• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

  • With the events that occured on July 13th, 2024, a reminder that posts wishing that the attempt was successful will not be tolerated. Regardless of political affiliation, at no point is any type of post wishing death on someone is allowed and will be actioned appropriately by CF Staff.

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anyone have any insight?


Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
A little over a year ago, we lost our son in a swimming accident. I honestly feel like my heart was torn from my chest and shredded. But since then, we have been told about some evil things that were said, but they refuse to say what was said. Plus we have three people in our lives that continue to use our sons death as a weapon. One is family who wants control over us, is jealous and many years ago admitted so. She has said things like how jealous she is of our loosing a son, reducing our son to money, and etc. Another, a young man, seeks attention, and has said things like he (the young man) is so special to God that satan sent a demon to kill him but the demon made a mistake and killed our son instead. He has also said things like he is taking our sons place...(I'll restrain from too many details in all these cases, because honestly it hurts too bad). A third person blamed my husband and pastor of bringing judgment down on us, thus our sons death, because we believe in the trinity.

Bottom line, it's hard enough loosing a child, our son was 18, getting ready for college, so beautiful...it was a freak accident. So why do people have to try to make it harder? Why can't people just leave him alone and us along with him? Why do people feel it necessary to say and do hateful and painful things? I'm so very tired of people bringing it up time and time agian, I just want to rest in knowing he is with our Lord. That is hard enough, but I know he is happy with God, why not allow him to stay there?
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
Wow.. God will make those people regret their lack of control over their tongues.
I have had to remind myself many times that vengence is God's, but what really, really hurts, is that it is what is in the heart that comes out of the mouth.

When we had our first church, my husbands first sermon was on the good Samaritan, he preached on loving, even your enemy. The people got so angry that they threatened his "job". When he didn't give in, they stated and attack on me. When that didn't bend either of us to their demand, they began attacking our kids. In the end, we held our ground till they fired him. Even then, I couldn't believe how very evil and vial the heart can be. God warns us, but I just couldn't fathom it, even after I saw some of it. The only way I survived then, but to believe that they didn't really know what they were doing.

But I also want to testify to the amazing son we had to say good bye for now to. One church my husband was preaching at, got so angry at the word of God, that two of the much older deacon children, physically assaulted our two oldest sons. The son who died was our second. Neither of our boys fought back though our eldest could have put both boys in the hospital. They just took it, for our Lord. What a testimony to our sons love for his Lord. I so look forward to our reunion in heaven and miss him more than there are words to say, but I have confidence that our King has a beautiful crown for our son, and I look forward to seeing it as well as our "baby" boy.

WEll, I guess that is the long way of saying, that I have to stay focused on forgiving, and the last few weeks, my focus has been on my sorrow. Thanks for the reminder, whether that was your intent or not, your post was a great comfort and blessing to me.

May you have the strength to forgive, the power to live for others rather than yourself.
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Kid A

Christian (A)narchist
Oct 1, 2011
Marital Status
A little over a year ago, we lost our son in a swimming accident. I honestly feel like my heart was torn from my chest and shredded. But since then, we have been told about some evil things that were said, but they refuse to say what was said. Plus we have three people in our lives that continue to use our sons death as a weapon. One is family who wants control over us, is jealous and many years ago admitted so. She has said things like how jealous she is of our loosing a son, reducing our son to money, and etc. Another, a young man, seeks attention, and has said things like he (the young man) is so special to God that satan sent a demon to kill him but the demon made a mistake and killed our son instead. He has also said things like he is taking our sons place...(I'll restrain from too many details in all these cases, because honestly it hurts too bad). A third person blamed my husband and pastor of bringing judgment down on us, thus our sons death, because we believe in the trinity.

Bottom line, it's hard enough loosing a child, our son was 18, getting ready for college, so beautiful...it was a freak accident. So why do people have to try to make it harder? Why can't people just leave him alone and us along with him? Why do people feel it necessary to say and do hateful and painful things? I'm so very tired of people bringing it up time and time agian, I just want to rest in knowing he is with our Lord. That is hard enough, but I know he is happy with God, why not allow him to stay there?

There is only one thing you can do - pray for those who persecute you, and who use this situation toward any kind of negative ends. All you can do is love - and let God deal with the rest.

