find the church welcoming.


I had a simiar experience, a church member told me to remove my pentacle or leave.

I left
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