Book suggestions


Jun 13, 2012
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Good afternoon my friends,

I am rather new to this forum, but in responding to a thoughtful response to one of my posts, I realized how much Catholic thought has informed my spirituality.

In college I majored in medieval studies, so Augustine, Bede, VonHildebrande, etc.. are old friends.

However, Thomas Merton has been and is a continual touchstone for me.

I was wondering if you nice Cathlolic friends could recomend some of your favorites?

To get this started, I am going to plug one of my favorite books, 'An Infinity of Little Hours' It is a documentary book about the Carthusian order, but I challenge you to read it without the book having a spiritual effect.

I look forward to your suggestions.

Yours, JB


I Love You, God!
Dec 27, 2005
Lynnwood, WA
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United States
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Hello JB,

I am Catholic, Apocalyptic author of 'I Love You, God'. I am not Thomas Merton, I am Steven Merten. So if a close rendition of the name carries any weight LOL. 'I Love You God' is built on the great commandment to Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength. The book points out that The Great Commandment is built on God's Ten Commandments. To love God, through obedience to His Commandments, is the Kingdom of God.

'I Love You, God' will then take you through how we are going to go from the state of moral disaster the world today and into Christ's 'Kingdom Come' where Jesus Rules the world as King. Those in Christ's Kingdom are all fully focused on producing the free willed gifts of love for God through obedience to His Commandments.

We have to go through the great Battle of Armageddon. Most apocalyptic scriptures indicate the great battle takes only about an hour. Archangel Michael will be here on earth to lead Christ's troops into battle with Satan. The Church will be on the run from Satan for the three days of tribulation. However, God will lift her up, even the least among her, on wings of the eagle, as He did for Israel on her run from Egypt, and carry her safely into Zion. After the three days, Jesus will then come in His Power and Glory to unite with His Church in marriage. With Jesus, a descendant of King David, Ruling the world, Israel is restored and Christ's 'Kingdom Come' of Zion is born. It is Christ's Apostolic Successors, aka Catholic leaders, who Rule with Jesus in His Kingdom. It is the Catholic Church which metamorphoses into 'Thy Kingdom Come' of new born Zion.

Many of the wicked and pagans will travel through the gates of new born Zion, to be with Jesus. It is through the gates of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Baptism, that they do so. The sick will be healed, the hungry fed and many miracles, signs and wonders will shine forth from Zion, as a light to the nations, calling Israel and the world, home to God. The Nations will stream to Zion.

There will be peace on earth for those who reside within the spiritual walls of Zion. This will not be the case for the spiritual dead, living outside Zion's gates, chained in despair by, their unrepentant, evil human pride, aka Satan.

'I Love You, God' can show you just how this is to all unfold.

I would be honored to have you visit my 'I Love You, God'. Thanks for reading this.
I Love You, God!
Steven Merten
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