Humza Yousaf Resigned After Introducing Thought Crime Law


Dec 29, 2013
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Well didn't last long did he? Who would have thought that policing people for their personal believes don't sit well with the PEOPLE. *Shock Pikachu face*.
The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021, which is what I assume you mean by thought crime law, passed in 2021. Not only was that well before he became First Minister, it passed by a pretty wide margin, with pretty much every vote against it coming from the Tories. That act had nothing to do with his resignation. It was a vote of confidence brought on by his terminating an alliance with the Greens, who all supported the Hate Crime and Public Order Act 2021.
Yet he was so adamant about it too. Every report will be investigated he insisted.
How dare he insist that a law be enforced! The gall!
While the nation is gripping with more pressing matters. He pressed on matters which have no grip. A clear case where ideology blinds you to the reality around you.
Such as your insistence that an act that he sponsored before becoming First Minister is the reason he resigned?
In fact he was not even voted in by the Scottish people. Just by his party.
Actually not true. He was voted in by the Scottish Parliment. Granted he was selected as First Minister because of his position as leader of the SNP, but the SNP doesn't have enough votes to select him for that role without at least one other party in the SP.
Can one say he truly represented Scottish people?
In that he was selected the same way any First Minister is, yes.
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