Allegedly physically abused twin contemplates suicide (Guyana)


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Jun 23, 2011
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Twenty-five-year-old Thakdall Narayan of 250 Crane Housing Scheme, West Bank Demerara) is an emotional wreck, contemplating suicide. The young man, who says he sees no reason to continue living, is at the point of giving up from years of alleged physical abuse at the hands of his twin brother Totaram.

Yesterday, Thakdall in tears told this newspaper that that he is presently living with his mother and father, Nirwali and Bagwandat Narayan.He said his abusive brother Totaram lives in a sepa
rate apartment in the same yard and from since 2015 has been physically abusing him, causing bodily injuries. He said he would normally report the matter to the police, but by the time the police can arrive, his mother would have already sent away the abusive brother to stay with relatives, but kept in constant telephone contact with him to alert him of the many police visits.

Allegedly physically abused twin contemplates suicide

*** Guyana or Greenland has the highest suicide rate in the world

At a staggering rate of 44.2 suicides per 100,000 people (the global average is 16 per 100,000) the small nation of Guyana in South America has the highest rate of suicide in the world. And with fewer than 10 full-time psychiatrists in the country, a shortage of social workers or psychologists and no operating crisis hotline, there are limited options for those seeking help.

No one factor can explain Guyana’s shockingly high suicide rate. Health workers have pointed to the deep poverty in rural areas, the prevalence of alcohol abuse (which is notorious for its contribution to successful suicides) and the ease of access to deadly substances. Some scholars have theorised that exposure to certain herbicides and pesticides used in the country makes farmers more prone to suicidal behaviour.

Because of a strong stigma and a lack of resources in Guyana, suicide as a public health issue has fallen by the wayside. Efforts by the ministry of health in the last few years have been nominal, and those interventions that have taken place seem misguided at best.

Guyana: mental illness, witchcraft, and the highest suicide rate in the world
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