Blind guides and deluded followers


Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
Feb 7, 2013
Thames, New Zealand
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Isaiah 9:16-19 Those who guide My people have led them astray and those who follow them are deluded. Therefore the Lord will show no mercy to the youths or pity the widows and fatherless. They are a nation of godless evildoers, everyone speaks impiety. For all this, His anger has not abated.
The ungodly are set ablaze, like a fire it consumes the briars and thorns. It sets the forests ablaze and all is wrapped in a pall of smoke. The land is scorched by the fury of the Lord and the people will be fuel for the fire.

Isaiah 8:9-10 Take note you nations: You will be shattered. Listen all you distant parts of the earth, arm yourselves and be defeated, prepare for battle and be shattered. Devise your plans, but they will be foiled, prepare what you will, but it will not be carried out.

Isaiah 10:17-19 The Light of Israel will be become a fire, their Holy One, a flame – which in one Day will burn up and consume His thorns and briars. The beauty of the forests and pastures will be suddenly devastated and only a remnant will remain.

Isaiah 13:9-13 The Day of the Lord is coming, that cruel Day of wrath and fierce anger, a Day of darkness to reduce the [holy] Land to a desolation and to destroy the wicked there. The Lord will punish the world for its evil, the wicked and proud peoples will be cut down. Humans will be as scarce as gold, as rare as the gold of Ophir. The sky will tear apart and the earth will be moved from its place at the wrath of the Lord Almighty, on the Day of His blazing anger.
Ref: REB, NIV. Some verses abridged.

These Bible prophecies say it all, how the unjust and godless peoples will be brought to account, those ‘thorns and briars’, that is: those who despise the Lord’s people and try to take over the holy Land: will be punished. Ezekiel 28:24 & 30:1-5, Jeremiah 12:14 & 49:35-37

This is prophesied to be carried out by the means of a terrible judgement of fire, earthquakes, storms and tsunamis, which will be fulfilled literally by a Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun: ‘tearing apart the sky’. Isaiah 30:26, Malachi 4:1 That will ‘reduce the land to desolation’, and ‘cut down all the proud and wicked peoples’. Their plans against the Lord’s people will not be carried out. Deut. 32:22&34-35, Psalms 83:1-18, Psalms 7:12-16, Jer. 49:34-37, Rev. 6:12-17

But, after this sudden and shocking event, those who love the Lord and keep His Commandments, every born again Christian, have His amazing promises of the regeneration of all the Holy Land, where they will gather and live in peace and security. Ezekiel 34:11-16, Jeremiah 33:12-13, Isaiah 66:12-21, Joel 2:21-24


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Mar 25, 2024
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Thank you for that powerful message. It really resonates with what is happening now all across our great land. The enemies of life itself are gathering their strength. Emboldened by the weakness of those with the authority from God to stop their sheer evil cult of death. Hamas’ days are numbered. Our days are counting down as well; to an eternity of holiness and exultation of the Everlasting Father. Our Daddy.

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

“Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,
For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid;
I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.”
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Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
Feb 7, 2013
Thames, New Zealand
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Blind Watchmen:
Isaiah 56:9-12 All you beasts of the open country and the forest, come and eat your fill. For all of Israel’s watchmen are blind, perceiving nothing, they are all as dumb dogs that cannot bark, dreaming and sleeping. They are like greedy dogs that can never be satisfied, they are shepherds unable to understand the truth, as they go their own way. They say: Come let us fetch wine, strong drink and we will swill it down. The future will be the same as today or better still!

Isaiah 29:9-12 If you confuse yourself, you will stay confused, if you blind yourself, you will stay blinded. Be drunk, but not with wine, for the Lord has poured upon you a spirit of deep stupor. He has closed the prophetic vision and sealed the means of discerning the future to you.

Jeremiah 14:11-13 The Lord said to me: Do not pray for the wellbeing of this people. Though they fast and worship Me, [but not in spirit and in truth] I shall not listen to their cry on the Day of My punishment. But Lord – their leaders and pastors say to them: you will not face the terrible sword of judgement and they preach prosperity and escape from tribulation.

Jeremiah 14:14-16 The Lord answered me: These are lies that your leaders are misleading the people with. I have not sent them, I have not given them My commission, or spoken to them. They are giving out false teachings, useless advice and their own foolish daydreams.

Therefore, I say about those teachers and pastors who speak falsely in My Name, they will meet their end in My Day of wrath, I shall pour down upon them the disaster they deserve.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 The time will come when people will not stand sound teaching, but each will go after their own desires and will only listen to teachers who give pleasant and easy outcomes. People will refuse to listen to true scriptural teaching. They will only believe fables and fanciful notions. 1 Timothy 1:7
Ref: REB. &

Beasts of the field’, foreigners, non Israelites. Those who have ‘encroached onto the holy Land’. Jeremiah 12:14

Israel’s watchmen perceive nothing’, the veil that hides the true knowledge of God’s Word is upon them and todays teachers, because of false beliefs. 2 Peter 2:1-3

If you confuse yourself, you will stay confused’, Even when the truth is presented to people who think they have it all sorted, they just cannot see it. Jeremiah 6:10

They preach prosperity, the prosperity theology that gives a sense of false security and escape from tribulation’, The very wrong and pretentious idea of a mythical pre tribulation rapture, that lulls people into thinking they need do nothing.

Be sure: that terrible Day will come upon everyone. Luke 21:35, 1 Peter 4:12

‘People will refuse to listen to true scriptural teaching’, 2 Peter 2:1-3, Matthew 24:4

My Day of wrath: The great and terrible Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath. Rev 6:12-17, Zephaniah i:14-18, 2 Peter 3:7 The next prophesied event to happen.

But for those who make the effort to overcome the false teachings, the fictional books that proliferate on the book stalls and all the rubbish on the internet, there is hope: Psalms 78:1-8, Isaiah 55:1-3, Psalms 25:8-9, Psalms 27:11-12, Psalms 32:8, 2 Peter 1:19

Have nothing to do with superstitious myths, mere old wives tales. 1 Timothy 4:7
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Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
Feb 7, 2013
Thames, New Zealand
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New Zealand
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Wisdom of Solomon 6:1-6 Hear now you leaders, take this to heart, learn this lesson, all you who lead My people. Your authority was bestowed upon you by the Lord, your power comes from the Most High, He will probe your actions and scrutinize your intentions. Though you are servants, appointed by the King, you have not been upright judges and priests; you have not maintained the Law or guided your steps by the will of God. Swiftly and terribly He will descend upon you, for judgement falls relentlessly on those in high positions. The lowly and humble may find pity and forgiveness, but those in authority will be called to account.
REBible Apoc.
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