battle stations


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Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
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To see all my reach and teach devotions in Chinese/English and hundreds of devotions in English, please click on this link.


TBL China – The Bottom Line, Ministries

Daniel 9:17-19– Now therefore, O our God, listen to the prayer of your servant and to his pleas for mercy, and for your own sake, O Lord, make your face to shine upon your sanctuary, which is desolate. O my God, incline your ear and hear. Open your eyes and see our desolations, and the city that is called by your name. For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, because your city and your people are called by your name.”

但以理书第9章-但9:17】我们的 神啊,现在求你垂听仆人的祈祷恳求,为自己使脸光照你荒凉的圣所。【但9:18】我的 神啊,求你侧耳而听,睁眼而看,眷顾我们荒凉之地和称为你名下的城。我们在你面前恳求,原不是因自己的义,乃因你的大怜悯。【但9:19】求主垂听,求主赦免,求主应允而行,为你自己不要迟延。我的 神啊,因这城和这民,都是称为你名下的。”

Continue to lift up our church, thanks be to God for allowing us to serve him in relative freedom.


Thank God for Pastor Z and his wife, pray for him, he shepherds five churches.

感谢上帝赐给了牧师 Z 和他的妻子,为他们祈祷,他牧养着五个教会。

Pray for the seven small groups as they meet daily and weekly. Pray especially for the group leaders, all are women. Pray for many men to be activated to lead these groups.


Please pray for the sisters who have unsaved husbands, keep praying for the salvation of many of these dear men, especially Hur, Fung and others.


Continue to pray for our little prayer meeting at 8pm every evening, please join us at that time in your time zone.

请继续为我们每晚 8 点的小祷告会祷告,请在你所在的时区加入我们。

Please pray for X, she loves to dance and sing, she uses these gifts to form a dancing group and shares the gospel. Please pray for her as she is not well educated but loves to share gospel and to dance.

请为 X 祷告,她喜欢跳舞和唱歌,她利用这些恩赐组建了一个舞蹈团队并分享福音。请为她祷告,因为她受过的教育不多,但喜欢分享福音和跳舞。

Please pray for LP, a group leader, who holds many meetings and serves God fervently, but who is a bit like Martha, always serving. Many co-workers alienate their husbands/children by constant service. Please pray that God may give them the wisdom of balance.

请为 LP 祷告,她是一个小组领袖,组织许多聚会并热切事奉上帝,但有点像马大,总是在事奉。许多同工因为过多地侍奉而疏远了他们的丈夫/孩子。求神赐给他们平衡的智慧。

Pray for establishment of powerful Christian homes, where the whole house is serving the Lord, usually one of the people in the house is saved.


Pray for our young people, we have several teenagers in the church, please pray they would follow Christ, with their whole heart.


Please pray for E, my dear student, she is 15. Her father J has lost his job, he is very technically gifted at repairing things, also his wife A, suffers some ill health. They have had to move house recently. Keep this dear family in prayer. E is very gifted and has God’s deep anointing on her life. Pray also as she starts an online course of study.

请为 E 祷告,我的亲爱学生,她今年 15 岁。她的父亲 J 失去了工作,他在修理事物方面很有技术天赋,他的妻子 A 有些健康问题。他们最近不得不搬家。请继续为这个亲爱的家庭祈祷。E 非常有才华,上帝在她的生命中有深深的恩膏。也请为她开始的在线学习课程祈祷。

Please pray for her friend and Christian sister H, who is seeking God’s will for her life.

请为她的朋友和基督徒姐妹 H 祷告,她正在寻求上帝对她生命的旨意。

These people are real people, I only give their initials to protect their identity.



CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
United States
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To see all my reach and teach devotions in Chinese/English and hundreds of devotions in English, please click on this link.


TBL China – The Bottom Line, Ministries

Daniel 9:17-19– Now therefore, O our God, listen to the prayer of your servant and to his pleas for mercy, and for your own sake, O Lord, make your face to shine upon your sanctuary, which is desolate. O my God, incline your ear and hear. Open your eyes and see our desolations, and the city that is called by your name. For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, because your city and your people are called by your name.”

