me always in Christ. Testimony. I was bought up in a home where Mum & Dad. where the average Christians of that time.

Jul 28, 2022
East Sussex
United Kingdom
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I was bought up in a home where Mum & Dad where the average Christians of that time.

He was looking, from his youth for the answers to life. Of the understanding of self & his place in the world; as most of us have have wanted to get to grips with.

Some of his dad's faith rubbed in to him.

His father was known to go to his knees at the drop-of-the-hat in prayer, as an a Catholic & Apostolic believer. He he had suffered badly in the Boer War 1900.

At about 8yrs.I now remember in the church children group of the local CofE I saw an old wall hanging of Jesus, standing with international children hanging on to him & around him.

Dad almost joined the J.W.'s.

High CofE was our next stop, singing in our choir at the national Choir service in St. Paul's Cathedral gave me a deep appreciation or the joy of praise & worship. The hypocrisy of some of the congregation also opened my eyes to human frailties. After mum found me with a cigarette on the church steps, we went on to the Plymouth Brethren. Where I learnt the the Black floppy bible (I had thought the material bible was a sacred thing) was useful for reminding youngsters; with a thump, to listen & not muck-about. It's more than black print on white paper.

(I now know more depth, to that level of that understanding)

I was a fairly 'Normal' youth. It was suggested I joined the Cubs & later the scouts. I was never very enthusiastic about thing that were seen to be 'Good' for me.

I remember one evening; around 15yrs.old asking the God my mum had told me about, for 'help' with my life of little value. I knew I was a sinner. I believed I was not worthy of having my cries heard or answered, how right I was!

(Now I know, however, that forgiveness is a free gift & costly)

I couldn't see the hand that was held out to me. The life I had became duller & duller, there was no challenge or real self-satisfaction nor had I formed any meaningful friendships. This all seeped into my system slowly.

Praise God He led me to marry a girl (In the WRAF) with similar values & together we unknowingly sought for answers to those seemly unanswerable questions that all of us have asked at one time or another, just as my Dad had done.

The thick shell of self-protection which I had built up over 40 years. cracked in a log cabin in the Northern Territories of Canada. In Aug.13th 1978, as the family sat chatting dusk fell so did I; onto my knees as I ''Gave-in '' to the one who's loved me enough to give His life in obedience to His Father will. The mental aches & pain rolled of my shoulders as I sobbed.

At 88, I've learnt to stay open listening & obeying His voice through the 'living Word', of others spoken via fellowship with Christian's & through the Word preached in Spirit & Truth.

He is & has been speaking & sharing with us continually ever since He chose us.

My sins are not to be given any space in my life or my words or they become stumbling blocks (Boulders of reality!) in the vision of Jesus I crave. He took them all our sins with Him on the cross. Mulling over anything that is temporal has no good outworking.

I have a new creed, new hope a new Life & I'll keep listening & obeying.
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I was bought up in a home where Mum & Dad where the average Christians of that time.

He was looking, from his youth for the answers to life. Of the understanding of self & his place in the world; as most of us have have wanted to get to grips with.

Some of his dad's faith rubbed in to him.

His father was known to go to his knees at the drop-of-the-hat in prayer, as an a Catholic & Apostolic believer. He he had suffered badly in the Boer War 1900.

At about 8yrs.I now remember in the church children group of the local CofE I saw an old wall hanging of Jesus, standing with international children hanging on to him & around him.

Dad almost joined the J.W.'s.

High CofE was our next stop, singing in our choir at the national Choir service in St. Paul's Cathedral gave me a deep appreciation or the joy of praise & worship. The hypocrisy of some of the congregation also opened my eyes to human frailties. After mum found me with a cigarette on the church steps, we went on to the Plymouth Brethren. Where I learnt the the Black floppy bible (I had thought the material bible was a sacred thing) was useful for reminding youngsters; with a thump, to listen & not muck-about. It's more than black print on white paper.

(I now know more depth, to that level of that understanding)

I was a fairly 'Normal' youth. It was suggested I joined the Cubs & later the scouts. I was never very enthusiastic about thing that were seen to be 'Good' for me.

I remember one evening; around 15yrs.old asking the God my mum had told me about, for 'help' with my life of little value. I knew I was a sinner. I believed I was not worthy of having my cries heard or answered, how right I was!

(Now I know, however, that forgiveness is a free gift & costly)

I couldn't see the hand that was held out to me. The life I had became duller & duller, there was no challenge or real self-satisfaction nor had I formed any meaningful friendships. This all seeped into my system slowly.

