ok, i guess this is how it works...

Feb 4, 2002
Marital Status
umm... this story is still in the making, it's what i wrote instead of studying for finals. :) i haven't touched it in weeks.

"It's not me that's changed, Stephan, it's you."
She was hurt. Stephan had been her best friend since the first grade. It had been him she had run to seeking help only to discover there was a larger problem on her hands than she had originally suspected. She winced at his raised voice.

"Me? I've changed? How am I the one that has changed, Kim?"
He never used to yell at her, not until...
"You used to care about people-"

"You're being selfish. Now that I've 'broadened my horizons', like you said I should, you're trying to take me away from my new friends. I don't want to waste my time on ungrateful people."

Kim lookd over his shoulder at his new friends. They were a rag-tag group with a reputation of drugs and wild parties. She looked back up at him, "Are they really friends? They're not the type you've normally hung around with. It's like... it's like they've brainwashed you."
Stephan made a fist at his side growling, "They're more of a friend they you ever were."

She hung her head, "But-"

"Get lost, Kim, we don't have anything in common. You've changed."

He turned and left her standing with her head down. Seh heard Stephan talking among his new found friends then car doors slam and engines start up, roaring off down the road. Tears stung her brown eyes and she whispered to the wind, "I've lost him..."

As Stephan drove away he glanced in the rear-view mirror back at Kim standing forlornly by herself in the parking lot. He felt a sense of loss as he looked back at her. His friend elbowed him, "Hey, let's go by the club. Whatdaya say?"

"Naw, Billy, not today. I've gotta get goin'."

Billy laughed, "You worried your mother'll ground ya or somethin'?"

"No, just tired."

"I'll give ya some of this... free of charge."

"Awww, come on! This stuff's great!"
"I'm tired. I'll drop you off where you want but I'm going home."
"OK, suit yourself. Drop me off at Jimmy's why doncha?"

Stephan stopped at a neat little house and waited for Billy to get out and close the door. Billy leaned in, "She's not worth worryin' 'bout, Steve. Catch ya later."

Stephan nodded and drove home. He slowly climbed the stairs to his room closing the door and flopping on the bed. He rolled over and caught sight of a picture on his nightstand. He snatched it up peering at the two people in it. It was a photo of when he was younger. He frowned, it was from a year ago and he was with Kim, he looked so happy. He tossed the picture into an obscure corner and turned his back to it. He slept through dinner and the net day he continued with his new life. Kim would smile each time she saw him and would wave cheerfully, but he ignored her.The school years passed and Stephan and Kim had gone their separate ways....