但以理书第9章-但9:17】我们的 神啊,现在求你垂听仆人的祈祷恳求,为自己使脸光照你荒凉的圣所。【但9:18】我的 神啊,求你侧耳而听,睁眼而看,眷顾我们荒凉之地和称为你名下的城。我们在你面前恳求,原不是因自己的义,乃因你的大怜悯。【但9:19】求主垂听,求主赦免,求主应允而行,为你自己不要迟延。我的 神啊,因这城和这民,都是称为你名下的。”

Continue to lift up our church, thanks be to God for allowing us to serve him in relative freedom.


Thank God for Pastor Z and his wife, pray for him, he shepherds five churches.

感谢上帝赐给了牧师 Z 和他的妻子,为他们祈祷,他牧养着五个教会。

Pray for the seven small groups as they meet daily and weekly. Pray especially for the group leaders, all are women. Pray for many men to be activated to lead these groups.


Please pray for the sisters who have unsaved husbands, keep praying for the salvation of many of these dear men, especially Hur, Fung and others.


Continue to pray for our little prayer meeting at 8pm every evening, please join us at that time in your time zone.

请继续为我们每晚 8 点的小祷告会祷告,请在你所在的时区加入我们。

Please pray for X, she loves to dance and sing, she uses these gifts to form a dancing group and shares the gospel. Please pray for her as she is not well educated but loves to share gospel and to dance.

请为 X 祷告,她喜欢跳舞和唱歌,她利用这些恩赐组建了一个舞蹈团队并分享福音。请为她祷告,因为她受过的教育不多,但喜欢分享福音和跳舞。

Please pray for LP, a group leader, who holds many meetings and serves God fervently, but who is a bit like Martha, always serving. Many co-workers alienate their husbands/children by constant service. Please pray that God may give them the wisdom of balance.

请为 LP 祷告,她是一个小组领袖,组织许多聚会并热切事奉上帝,但有点像马大,总是在事奉。许多同工因为过多地侍奉而疏远了他们的丈夫/孩子。求神赐给他们平衡的智慧。

Pray for establishment of powerful Christian homes, where the whole house is serving the Lord, usually one of the people in the house is saved.


Pray for our young people, we have several teenagers in the church, please pray they would follow Christ, with their whole heart.


Please pray for E, my dear student, she is 15. Her father J has lost his job, he is very technically gifted at repairing things, also his wife A, suffers some ill health. They have had to move house recently. Keep this dear family in prayer. E is very gifted and has God’s deep anointing on her life. Pray also as she starts an online course of study.

请为 E 祷告,我的亲爱学生,她今年 15 岁。她的父亲 J 失去了工作,他在修理事物方面很有技术天赋,他的妻子 A 有些健康问题。他们最近不得不搬家。请继续为这个亲爱的家庭祈祷。E 非常有才华,上帝在她的生命中有深深的恩膏。也请为她开始的在线学习课程祈祷。

Please pray for her friend and Christian sister H, who is seeking God’s will for her life.

请为她的朋友和基督徒姐妹 H 祷告,她正在寻求上帝对她生命的旨意。

These people are real people, I only give their initials to protect their identity.

Man, this was another heavy one, so I prayed for all of these people who have had to go through hardship in China. We must all go to our spiritual battle stations, and pray away oppression for a more peaceful world.
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CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
United States
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thanks everyone
You are welcome bro. As long as I am around, I will always step up to the battle station and pray for your country to become peaceful and accepting to your fellow Christians, as well as pray for your students and circle of Christians.
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CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
United States
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bless you alex
Thank you. God bless you as well, and thank you for bringing Christianity to the Asian continent. I am not from there, but heard that Asia has a low Christian population.

All hands, battle stations (Star Trek: The Next Generation reference)
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