I'm really sorry to hear about this :(. I'll be praying for you, those who are haring you, and your son. Just don't let this tear you down - this is where evil tries to test us. Stay in the light, and love as God commanded, and through the Spirit He will comfort and guide you.

God Bless.
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
There is only one thing you can do - pray for those who persecute you, and who use this situation toward any kind of negative ends. All you can do is love - and let God deal with the rest.

I'm really sorry to hear about this :(. I'll be praying for you, those who are haring you, and your son. Just don't let this tear you down - this is where evil tries to test us. Stay in the light, and love as God commanded, and through the Spirit He will comfort and guide you.

God Bless.
thanks for the encouraging words
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Broken Hearted

Who Cares
Sep 8, 2010
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
Just saw this and you know I love you and that Ill always be here for you. I pray one day that you will have the comfort that you need to hold on to nothing but the truth not to let these people bring you down to their low level of trying to make themselves look like they are the good ones and they are the ones that suffered and not you. Stay strong and keep going forward I know how heartbroken youve been over this and I wish I could just be right there to give you the love you need and many many :hug: to cry with you and let you know its ok that God is there loving you through it. These people have done nothing but be wrong and hurtful to you and I wish I could make them stop cause you dont deserve any of it. Its hard enough cause you lost him you dont need all this other stuff. I pray for comfort for you and for so much love for you. I love you and Im here for you always :hug:
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
Just saw this and you know I love you and that Ill always be here for you. I pray one day that you will have the comfort that you need to hold on to nothing but the truth not to let these people bring you down to their low level of trying to make themselves look like they are the good ones and they are the ones that suffered and not you. Stay strong and keep going forward I know how heartbroken youve been over this and I wish I could just be right there to give you the love you need and many many :hug: to cry with you and let you know its ok that God is there loving you through it. These people have done nothing but be wrong and hurtful to you and I wish I could make them stop cause you dont deserve any of it. Its hard enough cause you lost him you dont need all this other stuff. I pray for comfort for you and for so much love for you. I love you and Im here for you always :hug:
In this weeks sermon, we talked about how we are to rejoice with one another and cry with one another, I'm thinking that makes us family, since we have both cried and smiled with one another. Thanks for being such a dear and blessed sister.
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
Since this has occurred have you poured your heart out to God and asked him why this happened?
I have poured out my heart, asked God for insight, prayed for opportunity and strength to forgive and Love those that hurt us, renewed my mind in Christ, take my thoughts captive, think on good things, etc. In fact, there are many victories I could talk about. But the struggle continues, and I don't have any clear answers, not even sure I ever will this side of heaven...and sometimes, I just need brothers and sisters to remind me that the supernatural God living in me is all the power I need to forgive and overcome the attacks that are intended to destroy.

In fact, we just got hit with another attack, not about our son this time. Have to confront a situation that is very difficult and could result in some nasty things. But God has called us to stand firm on His truth, not cave to the lies of this world and that is what we will continue to do. And from time to time, I will seek out encouragement from my brothers and sisters, both here and in our local circle, because that is what the role of the Body of believers is there for. I will cherish every single one of those encouraging words, hide them in my heart and allow them to help strengthen me when I feel like running, feel like giving up, feel as if it is a worthless endeavor to remain faithful to our Lord. all those feelings are lies from Satan and so I will learn to dismiss them and trust that my brothers and sisters will hold up my arms when I am simply too tired or too hurt to hold them up for myself. We are all part of the same body after all, when one falls, it hurts us all.

Sorry for the rant for a simple straight forward, Godly question. Thanks
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Oct 10, 2011
Other Religion
Marital Status
I know how incredibly profound a child's death may be so I will word this as simple as I can.

When our children misbehave what is the best way to correct them? Indeed punishment. So why would our spiritual father not do that to us? By taking your most prized possession it very well may be a punishment. The attacks may be reminders of something you continue to do. I learned the hard way with a miscarriage. To this very day and all days before I cannot fathom experiencing it again. But the problem was I wasn't getting involved in what God wanted me to. I ignored him and he punished me on a large scale. Some would call this over the edge or mean but it got me doing what God wanted.

Now you on the other hand have had years to love your child...... my heart bleeds for you, truly it does. I do not think I would be a strong as you.....

