Other languages - SIGN OF GOD New Testament with God ....

Believers are not of believing, and after baptism with Svyatym.Vse Apostles were unbelievers until the day Pyatidesyatnitsy.I got other languages​​, as a sign of being neveruyuschimi.Ih prayer in tongues for the disbelievers 120 was a sign and they received the Spirit. Similarly, 3000 in an area of ​​Jerusalem. That's the Lord who were being saved.

And prodozhaet make until the end of this perverse generation.
Onoma -name name; name in the Bible is anything that can be truthfully said of his medium: its nature, character, position, interests, desires, things. Unfortunately, in the minds of Russian (and not only) the name denotes only his letter writing. That such literal worshipers and are pseudo-believers in the name of Jesus. And his name is the essence, the nature of His Holy -Duh, which must be taken in baptism. Do not be fooled about other languages. You just have to understand for themselves the difference between signs and NOTHING. Between them is a huge and unbridgeable difference, gifts of the Holy Spirit does not exist for God. Honoring the gifts you read unscrupulous labor interpreter, to put it mildly.
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