"None of His" (Romans 8:9): Three Views


Aug 12, 2007
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Yes, the non-cummunicable attributes of God remain His alone.
We will not be objects of worship.
We will not be creators of universes.
We will not be omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent of have an eternal past living.

But if we are to marry Christ we must be made like Him as a corporate body.
If we are to match Him we must be swallowed up in His divine nature to express Him as His counterpart.

When we receive the glorification of our bodies, then yes, maybe His divine life will swallow us up in His greatness, but while we are down here in this fleshly body, we are still somewhat subject to the problems associated with it.
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Nov 11, 2022
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When we receive the glorification of our bodies, then yes, maybe His divine life will swallow us up in His greatness, but while we are down here in this fleshly body, we are still somewhat subject to the problems associated with it.
Yes, or sure there is a clmax, a consummation of the process ending in transfiguration.
Yes, the destination set before us is this "redemption of the body."

In the we ought to give utmost attention to transformation of the soul.
regeneration of our spirit is instantaneous, happening in the blink of an eye.
transfiguration of our body is also instantaeouns, happening in the twinkling of an eye.

What is inbetween is not so fast. The
transformation of our soul, the medium inbetween the spirit and the body, this takes time.
And we haven't a day to waste.

Now throughout church history I believe more on an individual basis, here and there individual
saints have been matured. I believe many individual believers, and perhaps some small groups of believers
have been read for rapture. They died to await this climax. But they were probably among the
"the spirits of righteous men who have been made perfect" (Heb. 12:23)

Our concern is with the living. I believe that though individual Christians have reached a maturity
in transformation of the soul, these last days, God is preparing a larger corporate group in this.

For lack of a better phrase, I might put it that theTriune God is preparing a "critical mass" of saints.

I think on the four or five continents this "critical mass" of a minority representative group
He will bring to readiness for rapture and transfiguration. A tipping point will trigger their
rapture plus transfiguration. And some of the overcoming saints who await this in paradise will also
around the same time be resurrected, transfigured, and raptured to the third heavens.

The risk of speaking this way is that some may feel I am speaking of an "elite" subgroup among ALL justified believers.
Well, we should not think to be overcoming is to rise above the expected standard of the Lord.
To be an overcomer is only to be AT the standard of the Lord in a normal way.

There is so much I personally do not know. And I am less and less, by His mercy, having itching ears to
know some things not clearly revealed to the church yet. But this I am sure of because of the bible.

Of God's "crop" of all believers upon the earth, some "ripen" early and some will ripen late.
We should want to ripen as His crop early. So our building up together and our transformation of our souls
is very important. If others have not seen this, I cannot deny that I have, by His mercy, seen this.
I hope I cooperate. Each morningmany times I ask the Lord Jesus to give me this day's worth of sanctification.

I think He is faithful to that prayer.
Maybe this much may stimulate some more fellowship between us.
The Lord be with your spirit. jw
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Nov 11, 2022
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When we receive the glorification of our bodies, then yes, maybe His divine life will swallow us up in His greatness, but while we are down here in this fleshly body, we are still somewhat subject to the problems associated with it.
I have strayed from the OP.

I believe the human spirit and the Holy Spirit are mingled. For this reason it is a little
difficult for translators of the New Testament to know when to capitalize the S and when to make it a small s.

I think the Recovery Version has the best result in this in the New Testament.
I think it is not just grammer knowledge that is needed but experience as a mature disciple of Jesus that is needed.

The being led by the Spirit, I think is related to being led always to deny the self to follow
the Lord in our spirit.

For if you live according to the flesh, you must die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the practices of the body, you will live.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. (Rom. 8:13,14)

My experience is that the Spirit is always leading us to say "No" to the soul-life when He enlightens us.
And instead of following the self, we are to follow the Lord Spirit who is in our spirit.
This is learning to pick up our cross and follow Him.

I believe it is as He shines light into our conscience on a certain area of our living He wants
us to die to in order to rather enjoy Him as grace. Then we follow Him as He leads.
This is a life long practice to be learned through many trials and errors until we grow in grace.

We grow in the enjoyment of the grace which is having Christ be our life.
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