But perhaps you've done something wrong. The best way I have found to figure out what I've done is to get completely alone. Cry until you have emptied and focus your question in prayer with everything you have. The most important part in asking about the problem is asking about the solution. I now know I was putting off giving out what I got from God. after directly telling me to give out I still did not. And the punishment was brought to me. I now give freely and tell what the Lord allows me to know. I surely do not want to be put in those shoes again, EVER. I commend you on your strength and I pray the Lord reveals to you what is the next step for you and yours. God will separate you for two reasons. Revelation and punishment. Figure out what is separating you and you will have your peace.
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
I know how incredibly profound a child's death may be so I will word this as simple as I can.

When our children misbehave what is the best way to correct them? Indeed punishment. So why would our spiritual father not do that to us? By taking your most prized possession it very well may be a punishment.
so you really want to sit there in your ivory tower and tell me that God is punishing us for teaching the trinity by taking our son? Or that God is punishing us for teaching what scripture says about loving your enemies, by allowing our sons to be physically assaulted to the point in which we thought we would need to take them to the ER????? really, that is your wise counsel? Wow, if God is punishing us for standing firm on His word, I would hate to see what happens to someone who opposes Him...wow!
The attacks may be reminders of something you continue to do.
you mean something like Love Him with all our hearts, minds and exceeding? or something like giving Him all we are or ever hope to be? Maybe you are referring to our denying self so that we can serve Him?
I learned the hard way with a miscarriage. To this very day and all days before I cannot fathom experiencing it again. But the problem was I wasn't getting involved in what God wanted me to. I ignored him and he punished me on a large scale. Some would call this over the edge or mean but it got me doing what God wanted.
I think you need to learn more about God and His amazing Love for you...I mean no disrespect, and I don't know what, how or why you had a miscarrage, but I do know that from the post, you don't really understand God's Love, nor do you understand the difference between a miscarriage and loosing an 18 year old son. Your pain is equally real, but they are far from the same pain.
Now you on the other hand have had years to love your child...... my heart bleeds for you, truly it does. I do not think I would be a strong as you.....
God alone is my strength, and that is not just a cliche.[quote

But perhaps you've done something wrong. The best way I have found to figure out what I've done is to get completely alone. Cry until you have emptied and focus your question in prayer with everything you have. The most important part in asking about the problem is asking about the solution. I now know I was putting off giving out what I got from God. after directly telling me to give out I still did not. And the punishment was brought to me. I now give freely and tell what the Lord allows me to know. I surely do not want to be put in those shoes again, EVER. I commend you on your strength and I pray the Lord reveals to you what is the next step for you and yours. God will separate you for two reasons. Revelation and punishment. Figure out what is separating you and you will have your peace.[/quote]Figure out what is separating me from who? My son, that is easy, physical death is separating us...I don't know of anyone else I am separated from....
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Oct 10, 2011
Other Religion
Marital Status
"so you really want to sit there in your ivory tower and tell me that God is punishing us for teaching the trinity by taking our son? Or that God is punishing us for teaching what scripture says about loving your enemies, by allowing our sons to be physically assaulted to the point in which we thought we would need to take them to the ER????? really, that is your wise counsel? Wow, if God is punishing us for standing firm on His word, I would hate to see what happens to someone who opposes Him...wow!"

Heavens no.... I am not even saying he is punishing you, hence the word perhaps that I used. However look to the natural to confirm spiritual. If a child misbehaves pain is the greatest contradiction to action.

"you mean something like Love Him with all our hearts, minds and exceeding? or something like giving Him all we are or ever hope to be? Maybe you are referring to our denying self so that we can serve Him?"

You can love your father but still misbehave. That much is plain.

"I think you need to learn more about God and His amazing Love for you...I mean no disrespect, and I don't know what, how or why you had a miscarrage, but I do know that from the post, you don't really understand God's Love, nor do you understand the difference between a miscarriage and loosing an 18 year old son. Your pain is equally real, but they are far from the same pain."

Pain is pain. Indeed yours is far greater but at that time, when I learned of it my other children weren't even a thought in my mind. I've been cut, beat up, stabbed.... nothing compared. I know God's love well, but I know his punishments as well. Why would any parent not punish their child. Once again, I'm not saying he is, but if you think for one second God will not punish his children for not doing what he wants them to do then you are wrong. I punish my children as I hope you do. God is no different.

"God alone is my strength, and that is not just a cliche."

