A Most Unusual Match



My rendition of I Samual chapters 12-17:
As the events transpire we can see God leading David, just a teen ager, to the day when he will meet with Goliath. Lets step back and gather the whole picture. The elders of Israel felt that the nation needed to keep pace with the rest of the world so they told Samual that they needed a king. God gave Israel their king. At first things seem to be going fine. But as time went on King Saul's leadership started to fall apart while the Philistines were gathering strength. And before you knew it Israel is facing a gigantic problem. He is nine feet tall, his weapons are a javelin, a spear and a sword. His name is Goliath and he has never loss a fight. And no one dares to challange him. David comes to the battle line while on an errand for his father. He hears the taunts come from Goliath's mouth, words that scoff at God. This makes David angry and he replies, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?" The son of Jesse goes to King Saul and tells him that he wants to take on Goliath. The King's response is the same response you and I hear from the world, "you are not able". Yet David tells King Saul that God has enabled him to fight Goliath. What a unusual pair they make, David and Goliath. Goliath who has spent his life in perfecting hand to hand combat. David who has spent his days watching his father's sheep and talking to God. Physically speaking it is impossible for David to defeat Goliath and yet David does defeat him. The point of this Most Unusual Match is clear ~ it is the grace of God that defeats the giants in our life. You and I are physically unprepared for what giants we meet. But the Lord Jesus steps forth and says, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness" (II Cor.12:9). Through Christ we can face our giants and say, "I am not afraid of you and I do not have to obey you, I am dead to sin and alive in Christ". Thank God for His Son!