Praise God He led me to marry a girl (In the WRAF) with similar values & together we unknowingly sought for answers to those seemly unanswerable questions that all of us have asked at one time or another, just as my Dad had done.

The thick shell of self-protection which I had built up over 40 years. cracked in a log cabin in the Northern Territories of Canada. In Aug.13th 1978, as the family sat chatting dusk fell so did I; onto my knees as I ''Gave-in '' to the one who's loved me enough to give His life in obedience to His Father will. The mental aches & pain rolled of my shoulders as I sobbed.

At 88, I've learnt to stay open listening & obeying His voice through the 'living Word', of others spoken via fellowship with Christian's & through the Word preached in Spirit & Truth.

He is & has been speaking & sharing with us continually ever since He chose us.

My sins are not to be given any space in my life or my words or they become stumbling blocks (Boulders of reality!) in the vision of Jesus I crave. He took them all our sins with Him on the cross. Mulling over anything that is temporal has no good outworking.

I have a new creed, new hope a new Life & I'll keep listening & obeying.
Welcome Alex and thank you for the interesting testimony! :wave:
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Christoph Maria

Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return...
Sep 10, 2022
Göteborg, Sweden
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Welcome to Christian Forums!

LORD, those who know you will trust in You.
You have never deserted those who look to You.
Psalms 9:10


"Here is what I am commanding you to do:
Be strong and brave.
Do not be terrified.
Do not lose hope.
I am the LORD your God.
I will be with you everywhere you go."

Joshua 1:9


"Judah, listen to me!
People of Jerusalem, listen to me!
Have faith in the LORD your God.
He'll take good care of you.
Have faith in his prophets.
Then you will have success."

2 Chronicles 20:20


Some trust in chariots.
Some trust in horses.
But we trust in the LORD our God.

Psalms 20:7


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I was bought up in a home where Mum & Dad where the average Christians of that time.

He was looking, from his youth for the answers to life. Of the understanding of self & his place in the world; as most of us have have wanted to get to grips with.

Some of his dad's faith rubbed in to him.

His father was known to go to his knees at the drop-of-the-hat in prayer, as an a Catholic & Apostolic believer. He he had suffered badly in the Boer War 1900.

At about 8yrs.I now remember in the church children group of the local CofE I saw an old wall hanging of Jesus, standing with international children hanging on to him & around him.

Dad almost joined the J.W.'s.

High CofE was our next stop, singing in our choir at the national Choir service in St. Paul's Cathedral gave me a deep appreciation or the joy of praise & worship. The hypocrisy of some of the congregation also opened my eyes to human frailties. After mum found me with a cigarette on the church steps, we went on to the Plymouth Brethren. Where I learnt the the Black floppy bible (I had thought the material bible was a sacred thing) was useful for reminding youngsters; with a thump, to listen & not muck-about. It's more than black print on white paper.

(I now know more depth, to that level of that understanding)

I was a fairly 'Normal' youth. It was suggested I joined the Cubs & later the scouts. I was never very enthusiastic about thing that were seen to be 'Good' for me.

I remember one evening; around 15yrs.old asking the God my mum had told me about, for 'help' with my life of little value. I knew I was a sinner. I believed I was not worthy of having my cries heard or answered, how right I was!

(Now I know, however, that forgiveness is a free gift & costly)

I couldn't see the hand that was held out to me. The life I had became duller & duller, there was no challenge or real self-satisfaction nor had I formed any meaningful friendships. This all seeped into my system slowly.

Praise God He led me to marry a girl (In the WRAF) with similar values & together we unknowingly sought for answers to those seemly unanswerable questions that all of us have asked at one time or another, just as my Dad had done.

The thick shell of self-protection which I had built up over 40 years. cracked in a log cabin in the Northern Territories of Canada. In Aug.13th 1978, as the family sat chatting dusk fell so did I; onto my knees as I ''Gave-in '' to the one who's loved me enough to give His life in obedience to His Father will. The mental aches & pain rolled of my shoulders as I sobbed.

At 88, I've learnt to stay open listening & obeying His voice through the 'living Word', of others spoken via fellowship with Christian's & through the Word preached in Spirit & Truth.

He is & has been speaking & sharing with us continually ever since He chose us.

My sins are not to be given any space in my life or my words or they become stumbling blocks (Boulders of reality!) in the vision of Jesus I crave. He took them all our sins with Him on the cross. Mulling over anything that is temporal has no good outworking.

I have a new creed, new hope a new Life & I'll keep listening & obeying.
Thank for the testimony Alex. May we continue to be open to His Words as He talks to us and guide us in our every breath, amen.
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