Then go to him alone as he will provide your answer. NOT insight, not only comfort but solid "THIS IS WHY IT HAPPENED"

This is all I will say on the matter. Once again I will commend your strength and courage because in my mind you're far more a role model and hero for children than the ones they look up to now. God bless and I pray he reveals to you.
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
Do you know how to use the quote feature, it is really helpful when reading posts, I know someone had to explain to me how to use it....?
"so you really want to sit there in your ivory tower and tell me that God is punishing us for teaching the trinity by taking our son? Or that God is punishing us for teaching what scripture says about loving your enemies, by allowing our sons to be physically assaulted to the point in which we thought we would need to take them to the ER????? really, that is your wise counsel? Wow, if God is punishing us for standing firm on His word, I would hate to see what happens to someone who opposes Him...wow!"

Heavens no.... I am not even saying he is punishing you, hence the word perhaps that I used. However look to the natural to confirm spiritual. If a child misbehaves pain is the greatest contradiction to action.
yep, and scripture also tells us that this world is full of pain and sorrow, and that isn't about correction, it's about the very nature of a fallen world.
"you mean something like Love Him with all our hearts, minds and exceeding? or something like giving Him all we are or ever hope to be? Maybe you are referring to our denying self so that we can serve Him?"

You can love your father but still misbehave. That much is plain.
yep, and sometimes I do sin, but God's Love correction isn't like this, there is no indication, suggestion, or direct link to God's Love correction and something like loosing a child. Why would you think that God would "bring harm to another" just to correct your behavior? Wouldn't that be very boastful on your part, to think that your life and testimony was so impressive and special that God would take the life of another just to correct your sinful behavior? God's correction is of you, not someone else. Just like our child's misbehavior, we don't kill his dog to correct him from running out into the street, rather we allow the punishment to be against the child, through grounding, spanking, etc. God is no different. When He punishes us, the punishment is about us, not about an innocent person standing by that we love. You really do need to find some healing from your loss, but blaming God isn't how you find that healing.
"I think you need to learn more about God and His amazing Love for you...I mean no disrespect, and I don't know what, how or why you had a miscarrage, but I do know that from the post, you don't really understand God's Love, nor do you understand the difference between a miscarriage and loosing an 18 year old son. Your pain is equally real, but they are far from the same pain."

Pain is pain. Indeed yours is far greater
I'm not even measuring "greatness" of pain, please don't put words in my mouth, all I said is that they are far from the same pain, I said absolutely nothing about one being greater or less than another.
but at that time, when I learned of it my other children weren't even a thought in my mind. I've been cut, beat up, stabbed.... nothing compared. I know God's love well, but I know his punishments as well. Why would any parent not punish their child.
Hear me, dear one, God does punish those He Loves, but He punishes us, not those around us. A good father doesn't punish the neighbor kid, or the sibling for what the child does, instead, he punishes the child. God our Father is no different, He does not punish our spouse, our neighbor, our children for our sin, He punishes us. That is why I know without a doubt in my mind that this was not a punishment and neither was your loss. There are truths we can add, but they are really not necessary. God's Love correction, is given to the one who offends, not the innocent one whom we Love. In fact, for God to use others to correct us, would be kidnapping and torture and manipulation, none of which are Love. I really would love to talk to you more about this, I really think you need to find some healing from your loss and I think it begins with understanding that your loss isn't about God's correction, but rather it is about God's Love. If you won't talk to me about this, please find someone to help you understand this concept.

I can testify to you that our sons death was the result of God's amazing Love and grace, not the result of my or my husbands sin. Once we discovered the Love hidden within the sorrow and grief, we began the journey of healing, but it begins with understanding the pure Love God has for you, a Love that without doubt corrects, but not in an evil and selfish way, but rather in grace, mercy, tenderness, compassion, and Love kind of way.
Once again, I'm not saying he is, but if you think for one second God will not punish his children for not doing what he wants them to do then you are wrong. I punish my children as I hope you do. God is no different.
I believe with all my heart that God corrects His children, in fact, I get into a lot of trouble for claiming just that, but I also know that He punishes the child not the people around that child. Your child would learn nothing about what he/she did wrong, if the sibling or neighbor were punished. No, the punishment is to you, not your child, not your spouse...the punishment is yours and when you try to pass that punishment off onto others, you aren't learning what you need to learn, when you see your child as paying the price for your disobedience, you are not learning what God needs you to learn, but instead, you are puffing yourself up as something you are not, you are making God out to be evil, and you are missing the point of the correction completely.
"God alone is my strength, and that is not just a cliche."

