• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist



Regular Member
Sep 22, 2004
Hey everybody, my name is Jim and I am an alcoholic. Happy to be here with you. I'm 27 yrs. in A.A., 19 yrs continuously sober. Happy to be sober,saved,spirit-filled. Happy because I choose to be. God made that possible. I use to tell people I wouldn't know happy if I tripped over it. LOL. Man, I was a miserable person, oozing self- pity from every pore. All I can say is if I can do it anybody can. God loves you and I do too......And there is nothing you can do about it.
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Senior Contributor
Nov 4, 2002
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mustang_94 said:
Hey everybody, my name is Jim and I am an alcoholic. Happy to be here with you. I'm 27 yrs. in A.A., 19 yrs continuously sober. Happy to be sober,saved,spirit-filled. Happy because I choose to be. God made that possible. I use to tell people I wouldn't know happy if I tripped over it. LOL. Man, I was a miserable person, oozing self- pity from every pore. All I can say is if I can do it anybody can. God loves you and I do too......And there is nothing you can do about it.
Praise God!!! What a wonderful testimony!:clap:
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May 10, 2004
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i agree with old rooster on that one. it is a struggle for me, for i still have to go for counseling, but i haven't been drunk in nearly 2 months now. i feel different. getting the alcohol out of my system has enlightened to take hold of life, meaning the struggle part of it, and deal with it face to face, instead of looking at it through the end of a bottle neck. i still dont' know what i'm going to do about drinking a drink again or not. i find it better to not worry about it and just live life with dealing with this struggle soberly, and if i fail, i run back to the arms of God for help and to the arms that love me purely and unconditionally.

the struggle part of it is, dealing with life's struggles soberly, when your used to going to the bottle from a long hard day at work, or a breakup or a fight with a family member or a friend, or for whatever reason. the struggle also include breaking plans to be with friends who are going to be drinking that day or night, because you know how you could fall right back into it. the struggle is also to not deal with the problem by using alcohol, and thus being numb from it. and it's a happy struggle because it's real life. being sober when bad times comes is real life, feeling the real world and feeling the emotional and mental pain is part of the real world, which dealing with it sober makes you stronger which in the end makes me happy.

and another reason to be happy while your struggling with alcohol is when you succeed, you have more money in your pocket :thumbsup:
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Aug 4, 2004
Hey My Mum Is An Alcoholic What Do I Do About It. I Have Talked To My Youth Pastor And He Is Going To Talk To My Mum. But What More Can I Do?? Please Help. My Mum Doesnt Think She Has A Problem She Drinks Every Night When She Gets Home Which Is About 3:30pm And Doesnt Stop Until Its So Late. The Other Night Is Was Up Til 1:30 Drinkin And She Couldnt Walk And She Broke Her Toe And Yeah Im Really Stuck. I Have Witnessed To Her And Told Her What God Has Done In My Life And Its So Because Im Only 14 And I Have Had To Live With This Forever. Its A Night Mare. Will God Save Her If She Doesnt Turn To Him B4 She Dies. Will That Mean I Will Never See Her Again. I Love Her Even Though She Hurts Me Mentally And Spiritually. I Will Miss Her... Will God Save Her ? I Pray For Her Every Night.!!!!!
Please Help!!!!
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May 10, 2004
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Paris said:
Hey My Mum Is An Alcoholic What Do I Do About It. I Have Talked To My Youth Pastor And He Is Going To Talk To My Mum. But What More Can I Do?? Please Help. My Mum Doesnt Think She Has A Problem She Drinks Every Night When She Gets Home Which Is About 3:30pm And Doesnt Stop Until Its So Late. The Other Night Is Was Up Til 1:30 Drinkin And She Couldnt Walk And She Broke Her Toe And Yeah Im Really Stuck. I Have Witnessed To Her And Told Her What God Has Done In My Life And Its So Because Im Only 14 And I Have Had To Live With This Forever. Its A Night Mare. Will God Save Her If She Doesnt Turn To Him B4 She Dies. Will That Mean I Will Never See Her Again. I Love Her Even Though She Hurts Me Mentally And Spiritually. I Will Miss Her... Will God Save Her ? I Pray For Her Every Night.!!!!!
Please Help!!!!
the best advice i can personally give, is continue with what your doing. keep praying, keep seeking help from the family of God with this. keep showing her love, and do the best you can to show her love when she hurts you emotionally or when she is drunk. Only God can change her, and hopefully God will use you as a seed to change her life. Leave the rest up to God about if she dies where she will be going, that is up to God to decide. just keep doing what your doing, and hopefully she will change her life.

it's not as simple as it may sound to try to lead someone away from the bottle. usually, when someone is an alcoholic, or someone is having a drinking problem, that means there are other complicated problems inside that is fueling the desire to drink. so, i would advise again just continue to be there for her. continuely pray and leave everything in the hands of God, for God is the only One big enough to deal with all this kind of stuff and more. God Bless you!
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