Pastor, Son brutally beaten. Joy from minority language Bibles. Parents shoot convert in leg.


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Jul 27, 2009
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Mar. 28, 2024 | India​

  • Pastor, Son Brutally Beaten for Christian Worship

    [6] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Pastor Zahir and Ashok.
    Hindu extremists attacked Pastor Zahir and his son during a worship service like this one.
    While 80 Christians gathered on Feb. 19, 2023, to worship, a mob of Hindu extremists broke into the church and demanded proof that they had permission to be there. When the mob began to attack Pastor Zahir, his son, Ashok, defended him and also became a target. The two men were kicked, punched and beaten with a microphone stand until they were both bleeding and unconscious. Other members of the congregation were also injured as the mob ransacked the church while shouting Hindu slogans. When the police arrived, they took Zahir into custody and questioned him but refused to accept his criminal complaint against the attackers. Read More.
  • Mar. 28, 2024 | Mali​

    Bibles in Minority Languages Bring Joy

    [6] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Mali Christians.
    Bibles are hard to obtain in Mali, so Christians rejoice when they receive their own copy.
    In Mali, Bibles are scarce and difficult to obtain outside of the capital, especially in minority languages. Front-line workers have been partnering with VOM for several years to get Bibles of various languages and types, including children's illustrated Bibles and audio Bibles, into the hands of Christians scattered across the vast nation. During one recent distribution, 50 full Bambara-language Bibles and 50 Boomu Bibles were distributed along with 250 New Testaments. A brother named Matthew received his with joy, saying, "I am glad to have the Bible in my mother tongue. It will do good for my family." Read More.
  • Mar. 28, 2024 | Middle East​

    Parents of Convert Shoot Relative in Leg

    [5] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Amir and his family.
    Iraqis who convert to Christianity can face violent reactions from their Muslim family members.
    "Please pray that my parents will calm down and surrender to the Lord," requested Amir, an Iraqi convert to Christianity. He recently learned that his enraged parents had shot his brother-in-law in the leg in retaliation for Amir and his family converting to Christianity and fleeing the country. Other members of Amir's family have had to flee for their lives after converting from Islam. Despite the pressure and danger, Amir prays that more family and friends will come to know Christ as their savior. Read More.