Then go to him alone as he will provide your answer. NOT insight, not only comfort but solid "THIS IS WHY IT HAPPENED"
What do you think the OP question was asking? It never once asked why our son was taken from our arms, but rather it was asking why people continue to use his death as a weapon to try and destroy us. The answer to that question is all over scripture and in our hearts as well...because the thoughts of a mans heart is only evil continually...that is the answer to the question. But knowing how evil a mans heart really is, doesn't really bring comfort. Knowing how to forgive, how to Love, how to overcome evil is where the comfort is. The answer is also in the passages that tell us that those who hate God will hate us as well, but that does little to help us understand why or how someone could hate our Lord. You see, you don't even seem to understand the question, how then can you answer it? Our sons death is something I partially understand and partially don't, and that is okay with me, I know without doubt that his death was a Love act of God and I can trust in that, it's called faith. What I still struggle with is understanding how it is possible for man to be so evil as to try to use his death as a weapon of destruction. That kind of evil is just simply outside my ability to fathom. What I still don't understand is how someone could so hate the King of kings and Lord of lords that gave His life a ransom for them, that is still outside my ability to fathom, and so I ask for insight as to how mans' heart could be so evil, how could man hate our Lord so much...
This is all I will say on the matter. Once again I will commend your strength and courage because in my mind you're far more a role model and hero for children than the ones they look up to now. God bless and I pray he reveals to you.
I really would like to talk to you more, even if in PM or emails, your heart needs to find healing and that can only come from the Lord God, and it begins with understanding that what happened didn't happen as a correction of you, but rather it was a Love gift from God to you.
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Senior Member
Jun 26, 2007
Marital Status
I know how incredibly profound a child's death may be so I will word this as simple as I can.

When our children misbehave what is the best way to correct them? Indeed punishment. So why would our spiritual father not do that to us? By taking your most prized possession it very well may be a punishment. The attacks may be reminders of something you continue to do. I learned the hard way with a miscarriage. To this very day and all days before I cannot fathom experiencing it again. But the problem was I wasn't getting involved in what God wanted me to. I ignored him and he punished me on a large scale. Some would call this over the edge or mean but it got me doing what God wanted.

Now you on the other hand have had years to love your child...... my heart bleeds for you, truly it does. I do not think I would be a strong as you.....

But perhaps you've done something wrong. The best way I have found to figure out what I've done is to get completely alone. Cry until you have emptied and focus your question in prayer with everything you have. The most important part in asking about the problem is asking about the solution. I now know I was putting off giving out what I got from God. after directly telling me to give out I still did not. And the punishment was brought to me. I now give freely and tell what the Lord allows me to know. I surely do not want to be put in those shoes again, EVER. I commend you on your strength and I pray the Lord reveals to you what is the next step for you and yours. God will separate you for two reasons. Revelation and punishment. Figure out what is separating you and you will have your peace.

I gotta say I'm a little :eek: at this response. I feel quite heartsore that this is the picture that you have of our Father.

Discipline does not equal punishment and I do not believe for one second that people have miscarriages, lose loved ones etc. because God is punishing them.

I don't believe that God punishes us. If I did I would be giving more power to my sin than to the power of the Cross. I believe that Jesus has taken our punishment, past present and future on Himself. I DO believe that God allows us to face the consequences of poor choices we have made, but that is very different to punishment. I pray that God would reveal his unconditional love and amazing grace to you that you would realize that it
doesn’t matter what you've done, what sins you have committed, God's grace means you are loved, forgiven and accepted because of what Jesus has done.

To the OP, I'm so terribly sorry that you have experienced the pain of losing a child, and on top of that the pain that others add. Praying for strength for you, and for wisdom to know how to deal with all the negative comments that come your way. :prayer:
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
To the OP, I'm so terribly sorry that you have experienced the pain of losing a child, and on top of that the pain that others add. Praying for strength for you, and for wisdom to know how to deal with all the negative comments that come your way. :prayer:
Thanks, that means a lot, especially since there was another one yesterday.

As to the idea of punishment, let me simply refer you to Hebrews 12:6...because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."

The problem is that that punishment is never taking a child, or spouse, etc. That punishment is a much more gentle correction, in fact, one such punishment mentioned in scripture is that of consequences for our actions. He let's us go our own way, and face the consequences of those choices. There are a couple others mentioned, but that is one of the big ones.
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
Okay...I need to vent a moment...it's hard enough loosing a child...every day I think of him, long to see what choices he would have made. He was planing on going to college this year, and he would have met people, maybe a girl, he had worked so hard to overcome dyslexia and it would have been so good to see how much that work helped him in college...I miss him more than words can say, and even the thought of him, brings such a hole in my heart, all I have is tears to express it.

Yet last week, family member started in again. This time, it was coupled with other things, and I felt like taking a gun and ending their painful reign. I didn't act on it or entertain the thought, but I felt it none the less. With holidays coming up, it's only gonna get worse. I'm so depressed and angry, mixed with hurt and compassion for those that don't know what they are doing. Why can't they just let it be...why can't they just let us hurt, find some solace, and keep their evil to themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For 51 years, I have been enduring, forgiving, enduring, forgiving. I'm tired, I'm so desperate to just be done with all of the constant pain. Then, our son died, and a new pain came, a pain unlike anything else, but they magnify that pain with their evil and hateful words. I want to cut all ties, and yet, God commands me to Love. I'm soooooo tired....so tired. Why can't they just leave us alone? I would rather suffer this pain of loss alone, than to have them constantly be throwing their evil venom at us. I'm so tired...soo very tired.

Well, enough venting, enough feeling sorry for ourselves, there are kids to care for, work to be done, and forgiveness to find hidden behind the anger and hurt. Wish I was enough to warrant love, at least the love of a parent.
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Oct 10, 2011
Other Religion
Marital Status
razzel, I was to leave you alone after the "flaming" thing I was reported on but I will tell you this. I went to God about you and I saw his arm around you. You are a daughter. You are protected. That much I saw clearly. I will not state more than this in fear you take my words for something they're not but believe without a shadow of a doubt I've seen myself the arm that holds you. Hold strong until God calls.
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
razzel, I was to leave you alone after the "flaming" thing I was reported on but I will tell you this. I went to God about you and I saw his arm around you. You are a daughter. You are protected. That much I saw clearly. I will not state more than this in fear you take my words for something they're not but believe without a shadow of a doubt I've seen myself the arm that holds you. Hold strong until God calls.
Why....you didn't need to be banned or reported for flaming....I don't understand...your hurting too...I'm so sorry this happened to you, I don't get it. You spoke what was on your heart, that isn't flaming...you need to understand God's correction, but that isn't flaming either...thanks so much for being brave enough to come back and speak with me, I so appreciate it, and your encouraging words. Thanks....it took a lot for you to come back and that strength says a lot of good things about your character...it's a pleasure to know you.
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Nov 8, 2003
Marital Status
I realize this might make me sound crazy, but right now, I feel like I am hurting my family, just by existing, because if I didn't exist, these people who say these things and do these things, wouldn't be part of their lives. I know that sounds nuts, but if it wasn't for me and me being born into that family, my own family wouldn't have to endure much of the pain they are right now...argh, I want to cry my eyes out, cocoon myself from everyone, and just hide...
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Jun 26, 2007
Marital Status
Didn't have much to add except to say that I'm still praying for you, sorry you're having such a hard time with these people. I'm praying not only for wisdom for you to know how to handle things, but also that God would really work on the hearts of these people that they would understand how much hurt they are causing. :prayer:

razzel, I was to leave you alone after the "flaming" thing I was reported on but I will tell you this. I went to God about you and I saw his arm around you. You are a daughter. You are protected. That much I saw clearly. I will not state more than this in fear you take my words for something they're not but believe without a shadow of a doubt I've seen myself the arm that holds you. Hold strong until God calls.

I just wanted to quickly add, I'm sorry that you were reported. I hope I didn't come across as judging you in my last post, I really didn't mean to. :hug:I could see you were hurting and I felt sad more than anything else. I just re-read my post and I don't want you to think because of it that I was the one who reported you. I would never report somebody for having a differing opinion on whether or not God punishes us by causing miscarriages etc. Praying for you too. :prayer:
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